The phoenix family, the male is called "phoenix", and the female is called "phoenix".

At the beginning of the mythological ancient world, the three clans worked hard to dominate the myth.

And the phoenix is one of them, and its strength can be imagined.

It's just that after the battle of the three tribes in ancient times, the three tribes completely declined.

The Qilin clan was almost wiped out, the Feng clan was not much worse, and a few phoenixes even succumbed to the Mythical Heavenly Court.

It has become a kind of auspiciousness, and its meaning is far more symbolic than the phoenix itself.

Among the three clans, only the dragon clan suffered the least loss.

Of course, it is not the strongest dragon clan among the three clans, but the dragon clan saw the opportunity early and withdrew from the stage of the three groups of hegemony in advance.

However, this also led to the fact that although the dragon clan left the most, its strength was the weakest.

After all, if you don't pay, you naturally don't get anything in return.

It is the Dragon King of the Four Seas, speaking of majesty, in fact, it is responsible for rainfall, and his status is not much higher than that of the four immortals of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Dragons and unicorns aside.

The phoenix clan was once powerful, and the phoenix ancestor was born in the clan.

That's a super boss with a quasi-holy realm, and he has the ability to defy the sky.

Of course, after the war of the three clans, Fengzu Nirvana, and its prestige slowly dissipated.

Mo Yu knew about the existence of a phoenix in this fantasy heavens and ten thousand worlds, but he didn't expect to meet it here.

And it's one of the so-called top 10 worlds.

"Phoenix Star Field, ranked fourth!"

Xiong Da said again, a hint of awe flashing in his eyes.

The heavens and all worlds are huge, and the position of the top five of the top ten worlds remains unchanged for eternity, which shows the strength of the Phoenix clan.

"It's a lot better than the dragons of this world. "

Mo Yu pouted, the mythical world was born at the beginning of the world, and it began at the top of all the heavens.

The events in it obviously affected all the heavens, the mythical ancient tribal war.

The Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan fought to the end, although they suffered the heaviest losses, but their status was much higher than that of the Dragon Clan.

So much so that this Fantasy Heavens was also affected, and the strongest dragon he had seen so far had to be traced back to the Myriad Star Domain, and the domain master in it was a dragon.

It's even just a half-dragon, after all, half of it is the blood of other races.

Its strength is only a nine-star immortal venerable, and now, even Xiong Da can crush it with one finger.

"What else is in the top five strongest worlds?"

Phoenix was only ranked fourth, and Mo Yu was somewhat interested in the other ten strongest worlds.

Xiong Da thought about it, and after a long time, he replied uncertainly: "The fifth place seems to be the Dragon Clan, and its Divine Dragon Star is located in the central area of the end of the heavens here. "

Mo Yu nodded and was not surprised, after all, no matter how weak the dragon clan was, it was no problem to rank fifth.

"The third seems to be a kind of divine bird ......" Xiong Da knew the top ten strongest worlds, but obviously understood very one-sidedly, and said uncertainly at this time.

"Divine birds. Mo Yu narrowed his eyes, it was not for nothing that the divine bird was more powerful than the phoenix.

In the mythical world, aside from Fengzu, what golden-winged Dapeng, Kunpeng, and peacock are all divine birds with great origins and big heels.

I just don't know if the third-ranked divine bird in this world is one of these three.

"What about the second. Mo Yu asked again.

This time, Xiong Da thought for a longer time before he said, "The second in line seems to be a special humanoid race. "

"Humanoid. Mo Yu nodded.

The human form does not represent the human race, according to his guess, this second-ranked humanoid race should be some kind of god race or immortal race.

In short, there is a high probability that some innate beings were born at the beginning of the birth of this world, and their strength is naturally strong.

"So what about the first. Mo Yu asked the last question.

And this time, Xiong Da scratched his ears and cheeks for a long time, and finally shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Senior brother, this number one world is too mysterious, that is, there is not much news about this world among the heavens, but there are rumors that the strength of this world is stronger than the other nine worlds in the other ten strongest worlds combined. "

"So strong?" Mo Yu was stunned, and couldn't help asking, "Could it be that the world that ranks first and strongest is the legendary world in the center of the heavens and all worlds?"

There are a total of ten strongest worlds, and the strength of the first place is actually incomparable to the other nine worlds combined.

In his opinion, perhaps only the hometown of Yanagi God can have this kind of strength.

But Xiong Da shook his head very definitely this time: "It's not a world, the legendary strongest world can't be talked about together with the top ten strongest worlds, because the strength of that legendary world is ......."

Xiong Da's voice suddenly froze, as if he was thinking of some adjective to reflect the power of the legendary world.

After a long time, its eyes lit up, and then it said: "Senior brother, let's put it this way, there is a similar powerhouse in the strongest world in that legend, I'm afraid that one person can destroy these ten strongest worlds." "

"Oh. Hearing this, Mo Yu's eyes completely narrowed.

In his heart, according to Xiong Da's words, he began to calculate the specific strength of these worlds.

"The strongest of the ten strongest worlds is probably equivalent to the mythical Da Luo. "

In the Phoenix Star Domain where he was at this time, Mo Yu felt such two breaths.

And this world ranks fourth among the top ten strongest worlds, and the top three must be a little stronger, but the strongest should not be beyond the scope of Mythical Daluo.

Perhaps the strongest number one world may be even more terrifying, and there is even a quasi-saint.

But that is also within Mo Yu's acceptable range.

But if according to Xiong Da's statement, the legendary world is also the hometown of the willow god, if there is a similar strong person.

can destroy the ten strongest worlds by himself.

If that's the case, it's terrible.

"Could it be that there are saints in this world?"

For a while, Mo Yu was somewhat shocked in his heart.

That's a saint, and even in the mythical world, there are only six statues.

The level of this Fantasy Heaven is not low, but if there is a saint, he will never believe it.

Of course, he also knew that it was not impossible.

After all, the appearance of Rahu, the generals, and the ghosts made him understand that the mythical world was real.

But in his previous life, he had read so many novels and so many settings, if he said that he didn't believe in the existence of those worlds, he wouldn't be able to say it at this time.

Not far away, there are still various theories about the world he grew up in at that time.

For example, in the western part of the world, there is the God Jehovah, who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent.

This omniscient omnipotence is also terrifying to say, and it is definitely on the same level as a saint.

And this is just a list, and there are countless such existences that Mo Yu knows alone.

"Could it be that there are really saints in this world!"

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