Taixuan Golden Immortal was born in the Ancient Heavenly Court, and felt that his identity was noble.

There is a natural sense of superiority.

However, the lion and the elephant fight the rabbit, all with all their strength.

Taixuan Golden Immortal is a high-profile on the surface, but in fact, he does not underestimate the enemy.

The name of the myth is now spread throughout the Great World of Dongxuan.

The so-called no-nonsense under the fame, this truth is still understood by the Taixuan Golden Immortal.

And after putting enough scores, he looked at the Zhenwu Emperor and snorted coldly.

"The mythical barbarians of the outside world, why do you want to destroy the altar blood pool, who gave you the courage?"

The attitude of saying this is high-spirited and very arrogant.

When Emperor Zhenwu heard this, his expression did not change significantly, and he sighed lightly: "The blood sacrifice of the common people, to kill ninety percent of the living beings in this world, such a heartbreaking and crazy move, even this emperor can't bear to be an outsider, you Ancient Heavenly Court is willing to do it." "

The words were not sharp, but they devalued the Taixuan Golden Immortal and the Ancient Heavenly Court, who regarded themselves as their masters, as worthless.

Not only that, but this sentence fell among the hundreds of millions of Eastern Xuanzhou creatures who were captured, and it caused a huge response.

The shouts and cries rose and fell with each other.

But all of them denounced the viciousness of the Ancient Heavenly Court.

There were even people who shouted the slogan of mythology to save Dongxuan.

Taixuan Jin Xian was also stuffy in his chest in the face of this scene, and his face was difficult to look at.

However, in the end, it was a strong man who had cultivated to the realm of golden immortals, and he quickly regained his calm.

With a wave of his big hand, he covered the scolding in the sky, and looked at Emperor Zhenwu again, his eyes narrowed slightly,

"Mythical barbarians, the ability to speak like a spring is good. "

"That's it. Emperor Zhenwu still smiled lightly.

And maybe it was Emperor Zhenwu's posture that completely annoyed Taixuan Golden Immortal.

The latter's face was visibly angry.

It's no wonder that at this time, in the eyes of Taixuan Jin Xian, the posture of this mythical barbarian on the other side is irritating from the bottom of his heart.

If you have to let him describe it, it is that the other side doesn't take him seriously at all.

Let you bite like a mad dog, and I will not move.

Suddenly comparing himself to a mad dog, Taixuan Jin Immortal was even more angry, and with such a thought, he looked at the Zhenwu Emperor again.

The other party's eyes are becoming more and more similar.

Taixuan Jin Xian's mentality was completely blown up, and when he first came, he turned into petals and divine beasts with aura, and he made a sufficient posture.

It is to show that he is superior to others, and the myth is barbarian.

But now, it's the other way around.

It was Emperor Zhenwu who treated him as a mad dog and a clown.

"What do you know!" Taixuan Jin Xian suddenly burst into tears, which showed that his emotions were out of control.

This sound is more abrupt.

made Mo Yu full of question marks, he didn't treat the other party as a person, but he didn't know that the other party was there alone.

So looking at the past from the perspective of Emperor Zhenwu, the two of them just didn't say a few words, and the opposite side exploded inexplicably.

Be all abroad.

With this thought, the eyes of the True Martial Emperor looking at the Taixuan Golden Immortal were also different.

Mu Zixin understood this look.

Well, describe it.

It's that there was a little junior brother in the Xuanji Gate where she was.

This little junior brother doesn't have a very bright brain, and some of the senior brothers and sisters in the Xuanji Sect who like to laugh at him often have this look.

And Mu Zixin understood it, and Taixuan Jinxian was even more fried, and the other party regarded him as mentally retarded.

When did the ancient golden immortal of the ancient heavenly court be so looked down upon.

It was immediately fried.

