With the blessing of Hot Wheels, Mo Yu's speed is too fast.

On location, no one can match his speed.

In a few moments, he had approached Du Jiuquan's side, raised one hand, and the spiritual power in his body suddenly turned into a big hand and grabbed towards the other party.

Du Jiuquan exclaimed, the Huangquan holy robe on his body swayed, and a phantom of the long river appeared, and he successfully blocked Mo Yu's big hand.

With the power of the rebound, he was faster and ran without looking back.

He didn't know what kind of sigil was attached to his legs, which was enough to increase his speed tenfold, and briefly widened the distance.

"Hmph, can you run?" Mo Yu snorted lightly, chasing after him at a steady pace.

The speed of both sides was too fast, like two black shadows sweeping under the mausoleum.

The road ahead narrowed, and a huge bronze door appeared, and the portal was ajar, and it was ajar.

Du Jiuquan's figure quickly rushed in, followed by Mo Yu.

As soon as he entered, he was slightly stunned, and the scene behind the bronze door was beyond his expectations.

And Du Jiuquan is nowhere to be seen.

After a while, Yueji and Zhou Xiao also quickly chased after them, and after passing the bronze gate, they were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

They thought that there would be a gloomy hall behind the bronze gate, but they never expected that what appeared in front of them would be such a sunny orchard.

That's right, after passing through the bronze gate, the vision suddenly opened up, and when I looked up, it was a faint blue sky and white clouds, and the wind and sun were beautiful.

You can even feel the temperature of the sun on your face, and you can feel the breeze on your face.

The ground is covered with grass, and there are exotic flowers and plants swaying in the wind everywhere, crystal clear, translucent, exuding amazing vitality.

The whole orchard is about 100 miles in size, covering an extremely large area, and there is a portal at the end.

"What about Du Jiuquan?" asked Tsukihime, not stepping into the orchard easily.

Mo Yu shook his head slightly, his face was a little solemn: "He disappeared when I came in, and ...... Was that really Du Jiuquan just now?".

He expressed his skepticism: "If it was really him, I would almost follow him in, and with his strength, it would be impossible for him to disappear in front of my eyes."

And I always felt that there was something strange about this orchard, which was not in any way like something that should be in a mausoleum. "

He was wary of what was in front of him, but it was a wonderland from any point to it, and he couldn't imagine where the crisis would hide.

Zhou Xiao was also observing, she took two steps forward carefully, there was a small green tree next to her, only one person tall, but the trunk was vigorous, and there were blooming buds between its branches and leaves, swaying in the breeze, and the golden glow bloomed, one after another.

She inhaled slightly, the fragrance was overflowing, and she only felt that her body was lighter.

On the other side, there is a 30-meter-tall red tree, which is red from the trunk to the branches, and it is unusually bright.

The trees bear fruit, bright red, entangled with glow, filled with red mist, making people want to drip.

A look of surprise flashed in Zhou Xiao's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Teacher, it's Zhu Guo, at least there are ten thousand years of fire." "

She turned her head again, and saw a vine, with purple light, coiled around a boulder, also bearing fruit.

"Purple vine, and fairy vine fruit, didn't this thing completely disappear 10,000 years ago?"

With her voice, Yueji also raised her eyes to look, Rao also took a slight breath with her concentration.

This is simply a treasure

trove, these strange flowers and plants, each of which is a treasure that is difficult to find in the outside world, if ripe, any one of them is enough to trigger the madness of the various sects in the outside world.

And looking at the situation here, this orchard has not been set foot in for countless years, and I don't know how many fairy fruits are ripe.

Yueji and Zhou Xiao did not act rashly, although the fairy fruit spirit root was tempting, they were not carried away.

In this dangerous mausoleum, the slightest carelessness can kill you.

Mo Yu also stepped forward, he glanced at random, the situation of the entire orchard was in full view, and in the very center of the orchard, there was a heavenly fairy tree, which was exuding a vision, like a bright moon surrounded by stars.

Mo Yu and Yueji glanced at each other, and at the same time walked forward cautiously, and Zhou Xiao also followed carefully.

When they came to the tree,

they saw that the ancient tree was dozens of feet high, reaching straight to the sky, and the canopy was lush, covering the sky and the sun.

In the treetops, a fairy fruit bears fruit, lying quietly, like a baby.

"Ginseng fruit?" The moment he saw this fruit, the name popped up in Mo Yu's mind.

The next moment, he shook his head decisively, impossible, he is not a journey to the west world, how can there be a spiritual root of heaven and earth like ginseng fruit.

And he has not let down his vigilance around him.

Looking down the canopy to the sky, he suddenly noticed that the sky seemed to have a flaw.

The aura silently converged in his eyes, and the depths of his pupils were like two lotus flowers blooming, and in an instant, the world in his eyes changed.

At the same time, he sniffed lightly on the tip of his nose, and some scents that he had not smelled before entered his nose.

His face changed slightly: "Do you smell it?"

"What?" asked Tsukihime, confused.

Mo Yu said in a deep voice: "The stench of rotting corpses. "

Tsukihime's face changed abruptly.

Mo Yu snorted softly, and the fire-tipped spear appeared in his hand, and he threw a hoe down.

A flash of fire erupted around him, and the light spread, dispelling some illusory disguises, revealing hidden truths.

The sky instantly darkened and turned blood-red.

The grass withered, the ground was also blood-red, and the previous immortal trees withered one after another, and the fruits rotted and emitted a thick stench.

And the immortal tree in front of them also changed at the same time, and the leaves disappeared, leaving only the bare branches.

The old wood also showed signs of decay everywhere, and only half of it was still alive.

"Teacher, look. Zhou Xiao noticed something and pointed to the roots of the ancient tree.

I saw that the roots of the ancient tree were coiled, only half of them were submerged in the earth, and the other half formed a cage, binding one figure after another.

Mo Yu simply estimated that there were more than 100 people, and many of them had turned into skeletons.

"Wait. He stared, and for a moment he noticed two figures in front of the restraints, not only had they not turned into skeletons, but they had just died.

Dressed in black robes, their bodies were pierced by the roots of the trees, devouring their blood like pipes, turning them into nutrients for the ancient tree.

The people of the temple of Senro.

Tsukihime also recognized the identities of these two people, and said in a low voice, "It seems that the people from the Senluo Hall came one step ahead of us, but why are there only two of them?

Mo Yu looked up and saw that the previous baby fruit was still there, but the light disappeared, and a layer of blood mist shrouded it, full of evil atmosphere.

He said in a deep voice: "This tree is strange, the people of Senluo Hall should have suffered a loss and ran away, let's not move rashly, go around." "



The applause appeared suddenly, and I saw that at the door where I left, a figure appeared at some point, it was Du Jiuquan.

He smiled and said: "It's worthy of killing the strong man who fell into the heartlessness, and he realized the truth here so quickly, but it's a pity that it's too late." "

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