In the north of the Eastern Xuan World, it is another barren land.

There are no people here for hundreds of millions of miles, and there is a harsh smell of blood in the air.

Only a few dead trees took root.

The ground is covered with bones, and it looks more like a demon beast or something.

At this time, a three-tailed golden tiger broke into the place.

This is a demon beast of the Supreme Realm, if it was placed in the past, it would definitely be a dominating existence.

But now, it was extremely weak, and its tiger face was full of despair.

It's been in here for a long time, but it can't get out anyway.

There is no food to eat, and what is even more terrifying is that in this barren land, there is a strange power that is melting into his life all the time.

Eventually, it lost its strength and collapsed to the ground.

Before its eyelids dropped, it saw several vultures swooping down on it with red eyes.

The vultures ate the unattainable giant tiger on weekdays, and in a pair of blood-colored pupils, they were very humane and cruel.

Come to think of it, the countless dry bones on this ground were like the three-tailed golden tiger when they were alive.

Shifting gaze, deep in the Wastelands.

The smell of blood here is heavier, and a thick layer of smog is enveloped in mid-air.

And as they advanced towards the core area, more and more fog obscured their vision, and with the power of true immortals, they might only be able to see through the situation within a hundred meters.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he can only see his feet clearly, and the thick fog renders this place ghostly, and he can't hear any birds, beasts, fish and insects at all.

Although it was not as shocking as the animal bones that were covered before, it was obviously even more strange here.

Apparently this is a demonic land.

200,000 years ago, it was also known as the Eternal Demon Land.

And the master here is the first of the four demon lords under the command of the Demon Emperor, the territory of the Eternal Demon Lord.

Regarding the Eternal Demon Lord, there are not many deeds circulating on the Eastern Xuanzhou.

Even those people from the Great Gate sect don't know.

There is only one kind of legend that has been handed down.

Legend has it that the time of the Great World of Dongxuan is even older.

The Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor are fighting to rule this world.

At that time, the Eternal Demon Lord, as the head of the four demon lords under the command of the Demon Emperor, was extremely terrifying.

As a vanguard, he fought head-on with the Heavenly Monarch who was in charge of Heavenly Punishment.

In that battle, the fight was naturally dark.

It is claimed that the fight has not stopped for a hundred years.

However, legend has it that this battle ended in a draw between the two.

And in the end, the Demon Emperor was defeated.

The Eternal Demon Lord also returned to the Eternal Demon Land, completely gone.

This strange eternal demonic land has also been silent for 200,000 years.

It's just that at this moment, there was a sudden movement in the depths of this demonic land.

A gust of evil wind blew, and the heavy haze was actually blown away a lot.

Looking at it, there was a terrifying scene.

I saw that there was a big pit with a radius of millions of miles, and the pit was bottomless.

In it, there are dry bones everywhere, maybe too much time has passed.

I can't tell if it's a man, a beast, or a demon.

Or maybe both.

Dry bones piled up into a sea and filled a pit of a million miles.

And in the center of the sea of bones, there was a black coffin lying flat.

This scene is enough to make people's scalp tingle.

At this moment, a vulture flew by, spat out a tiger bone, and landed on the black coffin.

The blood-red eyes lit up instantly.

Then, the black coffin seemed to move, and the vulture was alarmed, and immediately flapped its wings and flew away.

At the same time, a deep cold laugh came from the black coffin.

"Mythology? interesting, getting more and more interesting. "


Mo Yu has been in this world for a long time.

The name of the myth has long been praised by him.

Of course, there are many forces that have made enemies because of this.

Whether it is the Senluo Hall or the Demon Monarch Against the Heavens, they are all plotting in secret.

Even the forces that do not exist at the moment are already aware of the name of the myth and are secretly plotting.

It's like opening its fangs, just waiting for Mo Yu to reveal a flaw, he will rush up and eat it.

However, they are also afraid of mythical strength, and can only do some shady things behind their backs.

The so-called open arrows are easy to block, but hidden arrows are difficult to prevent.

I don't know what trouble they will cause to Mo Yu.

But Mo Yu also doesn't care, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth.

In the face of his grand goal, these people and forces are at best clowns.

No countertops.

Of course, he won't be careless.

The lion fights the rabbit, and it still needs all his strength, this truth, Mo Yu knows it better than anyone else.

By this time, it was already dawn.

The sun rises as usual, the light falls, moistens the earth, and all things come to life.

"It's still so comfortable. "

Mo Yu had already gotten up, looked up at the sun, and stretched lazily.

Apparently, he was equally accustomed to the alternation of day and night.

To some extent, the alternation of day and night is one of the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

But in the next second, he frowned and looked somewhere in the east.

It was a small mountain village.

There are more than 100 houses in the village, and it is located in a remote area.

In normal times, it can be regarded as a paradise.

However, at this time, a tragic scene is happening in the village.

The villagers are being slaughtered, and the perpetrators are only a handful of perpetrators.

All of them are dressed in heavy black armor and are armed with halberds or swords, as if they were some kind of soldier's attire.

The five generals all have the strength of the Tianzun Realm.

At this time, there is a killing spree.

How these mortal civilians are their opponents, powerless to resist.

The village of thousands of people was slaughtered by as many as half of these five soldiers in the blink of an eye.

It was too cruel, and there was blood everywhere in the peaceful village.

Even if it gathers into a stream, the smell of blood alone can be transmitted for thousands of miles.

In fact, this place was a million miles away from Mo Yu, and it was this strong smell of blood that caught his attention.

But there's one more thing he should pay attention to.

Mo Yu actually saw an acquaintance among the people who were running around.

Disciple of the Xuanji Sect.

Mu Zixin.

"How did she get here? "

Mo Yu said secretly in his heart, but he soon woke up.

When the two separated, the latter said that she would travel alone.

But she traveled to this mountain village, but she probably didn't expect to be able to do this thing.

And seeing that the five soldiers looked like they were all killed, Mo Yu turned into the True Martial Emperor at his feet, and the golden lotus reappeared and disappeared in place.


Mu Zixin was very sad at this time.

It's not for herself, she is kind-hearted, but for the sake of the villagers who died.

In fact, she had resisted a long time ago, but she only had the strength of the Exterior Realm, which was the opponent of the Supreme Realm powerhouse.

So she was completely defeated, and was almost pierced by one of the black-armored soldiers with a halberd.

But I don't know if she is blessed, and the halberd actually pierced the air.

This gave her a chance to escape.

The black-armored general was naturally furious, and was chasing after her at this time.

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