The monkey speaks, and is always not polite.

The straightforward character is the Monkey King.

The appearance of the mythical world of Christ in this fantasy heaven and earth must be inseparable from Rahu and darkness.

It's just that now it's facing a new problem.

"Why is there such a degree of destruction in this place where faith in Jehovah has been?"

Yanagi asked a crucial question.

It is true that Yahweh is an existence comparable to a saint, not to mention the god king Zeus of ancient Greek mythology, who directly sent two gods to snipe Mo Yu and others after his idol was destroyed.

This is still not so important for the promotion of belief in ancient Greek mythology in this fantasy heaven and world.

The god-king Zeus was already angry to this extent, after all, when he went to the world where the statue of Zeus was.

Although there are many believers there, it is for the belief in the mythical world for the creatures in the Dongxuan world.

There is no comparison between the two at all, and it can be said that among the heavens, the beliefs of the ancient Greek mythological world seem to be a little shabby.

Although there must be many places of this kind of faith, there are still many scattered in this endless starry sky.

But it's a similar scenario, and the god-king Zeus doesn't care about these at all.

Maintain the rightful superiority, and look down on the creatures in this fantasy heavens and worlds.

Therefore, this kind of thing is a believer, that is, it means that sending some low-level gods and getting some gods is over.

I don't even bother to manifest miracles or anything.

However, this world of Christian mythology is obviously much more serious than the world of ancient Greek mythology about absorbing the power of faith from the creatures in this universe.

Although the ruins are now dilapidated, you can still feel the glory of the time when they were intact.

Although it is still not as good as the foundation laid by Mo Yu in the Dongxuan Great World, it is still much stronger than the god king Zeus.

Of course, the reason for this is that Mo Yu also knows that although the world of Christian mythology is powerful, it is not as complete as the world of ancient Greek mythology.

You can even find stories about any god on the hill of Olympus in the stories of the ancient Greek mythological world.

What's more, there are so many gossip stories related to the god-king Zeus.

It was quite exciting, and even Mo Yu remembered that he occasionally discussed these with his friends when he had nothing to do in his previous life.

Of course, I won't mention any of this at this time.

In Mo Yu's view, the appearance of the Christian mythological world here must be related to Rahu and darkness.

Although the names of Yahweh and Jesus in the mythical world of Christ are above all else.

But don't forget, there is still a rather unique species in this mythological world.

That's the angels.

Speaking of angels, Mo Yu is naturally impossible to be unfamiliar with, and there are even some familiar names in his mind.

Take Gabriel and Lucifer, for example.

These two names are also familiar in the later generations where Mo Yu once was.

Of course, the classification of angels is also complicated.

In Mo Yu's memory, there are archangels, power angels, power angels, energy angels, main angels, seat angels, wisdom angels, seraphic angels and the like.

Ordinary angels are the lowest, and Seraphs are the highest.

Of course, on this basis, these angels in the myth of Christ are divided into two-winged, four-winged, six-winged, and even eight-winged and so on.

In my impression, Gabriel is an eight-winged seraphim, very powerful.

"By the way, speaking of these angels, one more thing comes to mind......"

Thinking of this, Mo Yu's thoughts suddenly froze.

Because of the angels involved in the mythical world of Christ, he remembered another thing.

That is angels and fallen angels, and Lu Xi is.

And this also involves a terrible existence in another Christ mythological world.

Satan, the Demon King!

This is the existence that fights against God Jesus, ruling over the hell of the mythical world of Christ, which is equivalent to the mythical world of the Netherworld.

Of course, according to the memories of Mo Yu's previous life.

There are also many legends and theories about the demon king Satan.

But the one he felt was the most reliable.

It is rumored that the demon king Satan was once an angel, and he was also the highest level of the Seraph, but in the end he wanted to take the place of the creator Jehovah.

So he fell into a fallen angel, and was the first fallen angel in the mythical world of Christ.

Thus in the mythical world of Christ, the struggle between heaven and hell, between angels and fallen angels, was completely fought.

"Let the matter of whether the Lord and Jesus are here be put aside for a moment, but it seems that Satan, the demon king, must be here. "

Mo Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed, because when he remembered something related to the Demon King Satan, he immediately looked at this ruin again.

It's true that there used to be a variety of churches here.

In the church, both the sculptures and the statues of the gods are angels.

Of course, at this time, the shadows of angels can also be seen on some of the wood that has not been completely burned through the ruins of the ruins.

But if you pay attention at this time, the color of these angel carvings used to be black!

It wasn't burned by fire!

The belief here is in fallen angels!

That is, the place where the demon king Satan is believed.

With this layer of discovery, Mo Yu's heart suddenly turned upside down.

There are so many possible guesses.

"Could it be that this place was destroyed because the angels who represent righteousness in the mythical world of Christ once attacked it?"

This was Mo Yu's first guess, because in the world of Christian mythology, there were already great wars and controversies.

"Yes, the demon king Satan appears here, and the righteous God side will definitely not see it bigger, otherwise the God who is not the opponent will also be driven off the altar. "

Mo Yu felt more and more that this speculation was very close to the truth, because whether it was Rahu himself, the creatures who came to this strange mythical world of the Fantasy Heavens all had a certain purpose.

The purpose of the ancient Greek mythological world, Mo Yu, once guessed based on the words of the sun god Apollo, was to resurrect their second or even first generation of gods.

Then with the help of this place to create saints, and then make the status of the ancient Greek mythological world higher.

And the reason why the demon king Satan came here is that there is no second possibility, which is to replace Yahweh and turn the entire world of Christian mythology into hell.

So on the contrary, in order to stop the purpose of Satan, the god of Christ and the righteous god of the mythical world, also sent people here.

"It seems that in the near future, we may be able to see a great battle between angels and fallen angels. "

Mo Yu chuckled in his heart, if the truth was really like this, it would naturally be a good thing for him or for the myth.

Because although you may not be friends with God, you will never be enemies.

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