Looking at the majestic reincarnation hall, Mo Yu already had a rough guess.

A little more settled.

And the conversation between the two rakshasas, Yueji, Zhou Xiao, and Changqingzi also heard it.

"This is a city that died in vain 200,000 years ago? Changqingzi's face was flustered.

Hearing him say this, even a trace of uneasiness flashed in Zhou Xiao's eyes.

Hearing this, the monkey and Nezha glanced at them.

Compared to these two people, Tsukihime is much more indifferent.

"Is there any way the teacher can't do it?" Zhou Xiao asked.

"Nope. "

Yueji replied very simply, and without waiting for Zhou Xiao to ask again, she raised her jade finger and quietly pointed at Zhao Gongming and the others.

The implication is obvious.

The mythical trio is here, and she has nothing to worry about.

This has to say that Mo Yu's long-term "brainwashing" has been very successful.

The myth is extremely powerful and mysterious.

Anyway, in Tsukihime's heart, there is nothing that people in mythology can't solve.

Even if there is, then she, Zhou Xiao and others will not be able to solve it.

And Changqingzi seemed to realize this at this time, looked at Zhao Gongming and said, "Senior, is there any way." "

Zhao Gongming didn't answer, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked forward.

The monkey and Nezha naturally followed.

After that, Yueji pulled up Zhou Xiao and followed.

Changqingzi, who was ignored, was extremely embarrassed, and in the end, he simply had a heart, and he didn't panic, anyway, the sky fell and there was a myth on top.

With this in mind, he chased after several people.


As everyone walked in this city of vain, they felt the reality of this place more and more.

On the way, all kinds of yin god rakshasas or walked on foot, or gathered in twos and threes to chat.

On both sides of the road, there are also vendors hawking, which is very lively.

But without exception, the people here couldn't feel the existence of Mo Yu and the others, and completely ignored them.

Seeing this, Changqingzi had the heart to ask, but remembering what happened before, he didn't dare to squeak.

And Yueji and Zhou Xiao, who was affected by her, did not have any pressure at all, but both watched with curiosity.

One has to wonder if it weren't for the strange things they were in, and the things they had never seen sold by the merchants, the two of them might have to buy something.

Mo Yu didn't care about these three people.

The monkey even held a golden hoop stick and kept knocking on the ground as he walked.

It's not that it's idle, but the ground of this dead city is also made of incomparably tough obsidian.

The hardness of this obsidian has been previously proven.

Every time the monkey knocks, it quietly throws out an identification technique.

It's the idea of whether it can be recycled with the system.

Of course, this idea is a bit whimsical.

It seems that everywhere, the "white prostitution party" has no good results. After getting the result that the system could not recover, Mo Yu shook his head with a wry smile.

After complaining, I gave up.

Originally, I was planning to give it a try, not to mention that now tens of millions of luck are worth it, which can be described as "wealthy".

Thinking of this, Mo Yu seemed to understand a little bit why this transformation would be Zhao Gongming.

This is the real God of Wealth.

Getting back to the point, Mo Yu led everyone all the way forward, and in a short time he was already close to the reincarnation hall.

Only then did Zhao Gongming stop.

"I said, it's been all the way, and I've found anything. Nezha spoke at this time.

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people also looked at Zhao Gongming, especially Chang Qingzi, who was even more urgent, God knows how long he held back this sentence along the way.

When Zhao Gongming heard this, he smiled incomprehensibly, and turned around to look out of the sky.

"We're almost close to the truth. "

As if in response to his words, an exclamation was heard from the city.

"Look! Darkness is coming!"

"Could it be that the darkness has broken through the defenses of the Calamity Heavenly Monarch!"

With an exclamation, the city of vain, which was a little calm, became chaotic.

Changqingzi and the others looked over, only to see the sky above when they came, and they didn't know when it was already shrouded in darkness.

A few people gasped, it was indescribable darkness.

The sky over the dimly lit city of vain death was like a layer of rich ink.

It is pure darkness, indescribable, exuding the darkest, darkest, bloodiest, and most evil energy in this world.

As far as the eye could see, it was swallowed up by darkness.

This is the Great Terror.

Zhao Gongming, Sun Wukong, and Nezha also looked solemn.

If the guess is correct, this is the scene of the darkness of the first battlefield in the Nine Shadows Land 200,000 years ago.

Purer than any time I've ever seen darkness before.

Faced with such a scene, Changqingzi's face turned black and his face was full of despair.

Even Yueji was no longer calm before, and her jade hand was quietly clenched.

Shrouded in great terror, they seem to have lost the distinction between fantasy and reality.

Zhou Xiao was even more direct, hiding directly behind Nezha.

Nezha didn't have time to mock her for being timid at this time, so he subconsciously picked up the fire-tipped spear and pointed to the darkness.

"This thing is really weirdly ruthless. "

This time, the monkey was even more unprecedented, and immediately agreed.

"It's dark and swarthy, which makes my grandson panic. "

Only Zhao Gongming is still calm.

In fact, Mo Yu was not panicked at all, and along the way, he became more and more sure of the previous guess in his heart.

And now one person is more handy to play the triangle, and it is easy to use the fake to confuse the real.

The monkey and Nezha expressed their true thoughts, plus Zhao Gongming, who was a little calmer.

Under this singing and harmony, the three of them panicked, but also relied on it.

"This Xuantan True Monarch really has a powerful hole card. "Tsukihime has already started to make up for it.

This is a lot of rain, this is 200,000 years ago, the darkness has just come, and it is like the sun.

is Zhao Gongming, who is currently the strongest of the three people, and he rushed up just to deliver food.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have confidence.

The so-called relationship is born from the heart, thinking of this, the corners of Zhao Gongming's mouth unconsciously leaked a smile.

And Tsukihime, who had always observed his expression, was even more firm in what she had just thought.

This smile infected Changqingzi even more, and secretly said in his heart that he hugged his thigh this time.

Mo Yu ignored them and looked up at the sky, the darkness had already shrouded the entire city of vain death.

Several people even smelled the smell of blood from it to the extreme.

I heard a strange sound in my ears.

"Poof...... Poof......"

"Click...... Click......"

The former is like the sound of internal organs being pierced by some kind of blunt object.

The latter is like the terrifying sound of chains rubbing against bones.

God knows what kind of scene existed in the darkness.

Under the curiosity of the monkey, he used his fiery eyes with all his might, and two golden lights came out of his eyes, like two heaven-breaking divine lights pointing directly at the darkness.

But even with the fiery eyes, the divine light was swallowed up the moment it touched the darkness.

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