"The mythical barbarian is really the mythical barbarian, 200,000 years ago the dark invasion, the Heavenly Emperor, the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Saint joined forces to resist it, only the blood sacrifice of the common people can save the world, this is the price that these fools should pay. "

Taixuan Jin Xian's voice is fierce, and his appearance is almost like putting a big villain label on his face.

However, the corner of Emperor Zhenwu's mouth still smiled lightly, but he slowly shook his head.

"Unreasonable, unattainable. "


Taixuan Jin Xian suddenly fell silent, he found out, to continue to say this.

He had to be.


Taixuan Jinxian stopped talking nonsense and shot directly.

When he lifted the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand, it was still an immortal-level sword.

The sword came out, the sword intent was all over the sky, and the momentum was amazing.

I didn't expect that this Taixuan Golden Immortal was still a sword immortal, and it was only with the sword that he could break through the sword qi of the True Martial Emperor from the sky.

Sword Cultivation's attack strength is the strongest in the same level, and there is no one.

It was by virtue of this that Taixuan Golden Immortal that he had reached the status of the Eight Great Ancient Golden Immortals in the Ancient Heavenly Court.

At this time, the strength of the peak of the Heavenly Immortal is even more exposed, even if it encounters the Golden Immortal, it can also fight.

This is the confidence of Taixuan Golden Immortal.

But Mo Yu didn't care.

In Jiuyou, he destroyed the Dark God Xiao Tianjun, who was also at the peak of the Heavenly Immortals and possessed the Nine Heavens Wind Thunder Halberd.

What's more, it's this Sui Gu Golden Immortal.

But he also takes it seriously.

In fact, the strength of the eighth level of the heavens did not allow him to despise the Heavenly Immortals, not to mention that the other party was still at the peak of the Heavenly Immortals.

It's just that he was lucky this time, and he smashed 10 million and became the True Martial Emperor.

A supernatural power is amazing, which can have such power.

The Zhenwu Town Demon Sword was mentioned, and when it came to the way of the sword, he was not afraid.

Although the sword path of the True Martial Emperor is not as elegant as that of the sword immortal Lu Dongbin, it is not necessarily weak.

After all, Lu Dongbin's title of the world's number one sword immortal is not authoritative in mythological stories.

Most of them are boasted by the Eight Immortals themselves.

In short, the sword of the Zhenwu Emperor has been unsheathed, and it is necessary to compare it with the Taixuan Golden Immortal in the way of the sword.

The world of the Void Sudden Sword.

The sword intent collided, the sword qi raged, and the two were already fighting together.


Above the sky, a huge portal was hidden in the void.


In the depths of the Ancient Divine Court, the current Little Heavenly Emperor sat at a table with a gloomy face, and there was tea on the table, but it was already slightly cold.

Beside him, a shadow floated there, it was none other than the Demon Emperor.

The Little Heavenly Emperor glanced at the Demon Emperor and said with some irritation, "You don't have anything to say?"

"What did you say?" the Demon Emperor's voice came from the shadows, a little cold.

The Little Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly.

"The mythical Emperor Zhenwu has found the altar blood pool of the Cangsheng Blood Sacrifice, but there is the Taixuan Golden Immortal to block it, I'm afraid it won't last long, so you are so calm?"

"Huh. The Demon Emperor suddenly let out a strange laugh and said, "Do you really think that the Cangsheng Blood Sacrifice needs the so-called altar blood pool. "

"What do you mean. The little Heavenly Emperor looked pale.

"The blood sacrifice of the common people, why does this emperor need to sacrifice the altar blood pool. The Demon Emperor's voice gradually cooled down, and he said: "With the strength of this emperor, with a single thought, you can sacrifice ninety percent of the living beings in this world, if it weren't for your father who has been suppressing it, this emperor will be discovered by him as soon as he has this thought, how can this emperor end up like this." "

The Demon Emperor's voice was full of unwillingness, obviously hating the Heavenly Emperor who had always pressed on his head.

But then he changed his tune.

"The altar and the pool of blood are just a façade, and you don't want to find out the details of this foreign myth?"

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