The Golden Crow Dawns.

Under the sun, the night of the great wilderness was quickly dispelled.

Many dangerous monsters choose to return to their nests at the first rays of sunlight.

Mo Yu yawned and got up, he slept well last night.

As the first night after the crossing, he was still relatively satisfied.

Getting up, he looked at the place where Zhou Xiao slept last night, and the person was gone.

I don't know when the bonfire went out, and the ashes still had residual heat, and it was estimated that it would not be extinguished for a long time.

Mo Yu got up and looked around.

Although he slept well last night, he was not unguarded.

Not to mention the rampant demon beasts in the night of the Great Wilderness, just talk about Yueji and Zhou Xiao, and he didn't fully trust them.

Chaotian Aya has always been by his side.

This immortal magic weapon itself has spirituality, and it can give the first warning of any situation, and even automatically defend against the enemy.

But there was nothing to do last night, so as not to make him toss.

As soon as he got up, he saw Zhou Xiao not far away returning with a wooden bucket full of water.

Mo Yu keenly noticed that she was using her left hand.

Only then did I remember that I seemed to have broken her right wrist yesterday.

However, she also used her right hand to catch game for the second time last night, after her wrist bone was broken.

"You're awake. "

Zhou Xiao said hello and put the barrel aside.

After that, she lay down beside the fire, skillfully ignited the flame, and took out pots and pans in the ring, and had all the utensils.

Boiling the water and pouring it into the basin, Zhou Xiao motioned to Mo Yu to wash.

Mo Yu was amazed when he watched from the sidelines, which was different from what he imagined to be practicing outside.

However, there is hot water for washing, so he naturally will not refuse.

He squatted down to wash, and Zhou Xiao had already set up a shelf to prepare breakfast.

Mo Yu observed and saw that she tried her left hand as much as possible, but sometimes she would also use her right hand to help, unlike the broken bones of her hand.

He couldn't help but ask curiously, "Is your right hand okay?"

Zhou Xiao raised her head, as if she didn't expect Mo Yu to take the initiative to talk to her, shook her right hand and said, "It's not a big problem, I applied the injury medicine after you and the teacher left last night, and the injury medicine refined by the teacher has an excellent effect on external injuries, and it will be cured in about two days." "

"Uh. Mo Yu opened his mouth, wanting to say that a broken hand bone is not a traumatic injury, but thinking that the world is different, everyone's definition of external injury may be different, so he decisively shut up.

After that, the two didn't say anything, and after breakfast, they put out the fire, and Zhou Xiao identified the next direction and prepared to go on the road.

"The teacher has already told me your agreement, she is more seriously consumed and needs to rest in the ring, and I will get along with you in the next few days. "

"She's weaker than I thought. Mo Yu said, then put his hands in his pants and followed her forward.

The speed of the two is not slow, and they are moving forward quickly in the wilderness.

In just half a day, they became familiar with each other.

After being slightly familiar, Zhou Xiao was stunned, this little doll named Nezha was not the same as he imagined.

She saw Mo Yu's strong strength last night, and saw the bargaining between him and Yueji, and once thought that Mo Yu was the kind of old monster who cultivated special exercises to rejuvenate and rejuvenate.

Or simply an old youkai that restricts its own growth.

But in this half-day of contact she found ...... This is a bear child.

And it's the most bearish she's ever seen.

For example, now.

Looking at a flower crown held by the other party's hands, colorful and quite beautiful.

The most important thing is that it is compiled with extreme care, like a work of art, and it is definitely a girl's favorite type.

The corners of Zhou Xiao's mouth moved slightly, if it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat her, she would have already slapped her.

She was tired and helpless, "What is it this time, a toad, a long-legged lizard, a hornet's nest, or something else?"

The moment she first took the fruit handed by Mo Yu and turned into a toad, she had a new understanding of this bear child.

After suffering a full three losses, she made up her mind not to accept anything from the other party again.

"Cut, it's boring. "

Mo Yu pursed his lips and threw the flower crown casually.

With a bang, a

white mist erupted from the corolla, and a strange insect with two palms and six legs waving its wings appeared.

As soon as he appeared, he

glanced at Mo Yu, and then as if he was greatly frightened, he flew away with a whoosh.

Zhou Xiao's eyes widened, this insect she knew, called the Hidden Fire Poisonous Wing Worm, it was a common poisonous insect in the Great Wilderness, not strong, but it could spray venom.

Its venom is extremely strong, it can poison a cow, and after being contaminated, the whole body is like a fire, hence the name.

She subconsciously took a step back and distanced herself from Mo Yu.

Mo Yu crossed his hands, put them behind his head, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Forget it, it's boring if you don't be fooled, let's go." "

Zhou Xiao was silent for two seconds, then took a few steps away and said, "I'll show the way, you go ahead." "

She was afraid that Mo Yu would walk behind and do something that she couldn't cope with after she got out of her sight.

Mo Yu pursed his lips, but didn't say anything, and walked in front with great strides.

The two kept a certain distance, and Mo Yu asked out loud: "By the way, anyway, I'm bored on the road, let's talk about you, I heard that you have a one-year appointment with the young sect master of the Huangquan Sect?"

Zhou Xiao's footsteps paused slightly, and he subconsciously clenched his fists, and his tone became two points colder: "That's right, I will definitely win, and then rescue my father and the clan." "

Mo Yu nodded: "Courage is commendable, what are the chances of winning?"

Zhou Xiao's tone was suffocated, a trace of despair appeared in the depths of her eyes, and she smiled bitterly: "No, he is the first genius of the Huangquan Sect in a thousand years, although I also have some talent, but I am still very different from him, I heard that he has communicated with the outside world three years ago and achieved the exterior scene." "

Mo Yu secretly said in his heart, and finally led the topic to this place.

It's not the first time he's heard the word "exterior scene", he knows that it is a cultivation realm in this world, but he hasn't asked anything, so it's hard to judge.

He asked, "That's very strong, so who do you think is stronger, me or him?".

"Huh?" Zhou Xiao didn't expect him to ask like this, and was stunned for a moment.

After three seconds, she hesitated and said, "It's hard for me to say, I only have the realm of divine transformation, and I can't judge." Your strength is very strong, but the young master of the Huangquan Sect has never exerted his full strength, and it is difficult for me to judge. "

Mo Yu frowned slightly, he thought that this was a question without suspense, the strength of his transformation had been seen by the other party, and there was not too much underestimation.

But in this case, Zhou Xiao didn't dare to say that he was stronger

He thought for a moment and said, "Let me ask another question, what is the state of the exterior scene?"

Zhou Xiao was completely shocked, she looked at Mo Yu with the eyes of a monster: "You don't know the cultivation realm? impossible, how do you have the strength you have now?".

"Regarding the realm of cultivation, let me explain. "

Suddenly, a

voice appeared, and a hazy white light emerged from the ring in Zhou Xiao's hand, turning into a peerless beauty.

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