Only then did Mo Yu realize that he had really picked up the treasure.

Regarding the concept of "miracles", he also thought about it for a long time before he figured it out.

Let's take an analogy.

After learning the first chapter of the Three Qings, Mo Yu was able to incarnate three mythical characters at the same time.

And as long as one of the three characters survives, he is still alive.

And this supernatural power is cultivated to the end, and it can even be resurrected again with a "miracle".

For example, if this Dongxuan Great World survives forever, the deeds about the people in mythology that Mo Yu preached before will be remembered by anyone.

If one day he suffers misfortune, then he can be resurrected again.

Think about it, what kind of state this is.

Nearly immortal.

Thousands of incarnations, how many people you have to know, how many things you do are remembered by others.

Of course, it's not just a matter of everything.

It is related to the merit of faith, such as the temple established by Mo Yu's mythical characters in this big world.

You can receive faith and make merit.

Such things could have planted "miracles" in the hearts of his disciples.

Of course, Mo Yu is far from reaching this realm.

The second chapter of the One Gasification and Three Clears does not allow him to have this kind of almost incomprehensible power.

However, it can initially plant "seeds" in people's hearts.

For Mo Yu, that's enough.

Anyway, he wasn't sure if he would be able to learn this magic power in the end.

After all, it is a Sanqing-level supernatural power.

Now that he has changed more or less, it is impossible to say what will happen after that.

After all, the value of the entire gasification and three clearances is clearly marked with the price of the system.

However, Mo Yu was also satisfied, at least one step closer to his goal of creating a mythical world in this other world.

After all, you can change six people at a time.

And after exchanging the supernatural powers, Mo Yu's luck value shrank again, and there were only nine million left.

"Whew. "

After finishing everything, Mo Yu rubbed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

During these days, for the sake of the sun, he was busy before and after, and even went deep into the Nine Shadows and fought with many parties.

This sudden relaxation made him feel a little tired.

However, this thought was quickly banished by him.

After all, there is still a long way to go from the goal.

Mo Yu regained his spirits, but he remembered something again.

In my mind, a blue starry sky appeared.

This is the prayer page of the system.

He wanted to see how many Christians there were today.

And as soon as the blue starry sky opened, he was shocked.

I saw that the sky was full of points of light, and I almost drowned him.

The power of merit is great, and it is the prayer of the believers of Heyang City and Yunyuan City.

There are too many, almost tens of thousands of times before Mo Yu went to Jiuyou.

However, why this happened, Mo Yu can also guess a thing or two.

Before the sun disappeared, there was no black and white alternate in the whole world, which caused people to panic.

Moreover, the power of darkness between heaven and earth is thus great, and many animals have undergone abnormal changes, even human beings have undergone abnormal changes, and often become monsters, so that the civilians of this world are even more terrified.

So faced with this, they want to turn to the gods and rush to find a faith.

As a result, the Donghua Emperor Temple in Heyang City and the Yuding Zhenren Temple in Yunyuan City have become fragrant and sweet, and countless believers can be added every day.

Countless people prayed for the end of this end-time life.

And Mo Yu, as the belief of these people, will naturally not do nothing.

Before, he was in the Nine Shadows, and he had no time to take care of it, but now it is a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, he picked a random point of light in his mind and sensed it.


When the moon is bright, the night gets thicker.

The night breeze was blowing lightly.

Under the moonlight, a large city stood quietly.

In the middle of the city, there are also houses that are shining with lights, blending with the soft moonlight.

Let the whole city look faintly and hazy from a distance.

It's like a scene in a picture.

Ha Duong City.

At this time, in a nondescript hut in a corner of the city.

Then in the faint candlelight of the hut, a middle-aged woman could be seen kneeling in front of a three-inch statue praying something.

It is the idol of Emperor Donghua.

It's not so much a prayer as a cry.

This is the scene that Mo Yu saw at this time.

Obviously, the point of light he opened was the woman in front of him.

He listened intently, and after a few moments, he realized what had happened.

It turned out that this was an ordinary family in Heyang City.

There are only three people in the family.

A husband and wife and an elderly man.

The man does some hard work on weekdays to subsidize the family.

Women take care of the elderly at home.

Although he is not rich, because he has no children under his knees, the two of them are self-sufficient, and they are quite happy.

But not long ago, the sun went down and darkness raged.

It didn't take long for a monster to eat people in Heyang City.

Unfortunately, the male owner of this family is one of them, and when he was discovered, he had been eaten by monsters, and he couldn't die anymore.

For such a family, this is undoubtedly the fall of the sky.

In the end, women can only endure the pain.

Take care of the elderly during the day, and at night, kneel in front of the statue of Emperor Donghua and pray.

Hope for a miracle.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yu also sighed in his heart.

With a movement in his heart, Shen Nian had already left the hut and stood above Heyang City.

Like a true god looking down on all beings.

Then, the sky above Heyang City was full of golden light.

It was the power of endless merit, which was condensed here by Mo Yu and turned into the image of the emperor of Donghua.

At this time, it was late at night, and not many people saw this scene.

Mo Yu didn't pay attention to it, and his luck turned into three clear powers, and a meritorious power fell, and it fell on the statue of the god in the woman's house he saw before.

In an instant, the idol glowed, and the woman raised her head in surprise, calling for the emperor's manifestation.

And this is obviously just the beginning, Mo Yu is running with all his might.

The power of countless merits was sprinkled, and in the entire Heyang City, as long as the statue of the Emperor of Donghua was enshrined, there were visions of the emperor's manifestations.

It's not that he doesn't care about the life and death of others, it's just that he doesn't worship him, how he manifests.

And these manifest idols are equivalent to a clone of Mo Yu.

It's a little more immortal.

Mo Yu has now learned the second chapter of the Three Clearings, and it is not difficult to do this.

In an instant, the image of the emperor raised his hand at the same time, and the entire Heyang City was instantly shrouded in golden light.

Countless people woke up with no idea what had happened.

But soon, a sudden change occurred in Heyang City.

I don't know how many monsters suddenly appeared, and they were extremely hideous, so they had to choose people to devour.

The woman in the hut before was even more horrified to find that her mother-in-law, who had been waiting for her and could no longer get off the ground by herself, actually rushed out of her house.

turned into a hideous monster, and was about to pounce on her.

And at this time, the statue of the emperor made another move, pointed out, turned into sword light, and killed the monster on the spot.

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