The monkey's skills, the old man with the remnant sword knows a thing or two.

So he thinks he has encountered some danger in the land of the Nine Secluded Places.

At the same time, he secretly speculated about the strength of the Zhenwu Emperor in his heart.

With his understanding of mythology, Emperor Zhenwu must have come to the rescue.

That's naturally more powerful than a monkey.

But the Emperor Zhenwu shook his head and smiled: "No, although the Nine Secluded Land is dangerous, but the monkey called the Great God of the Three Altars Sea Society and the True Monarch of the Xuantan this time, and the three of them teamed up to go to the Nine Secluded Places, and successfully reached the City of Vain Death."

It's just that in that vain city, there was a great war 200,000 years ago, involving the three Heavenly Monarchs of the Ancient Divine Court. "

"Three!?" The old man with the remnant sword was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked what happened.

Emperor Zhenwu said slowly.

The more the old man heard this, the more shocked he became, and finally sighed with a wry smile.

"I didn't expect that I rushed into the darkness back then, and such a big thing happened on Dongxuan. "

Three Heavenly Monarchs of the Ancient Heavenly Court participated in that great battle.

The Calamity Heavenly Monarch even fell directly on the bank of the Lethe River.

The Divine Heavenly Monarch who fell into darkness was sealed by the Reincarnation Heavenly Monarch at the cost of destroying the entire Nine Shades and destroying the Six Divine Weapons Reincarnation Disk.

As for the reincarnation Heavenly Monarch himself, he also took life as a guide, and laid down the reincarnation dream to fool the darkness, and after 200,000 years, only the remnant soul remained.

The fate of the three Heavenly Monarchs made the old man of the remnant sword quite emotional.

In short, the darkness is terrible.

He had gone into the deepest depths of darkness by himself when darkness fell, and when he returned, his limbs were cut off and crippled, and he could not recover for the rest of his life.

It's all the price to pay in the fight against the darkness.

However, after learning that the darkness trapped by the Reincarnation Heavenly Monarch and the Dark God Xiao Heavenly Monarch were all solved by the True Martial Emperor, he could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

"Daoyou has such magical powers!"

The old man of the remnant sword also crisscrossed the era when the Ancient Heavenly Court was overwhelmed by the world, and naturally had contact with the Divine Sky Heavenly Monarch.

It can be said that he knows better than anyone else the power of the Divine Sky Monarch.

Even if he fell into darkness and his realm descended to the peak of the Heavenly Immortals, he was still an invincible existence within the same level.

And he still remembered that the power that people could carry when they came down in mythology was still limited, and now this world was still slowly recovering, and at that time it was at most the level of heavenly immortals.

But the Divine Heavenly Monarch was still defeated, and the strength of the people in the myth can be seen.

That is, he had seen monkeys and Yuding real people shoot before, and he knew the methods of mythical people, otherwise he would not have believed it.

And what shocked him even more was that the big hand that came down from the sky at the end was suspected to be the real mastermind behind the darkness.

He had gone deep into the darkness back then, and with his strength at the time, he didn't even have the qualifications to see the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, the Emperor Zhenwu insisted on pushing it back, although this heaven and earth had many restrictions on the mastermind behind the scenes, but this was also an unimaginable miracle.

The old man with the remnant sword couldn't hide his shock at all.

Not only him, but the willow tree at the entrance of the village, at this time, also stretched out a willow branch, humanizing in the air to make a gesture of arching, in order to express his admiration for the Zhenwu Emperor.

Emperor Zhenwu didn't hold it up, turned his head to the willow tree and saluted gently, then looked at the old man with the remnant sword and said: "Let's not mention the matter of the Nine Shadows for the time being, now that the sun has returned, the so-called darkness can't come in a short time, it's just that this emperor has encountered another incident before." "

"Oh, what's the matter. The old man with the remnant sword was shocked again.

Mo Yu told the matter of Taixuan Golden Immortal before.

The more the old man listened to it, the deeper his brows furrowed.

"Little Heavenly Emperor, it's just stupid, I didn't expect that now the dignified Ancient Heavenly Court would be confused with the Demon Emperor and be embarrassed.

Although I admired the Emperor of Heaven back then, I also refused his invitation to enter the Ancient Heavenly Court.

It is because although the Heavenly Emperor himself is worthy of awe, the interior of the Ancient Heavenly Court can be called a miasma, which makes me extremely disliked. "

From the words of the old man with the remnant sword, Mo Yu also had a clear understanding of the interior of the Ancient Heavenly Court 200,000 years ago.

Obviously, the interior of the Divine Court was not an iron bucket back then, and most of them were people who chased fame and fortune, so Jian Tianjun disdained to be with them.

Even when the Emperor of Heaven fought against the darkness, many people did not participate in the war, or even defected.

Among them, there are six Heavenly Monarch-level tasks, back then, the darkness and terror, the Demon Saint Lord fled, which coincided with the Creation Heavenly Monarch, one of the six Heavenly Monarchs of the Ancient Heavenly Court, and the Doomsday Divine Boat was created by the two of them.

The Creation Heavenly Monarch, who ranked first among the six Heavenly Monarchs, was still like this, let alone others.

Speaking of which, this Heavenly Emperor who established the Ancient Heavenly Court to suppress the first generation is still a little miserable.

Thinking of this, the old man with the remnant sword was emotional for a while, his eyes were full of anger, and bloodshot appeared in his eyes.

It can be seen that his anger is extreme, and his body is also extremely floating, as if he can't wait to lift his sword to kill the enemy again.

But now he didn't even have limbs, and he struggled for a long time, and finally sighed and sat back again.

Full of sorrow turned into a helpless word.

"It's a pity that I can't lift my sword to kill the enemy now, otherwise I will definitely fight into the darkness again with my fellow Daoists. "

Mo Yu felt his emotions, and the True Martial Emperor also sighed and said, "The situation of Daoyou is not unsolvable. "

The old man with the remnant sword nodded and said with a wry smile: "The Monkey King said this to me, but he said that it is not easy to save my crippled body in mythology, and I understand the kindness of Taoist friends."

And instead of treating my crippled body, it is the salvation of this world that I admire in mythical people like Daoyou. "

Emperor Zhenwu waved his hand when he heard this, and said, "There is no need to say kind words again, but it is not too rare to treat Daoist friends." "

"Daoyou's words are true. The old man with the remnant sword instantly became excited.

"Nature is true. Emperor Zhenwu nodded, and said: "It is the elixir refined by the Taishang Dao Ancestor in the Heavenly Sect Palace thirty-three days outside the Heavenly Court where this emperor served, and it can make the remnants of Daoist friends reborn." "

"Anything?" the old man with the remnant sword's eyes widened, thinking that he had misheard.

When he took the willow god to retreat from the darkness with serious injuries, he used almost all the methods in the past 200,000 years, and ate all the elixirs, but he could not regenerate his limbs.

He had even been appointed a long time ago, claiming to be an old man with a broken sword, but today Emperor Zhenwu actually told him that there was a person who could refine the Dan to save him, how could he not be surprised.

However, in this regard, Emperor Zhenwu nodded as a matter of course.

"That Taishang Dao Ancestor is a doppelganger of the saint of the Human Sect, and the alchemy pill in his hand is also Dao Ancestor-level, just one pill, which can naturally heal Dao friends and injured bodies. "

This time, the old man with the remnant sword couldn't sit still at all, and stayed in a wheelchair for 200,000 years, saying that it was an appointment, but it was more helpless, if there was a way to save him, he would definitely do his best.

But he was puzzled again.

"But that is the elixir refined by the saints in your mythology, and ordinary people can't easily get it. "

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