Gabriel, a well-known presence in the mythical world of Christ.

Prominent and noble, he is also the strongest eight-winged seraph on the side of Christ's heaven.

Belongs to the first position among the angels.

It is also an important responsibility to protect the holy land of heaven and the Garden of Eden.

It can be said that on the side of the mythical heaven of Christ, Gabriel is a figure under Jesus, one person under ten thousand.

It is also on a par with the most powerful fallen angel Lucifer.

"Gabriel ......"

Mo Yu was not too surprised, he had already had such a guess with the momentum of the other party before.

In the world of Christian mythology, the eight-winged seraphim is also rare, and there can be such a terrible killing intent.

And only Gabriel.

"I didn't expect it to be the famous archangel Gabriel, who was poor and polite. "

Mo Yu smiled and bowed.

At this time, Gabriel was stunned.

"You know my name?"

"Of course. Mo Yu nodded, the smile on his face was very mysterious, and said: "Poor Dao knows more than that, if Poor Dao is not wrong, millions of years ago, it was the fallen angel Lucifer who sealed you here." "


At this time, Gabriel's eyes changed, and he looked at Mo Yu in disbelief.

He didn't expect Mo Yu to even know about Lucifer.

In an instant, its heart was shocked, and Mo Yu became more and more mysterious in its eyes.

"It's Lucifer ......"

Gabriel sighed, not daring to ask who Mo Yu was.

He said, "Millions of years ago, a terrible dark substance appeared in the world of Christian mythology, like the darkness of all ominous breaths!"

Speaking of this, the archangel's eyes suddenly swelled with hatred, so much so that his face distorted a little.

Mo Yu did not interrupt the other party and listened quietly.

Behind, however, the monkey was startled.

"Isn't this the darkness that Rahu created!"

It is true that the dark substance in Gabriel's mouth must be darkness.

It seems to represent the ominous aura of all the heavens, infecting and devouring all living beings.

In the darkness, there are a group of monsters who choose people to devour.

No one responded to the monkey's surprise, because at this time Xiong Da and Yanagi were equally shocked.

"Brother Monkey, listen to him. After the bear finished speaking, he stared intently at Gabriel on the cross.

At the same time, the latter's voice with monstrous hatred sounded again.

"Dark matter has descended on the world of Christ mythology, causing the ...... of the end times"

Speaking of which, Gabriel's eyes were painful, as if he recalled some scenes that he would never forget.

Mo Yu shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, he had obviously guessed it.

Darkness descends and brings apocalyptic disaster to any world.

"Perhaps on that day, countless souls died in the mythical world of Christ......"

With a sigh in his heart, Mo Yu didn't make a sound, because no matter what he said at this time, it was useless, and the fact had already happened.

Gabriel's emotions were obviously very agitated at this time, but he was quickly forced to calm down.

"Darkness has descended, the world of Christ mythology has suffered the tribulation of the last days, and too many living beings and fellow citizens have died......

And later, the demon king of hell, who had been calm for a long time, Satan actually came into contact with the darkness!

He led all his men out of the world of Christ mythology, so I obeyed God's word and chased after him.

At that time, I didn't expect that this place was actually the other side of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms!"

Speaking of this, Gabriel couldn't help but get excited again.

"And this is the lair of darkness, and the demon king Satan was actually bewitched and incarnated into such an ominous dark creature.

That's something I won't allow!"

"So it took you a long time to find this place and fight the Demon King Satan?" Mo Yu continued.

Gabriel sighed abruptly when he heard this, and the excited expression on his face slowly calmed down, replaced by a kind of helplessness.

"After the Demon King Satan turned into darkness, his strength was even more incomprehensible, and it took me a long time to find Lucifer here......"

"I see. Mo Yu nodded, there was no surprise in his eyes.

The horror of darkness is like this, capable of devouring other living beings, and even the entire world to increase its own strength.

With the strength and brutal character of the demon king Satan, God knows what kind of killing was caused, and his strength will inevitably increase significantly.

Moreover, Gabriel could not have been the opponent of the demon king Satan in the first place, after all, he was the equivalent of his immediate boss, God Jesus.

In the same way, Lucifer, the fallen angel who followed the demon king Satan, must have become much stronger after turning into darkness.

Gabriel and Lucifer, in Mo Yu's impression, the strength of the two archangels is five-five.

One side suddenly became stronger, which naturally upset the balance, and Gabriel was no longer Lucifer's opponent.

And the result is exactly like this, in Gabriel's telling, Mo Yu also understood all the experiences.

Millions of years ago, darkness descended, representing Rahu's contact with the demon king Satan, who left the world of Christ mythology and came to this fantasy heaven and earth with some kind of condition or temptation.

At that time, although the reason for the heaven side was unknown, darkness came, causing a lot of killing, and the demon king Satan disappeared inexplicably with the fallen angels of hell.

This naturally attracted the attention of God Jesus, and Gabriel was ordered to bring some angels to this fantasy heaven and earth.

Gabriel was shocked to see another world, but he did not forget his mission.

But helplessly, he couldn't find the traces of the demon king Satan and the fallen angels here.

After searching and exploring all the way, but after a long time of no results, Gabriel led the angels to set up a temporary base in the ruins.

The current ruins were actually built by Gabriel, which is why the broken buildings are slightly sacred.

As for the fallen angel with black wings carved into the building, Gabriel deliberately did so.

"No matter what, I will never forget God's mission!"

This was Gabriel's exact words, and this situation was beyond Mo Yu's expectations at the beginning.

I didn't expect this to be Gabriel's territory.

And it wasn't until millions of years ago that Lucifer, who had turned into darkness and strengthened his strength, came here with a group of fallen angels.

Gabriel pursued and came to this side, the Demon King of the Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds, and Satan's side naturally knew.

It is regarded as a thorn in the side, but because it has just come to this world, it is greedy to 'enjoy' the pleasure of increasing its strength like incarnating into darkness.

So this place was temporarily forgotten by them until millions of years ago, when Lucifer came.

To destroy everything about this place completely!

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