Thousands of willow branches swayed lightly, exuding a peaceful light.

"Sister Liushen, what's going on. "

Mandala asked softly, she had been with Yanagijin the longest and knew him well.

And every time the willow tree is like this, it must be a slight fluctuation in the mood of the willow god.

Liu Shen didn't speak, but just raised his head to look at the Nine Heavens.

His eyes seemed to have passed through the heavens and worlds, and landed on the endless starry sky.

"This breath...... It's the Great Sage!"

Suddenly, Tsukihime exclaimed, but she sensed a very familiar aura.

"The Great Sage?"

Mandala was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then remembered something.

"Is it Monkey King?"

For more than 100 years, Tsukihime has told the myth to Mandala.

And the latter has followed in his footsteps and become a 'loyal fan' of the mythical world.

Immediately, she raised her head and released her divine thoughts, and sure enough, she sensed an extremely strong breath.

There was a bit of domineering in that breath.

And after Shen Nian probed out of Liu Xing, he saw a figure wearing a purple and gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing chain gold armor, and stepping on lotus silk and walking in the clouds, and came from beyond the starry sky.

The figure is surrounded by bright golden light, and with a full outfit, it is quite imposing.

Mandala's eyes lit up and he whispered.

"This is the Monkey King who once made trouble in the Mythical Heavenly Palace!"

The person who came was Mo Yu, who had rushed back from Pantheon, and at this time he had turned into a monkey again.

He wanted to return to Dongxuan for the first time, but suddenly remembered that according to the direction he came back, he must have passed by Liu Xing first.

So I simply came to Liu Shen and their old friends first.

Now he has descended from the star path and has reached beyond Liu Xing.

Then deliberately emitted a breath to let the willow gods perceive it.

Above the willow star, the willow tree that reached the sky trembled slightly, and thousands of willow branches were automatic without wind, and there was a stream of Tao Yun coming out of it.

Suddenly, the star in front of Mo Yu was absolutely no longer repulsing him.

Immediately, his mind moved, and two figures appeared around him again.

Nezha and Yang Jian.

The Three Thorns of Heavenly Court gathered again.

Then the figures of the three fell at the same time.

So, under the huge willow tree, three loud bangs suddenly sounded.

The Three Thorns of Heavenly Court appeared in front of everyone.


Yueji exclaimed, and instantly came to Nezha's side.

"You know you're back. "

His 'resentful' eyes suddenly gave Mo Yu goosebumps.

However, Nezha's eyes were slanted, and he pretended to snort coldly: "You guys are leisurely, this prince almost can't come back this time." "

He was preemptive, and these old friends in the province complained about him, so he deliberately said it bigger.

Sure enough, when Tsukihime heard that he almost couldn't come back, she was a little stunned, but she suddenly forgot to blame him.

"Monkey King!"

Tsukihime's side stopped, but another exclamation sounded, and the mandala rushed straight towards the monkey.

"Great Sage, Great Sage, tell me the story of your havoc in the Heavenly Palace. "

"......" The monkey looked at the mandala and was a little stunned.

However, looking at the palace clothes on his body, he also guessed his identity.

"Xiaohua, don't be so rude. "

A slightly cool and soft voice sounded in Mo Yu's ears.

When Mo Yu heard the prestige, he was immediately stunned.


Looking at the peerless fairy in front of him as if he had come out of a painting, he never expected that the deity of the willow god would be so stunning.

On the side, the current Sword Heavenly Emperor smiled gloatingly.

Instead, he remembered the expression he had when he first saw the true face of Yanagigami, which was the same as that of a monkey at this time.

The Sword Heavenly Emperor walked over and laughed.

"Why, don't you dare to believe that this is the willow god who has been pushing the cup with us for three years? haha!"

The monkey naturally didn't admit it, and immediately said: "I didn't expect it, but in the eyes of my grandson, it's just a beautiful female monkey." "

As soon as these words came out, the Sword Heavenly Emperor was immediately stunned, and then covered his face and fled to the side.

Liu Shen also looked normal at this time.

It's just that the thousands of willow branches above his head are stirring, and it is obvious that his heart is not at peace.

Likened to a female monkey, Rao is the temperament of the willow god, and it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Of course, these are just jokes.

After a lot of laughter, the atmosphere among the people returned to the time when they were in Dongxuan.

There is no point in the slightest.


Under the willow tree, three figures sat beside the stone table.

But it was Liu Shen, Sword Heavenly Emperor and Yang Jian.

Nezha was 'captured' by Yueji and asked about what had happened in the past hundred years.

The monkey, on the other hand, was 'targeted' by the mandala, and kept clamoring to hear about its havoc in the heavenly palace.

Mo Yu simply separated two divine thoughts and left them on Nezha and the monkey's bodies, and let 'themselves' toss them.

And now he put his main focus on Yang Jian, and then told Liu Shen and the Sword Heavenly Emperor what happened after he fell from the Star Road at that time.

After that, Liu Shen was fine, and the latter was suddenly shocked.

"Star Field...... Star Country ......

Above the Immortal Venerable powerhouse, there is also the Emperor Venerable powerhouse......

There's even an immortal-level transcendent existence?"

The information Mo Yu brought back was too hardcore, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

Now that he has become the Sword Heavenly Emperor, he has even half a foot to move towards the Immortal Venerable powerhouse.

But now that he learned that there were emperors and terrifying transcendent immortal-level powerhouses on it, he was suddenly hit.

Of course, the shock is more.

It's no wonder, but when Mo Yu learned the news, he was also a little shocked.

And Liu Shen doesn't know how many memories he has recovered now, but he doesn't show any special look at these.

And when Jian Tianjun was shocked, she asked lightly.

"What are your plans for the future? "

She knew that after Mo Yu or mythology had this information, she must have a new plan.

And Mo Yu smiled lightly, but he didn't hide it at all.

"What does the mythical boss mean, is it ......?"

Then he said what he had planned.

The general idea is to build the entire Dongxuan into a moving fortress, pass through the heavens and all worlds, and take them with them in an instant.

And these words were said through Yang Jian's mouth, which naturally means mythology.

Jian Tianjun immediately expressed his yearning for the heavens and all worlds.

"Emperor Zun powerhouse, immortal level powerhouse, it sounds like people's blood boiling, if you have the opportunity, you must go to that starry sky to see. "

And Liu Shen didn't think about it for too long, and also nodded in agreement, while stating her current situation.

"Now I have some memories back, but I don't know if I was from a long way from here.

When I think of what is worth, I will follow you. "

In short, they all agreed to Mo Yu's arrangement.

Yanagi agreed, and the mandala went without saying.

And Tsukihime doesn't have to think about it, she must follow the footsteps of mythology.

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