Tsukihime wants to solve her own puzzle.

Mo Yu set his sights on the treasure of Yue Tianjun.

The two reached a consensus that this Moon Palace was naturally going to break through.

"Xiao'er, you stay here. Yueji turned around and instructed Zhou Xiao.

The risks of this trip are unpredictable, although Zhou Xiao is now out of the ordinary, it is far from enough.

And leaving someone outside can be regarded as having a care.

Zhou Xiao naturally didn't know what was going on, nodded and said, "Teacher, third prince, be careful." "

"Let's go. "

Yueji nodded to Mo Yu, and the two of them walked towards the gorgeous and cold palace.

Just as he approached the palace, Mo Yu sensed that something was wrong.

"There is darkness in this Moon Palace. "

As soon as he approached the temple gate, an ominous aura rushed to his face.

Mo Yu has seen the darkness many times, so he is naturally familiar.

"Back then, darkness descended and came from outside the sky, and the Moon Palace, which the Moon Heavenly Monarch stood on top of the Nine Heavens Void, naturally bore the brunt. Tsukihime frowned.

This was originally a cold place, but when darkness came, it became the first place to approach darkness.

"Be careful. Yueji reminded her contemplatively, if it was dark alone, it would not scare her and Mo Yu away.


Tsukihime pushed open the door of the temple, and a sense of time came to her face.

And the darkness.

But this darkness is "dead" as it has been seen before.

With a sweep of the fire-tipped spear in his hand, the darkness was swept away like smoke and dust, Mo Yu took the lead, Yueji followed, and the two walked into the Moon Palace.

Mo Yu only felt that there was an illusion in front of him, and there was space passing around him.

When I looked back again, I couldn't see Zhou Xiao anymore.

"This Moon Palace is a small world. "

He quickly came to a conclusion, and at the same time in his heart, he was amazed at how powerful that peerless Moon Heavenly Monarch was.

It's obviously a small world, but it can also be seen and felt outside the Moon Palace, and this method is still a bit mysterious.

Looking up, the scenery in this Moon Palace is even more weird.

There are fairy fruit forests and strange flowers, but now these fruit forests and flowers have been infected by darkness, and the fruits and flowers are all pure black.

There was an ominous aura, and the darkness that the two of them felt from outside the temple gate was probably caused by them.

The full moon still hung above the void, and the moonlight sprinkled down to make the place even more demonic.

Looking further away, you can see that there are Qiongtai pavilions, and there are clear ponds everywhere.

It's just that now when you look at the past, it's all "dead" darkness, and the Qiongtai Pavilion can't really be seen, and those clear pools are all a pool of black water.

The black water is like ink, it seems to have the ability to devour everything, and when the full moon is in the sky, it can't even be seen.

This scene, this atmosphere, made Mo Yu a little frightened.

Looking at Yuehime, you can also see the horror in the other party's eyes.

What kind of Moon Palace is this, it is said that there are people who believe it at the bottom of the Nine Shades.

The two of them certainly didn't retreat from this, and went all the way down the corridor built on the black water.

The corridor leads to an octagonal pavilion.

In the pavilion, there is a cold jade table, but now there is no cold, as if everything is "dead" under the infection of darkness.

At this time, Mo Yu and the others looked up at the top of the pavilion, and suddenly made an amazing discovery.

I saw that there was a painting engraved on it, which was also an octagonal pavilion, and the cold jade table in the pavilion.

It's almost a copy of where the two of them are at this time, or here.

The difference is that there is a peerless woman in the painting.

The woman was born extremely beautiful, with a graceful figure, but she had a thin waist and smooth shoulders.

The peerless woman is drinking alone, and although it is a painting, you can also feel a trace of coldness and loneliness in it.

"This Moon Heavenly Monarch has a lot of personality. Mo Yu commented in his heart.

In this Moon Palace, the woman in this painting is not the Moon Tianjun.

It's just that he doesn't know why, he looks at this Moon Tianjun with an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But in the next moment, he had already understood, and subconsciously looked at the moon beside him.

Yue Tianjun's appearance is actually nine points similar to Yue Ji!

And Tsukihime was obviously more shocked than him at this time, looking at the woman in the painting with complicated eyes, and even her body trembled slightly.

It took dozens of breaths before calming down.

Mo Yu's eyes were even more weird, and the meaning was self-evident.

"You still say you're not Yue Tianjun?"

This look Yueji obviously understood, and her eyes first hesitated, and then became decisive.

"Believe me, I'm definitely not her. "

Mo Yu shrugged his shoulders, but it was not easy to judge.

However, he hoped that Yueji would be Yuetianjun himself, after all, it would be much more convenient.

Just give him the treasures here.

Of course, he just wanted to think about it, because Tsukihime obviously didn't have any memories of belonging here at this time.

"Keep going inside, maybe the answer is right there. Mo Yu put his hands in his pants and went first.

Tsukihime cleaned up her mood and followed.

At this point, she wanted to figure out the truth more than anyone else.

After the pavilion, the two of them walked deeper and deeper, and Mo Yu's brows became deeper and deeper.

The ominous aura here is actually thicker, and the darkness is no longer "dead".

Real darkness!

Sure enough, it has been infested by the horrors of darkness.

Suddenly, Mo Yu stopped, and his expression became even more solemn.

In the depths of the active darkness, there is a strange black shadow!

It's not a human figure, it's more like a monster.

And it seemed to sense the arrival of the two, and the black shadow actually moved.


With a loud noise, the shadow stood up.

Then came the sound of inhaling, and the darkness here gradually thinned.

It was sucked into the body by the black shadow.

"Sure enough, it's a monster in the dark. Mo Yu snorted coldly.

And as the darkness was sucked in by the dark shadow, the two finally saw the true face of the monster.

It was ten feet tall, like a patchwork of all kinds of strange things, and the skin was rotten.

A heart the size of a human head was directly exposed, with black blood flowing out, and the smell was unpleasant and pungent.

The bloated face was directly submerged by a fairy sword on his forehead.

"Moon Heavenly Monarch's sword. "Mo Yu's eyes are sharp, in the mural of the Octagonal Pavilion before, Yue Tianjun has this sword hanging from his waist.

It's just that now the fairy sword has also been infected, and it is rusty.

And when you think about it, the horror of this monster is beyond imagination.

He is here for the Moon Heavenly Monarch, at least with the terrifying strength of the Heavenly Monarch Realm.

And 200,000 years have passed, and Yue Tianjun is long gone, but he has survived.

"Emperor Yuan...... Emperor Yuan......"

The monster stared at Mo Yu and the others, and kept repeating the name of Emperor Yuan.

That's the source of darkness, the real mastermind.

Even a terrifying existence that surpassed the three great immortal emperors.

"Heavenly Punishment Army. "Mo Yu revealed the origin of this monster, most of them are unconscious monsters in the dark, and those who can know the name of Emperor Yuan must belong to the Heavenly Punishment Army.

And this monster can target the Moon Heavenly Monarch, and I am afraid that its status in the Heavenly Punishment Army is not low.

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