Endless starry sky, a mysterious and endless star road.

Four figures walked together.

One of them was carrying a divine sword, and the sword intent around him surged, turning into a Dao sword.

And the person next to him is a woman, dressed in white like snow, with a delicate face, a slightly swaying skirt, and a charming temperament.

The other one, with a mysterious light all over his body, is hazy and hazy, making people unable to see his real face.

The last one is wearing gold chain mail, with phoenix wings and purple gold crowns on his head, and his feet are walking in the clouds, and the dragon walks in the tiger.

It was Mo Yu and his party.

"The Great Sage. Jian Tianjun, who was carrying a sword, said and looked back at the Dongxuan Great World under his feet, "How can you not see the Great God of the Three Altars Sea Society and Erlang Zhenjun." "

The monkey smiled: "The two of them still have some small things to do, let's go first." "

After speaking, he shook the line on his body, which was very majestic.

Several people have already embarked on the star road to the hometown of Liu Shen, which is Liu Xing.

And Mo Yu was troublesome, so he went on the road alone with the other three as a monkey.

Sword Tenjun, Tsukihime, and Yanagijin.

And now the willow god is not in the form of the main willow tree, but has taken on a human form, and the whole person is hidden in the hazy light.

Through this hazy light, Mo Yu became more and more suspicious of Liu Shen's gender.

Although even he couldn't see the face of the willow god in the Xuanguang clearly with his fiery eyes, he could see his long hair fluttering and his tall figure.

In fact, even Jian Tianjun was shocked when he saw Liu Shenhua.

The same suspicions as the monkeys arise.

Of course, the willow god did not deliberately look at people, it was originally a willow tree, and between the swings of thousands of willow branches, there were naturally willow catkins falling from the sky.

Even if it turns into a human form, the catkins will also turn into a mysterious light to protect it.

It's mysterious.

And the monkey and the sword Tianjun didn't break it, let alone ask.

However, Tsukihime seems to have known some truths, and now she is very close to Yanagami.

"My hometown is far away. Liu Shen's slightly feminine and neutral voice sounded, and he said: "In this starry sky, it is impossible to use specific numbers as a unit, I have traveled for 800,000 years before, and there is no specific statement among the heavens and ten thousand worlds.

It can only be roughly expressed at the full speed of a powerhouse in a certain realm, for example, Dongxuan is far away from my hometown, and it needs a powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor Realm to fly day and night at extreme speed for a hundred years. "

As soon as these words came out, Yueji and Jian Tianjun were suddenly stunned.

The Immortal Emperor powerhouse has been speeding for a hundred years without stopping, such a distance is terrifying just to think about.

What's more, they are only the strongest Heavenly Monarch, and even the strongest Liu God does not seem to have recovered to the strength of the Immortal Emperor now.

And the speed of the Immortal Emperor is completely incomparable to the Heavenly Monarch's powerhouse.

Therefore, according to Liu Shen, if they want to go to Liu Xing, it will take hundreds of years to be sure, and even thousands of years are not easy to say.

In fact, the time before last year was actually just a number for these Heavenly Monarch Realm powerhouses.

After all, as long as they don't encounter danger, they will live forever and their souls will not die.

But traveling for a thousand years is always a boring thing.

Fortunately, Liu Shen opened his mouth to explain again.

"However, once we really set foot on the Star Road, there is the Great Dao of the Universe in it, and the Star Road connects all the stars and the world, if we follow the Star Road, we will definitely be able to shorten the time a lot.

But be careful, don't fall off the star path, or you'll get lost in this starry sky.

And this is what I want to remind you, even if you are not stable in the star path, there will be danger. "

Liu Shen's previous sentence is very easy to understand, the star road not only connects the Dafang world, but also acts on it with some kind of space-time avenue, which can greatly shorten the 'distance' between worlds.

"What danger?" Jian Tianjun hurriedly asked, according to Liu Shen's meaning, they seemed to be in danger of 'falling' from the star path.

And once that's the case, it seems a little difficult to get back into the star path.

Although I couldn't see the expression of Liu Shenxuan's light clearly, I could clearly feel that it was a lot more serious.

"Because the Star Path is the only fastest way to reach another world, I have seen many cultivators ambush on the Star Path to attack other cultivators in the past, killing people and taking treasures. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Jian Tianjun and Yueji also became solemn.

However, they are not surprised by this, killing people and looting treasures are all too common in any world.

It's happening all the time.

And because of the particularity of the Star Road, it has naturally become a 'treasure land' for 'robbing homes and houses'.

"Of course......" Liu Shen's voice softened a lot, and he said, "Our Willow Domain is too remote, and the possibility of cultivators from other Star Domains taking a fancy to us here is very low.

However, the threat on the Star Path is not just from other cultivators. "

Speaking of this, Ryujin paused.

"It's those 'star beasts' who live in this starry sky!"

Star beasts, as the name suggests, are beasts that live under this starry sky.

It's not a demon, according to the willow god, it said that it once encountered a terrifying star beast when he walked a certain star path.

At that time, there were four of them, and the other three were all Immortal Emperor powerhouses it had known during its travels, and each of them was not weaker than it.

They are all only half a step away from becoming a powerhouse in the Immortal Venerable Realm.

And that's it, when he met the star beast, only Yanagi survived alone.

The three Immortal Emperors were even able to survive for a breath, and they were swallowed by the terrifying star beast in one gulp.

And it seemed that because the body was a willow tree, the star beast glanced at it with some disgust, and went straight away.

Liu Shen picked up a life, and then buried the bodies of the three Taoist friends on the star road, and then continued on the road.


Jian Tianjun couldn't help but gasp, and swallowed three peerless immortal emperors in one gulp, what kind of concept is this.

Even an Immortal Venerable of the level of the Dark Source Emperor can't do it.

It's horrible.

And what's even more terrifying is that according to the meaning of the willow god, the star beast ambushed and killed the cultivators on the star path in order to fill their stomachs.

Don't think about it, it must be a lot of 'carnivorous', and he is not a willow god, but a genuine human race.

Of course, none of this can be said for sure, and in case you meet a 'herbivore', Yanagijin is also very dangerous.

And this kind of star beast is different, it is distributed in any corner of the heavens and ten thousand worlds, so even if it is the star path they are taking now, it is possible to encounter star beasts.

You'll even encounter the kind of Star Beast that we can't compete with at the moment.

"Anyway, be careful. The willow god instructed again, and a small willow tree suddenly appeared above its head, and then shook it slightly.

The three willow branches were broken off by it, and then handed to Jian Tianjun, Tsukihime, and the monkey.

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