"The world of the dead, does that mean we are all dead now?" Mo Yu said casually.

Zhou Xiao was a little panicked, her cultivation was the lowest, and she didn't know the situation.

What does it mean to be all dead?

If so, will they

still be able to get out, and will they be in their current state when they go out?

Tsukihime nodded: "You can understand it that way, but for you to die, for a spirit like me, it is to come back to life, it just depends on how to understand it." "

She paused and continued: "Of course, there is no need to worry too much, this state is amazing, I estimate that if I find the right way out, I can recover when I return to the outside world." "

"Many of the ancient powers are seeking a way to survive after death, and the special nature of this mausoleum may be an attempt by the Shenxiao Immortals. "

Mo Yu thought for a moment, and looked deeper: "Reversing life and death, using supernatural powers to conceal heavenly opportunities, this Shenxiao Immortal has some ideas. "

Tsukihime glanced at him and said, "It's not small, have you ever seen a similar method?"

Mo Yu smiled: "I've seen supernatural powers that are countless times more clever than this method, do you believe it?"

"In myths and legends. He muttered silently in his heart.

Yueji's eyelids jumped slightly, and she didn't answer, but changed the topic: "We have crossed the boundary between life and death, and the situation here is unknown, so it's better for us to explore carefully."

In addition, Du Jiuquan and Sen Luo Hall of the Huangquan Sect may also follow, and they must be prepared to meet them in the mausoleum. "

Mo Yu nodded, looked at the situation in front of him and asked, "Which way?"

After stepping over the long bridge, he noticed that the space in front of him became wider.

The stone wall above his head disappeared before, and the surrounding area was filled with gray mist, and the ground under his feet was black, and the wind was gusting, which was somewhat similar to the legendary Nine Netherlands.

Tsukihime looked at it for a few seconds and said decisively, "Go to the left." "

Mo Yu didn't ask her what she was saying, and walked with her into the fog on the left.


fog is filled, the vast can not see the road ahead, there is a yin wind whistling in the ears, blowing the people are panicked, and they can't help but wonder if they are walking on the Huangquan Road.

The atmosphere was inexplicably oppressive.

"By the way, I

haven't asked you about your origin along the way, I heard the people of Senluo Hall say that you seem to come from a force called Mythology, why have I never heard of it?"

Yueji spoke, intending to break this depression, Zhou Xiao beside her was already pale, if she continued like this, she might collapse at any time.

Mo Yu also felt a trace of depression, although it was not serious, he was willing to speak.

He said, "The origin of our organization is beyond your imagination, and you will meet other people in the future." "

"Oh?" Tsukihime thought, "You mean, your organization is about to start an event?".

Mo Yu wanted to brag very much, but he felt that his luck was not enough now, and he had no corresponding confidence.

He simply sneered: "Heh, the old woman has nothing to do and asks less, the more she knows, the faster she will die." "

Tsukihime was helpless, but she didn't ask anymore.

The surroundings fell silent again, and Mo Yu took the initiative to speak: "By the way, you said that this mausoleum is the mausoleum of the Shenxiao immortals, but why do the immortals have a mausoleum, and the immortals will also die?"

Tsukihime thought for a while and said, "I don't know, the Dongxuan World has not had the existence of immortals for too long. Legend has it that in the ancient era 200,000 years ago, there were gods in the heavens and the earth, and the traces of immortals were endless.

Above the nine heavens, there is a divine court in charge of the sky, and there are nine netherworld lands, famous mountains and rivers, rivers, lakes and seas, all of which are guarded by true dragon gods.

But I don't know when it started, the divine court disappeared, and the gods and immortals were gone. It is rumored that there was a great catastrophe that year, in which all the gods and immortals died, and even the world was destroyed.

Of course, this is just a legend, and not many people believe it. "

"And when it comes to the issue of lifespan, I don't know about immortals, but in Dongxuanzhou, ordinary people have changed for a hundred years, gods have changed for five hundred, the exterior has been for a thousand years, and the supreme has ten thousand years.

Of course, the supreme is strong, so naturally it cannot be appointed, so there are all kinds of methods to prolong life in the world, and some powerful supremes can even live the second or third life. "

"This setting sounds familiar. Mo Yu couldn't help but complain.

Tsukihime chuckled, and just as he opened his mouth to continue speaking, the mist was filled, and it became countless times richer in an instant, even if he was extremely close, it was difficult to see the appearance of the person next to him.

"Teacher, there are people in the fog!" Zhou Xiao suddenly exclaimed, just now, a ghostly shadow flashed in front of her eyes.

Yueji's eyes froze, and at the same time as Zhou Xiao spoke, she immediately made a decision, and directly grabbed her wrist, and at the same time turned her eyes slightly, vigilant to the surroundings.

She shouted: "Nezha, are you there?".

"Yes. Mo Yu's voice appeared, and the fog dissipated a little, and he wrapped his hands around him, and stepped forward to the two of them.

Zhou Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice: "It's okay, let's leave quickly, and leave this weird fog as soon as possible." "

Yueji's eyes were empty, and she looked at Mo Yu's hands quietly, then looked at his pants, and didn't say anything.

"Xiao'er, take out the spirit lock. Tsukihime whispered, then turned her gaze away.

But the corner of her eye never left Mo Yu.

Although Zhou Xiao didn't know why, he still obediently took out the red long rope in the ring, and said suspiciously: "Teacher, take it out?"

"Good, with the Soul Locks to hold our wrists together. "

"Oh. Zhou Xiao nodded and honestly tied their wrists with a red rope.

After completing all this, Yueji felt a little relieved and said with a smile: "Let's go." "

Mo Yu's eyes rolled slightly, and he suddenly smiled: "It's very weird here, I'm afraid it's dangerous, so I'd better go ahead." "

Yueji thought about it, and suddenly smiled very politely: "Then it's troublesome." "

Mo Yu smiled and said, "It's okay, follow me." "


The fog suddenly thickened, and Mo Yu, who had his hands in his pants, frowned.

The fog was so thick that even he couldn't see his surroundings clearly.

Even the figures of Yueji and Zhou Xiao were obscured.

He shouted softly: "Zhou Xiao, Yueji?".

"We're here. "

There was a sudden response not far from him, the fog was slightly lighter, Mo Yu turned around to look, and saw the figures of Zhou Xiao and Yueji appearing, nothing unusual.

With a sigh of relief in his heart, Mo Yu said: "What's the matter, the fog suddenly became thicker." "

Yueji shook her head: "I don't know, but Zhou Xiao saw a figure in the fog just now, we can't stay here for a long time, we have to leave quickly." "

She said and walked forward first, and Zhou Xiao hurriedly followed.

"Zhou Xiao?" Mo Yu frowned, but he didn't say anything more, and followed together.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly asked, "Tsukihime, do you still have the kind of wine you gave me last time?"

The Tsukihime in front of her paused slightly, frowned and turned her head: "It's all this time, you still want to drink?"

Mo Yu shrugged and smiled: "I'm greedy, but you're right, this is indeed not a place to drink, but I suddenly forgot the name of that wine, can you tell me again?"

He looked at Tsukihime without blinking, and there was a faint danger in his eyes.

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