Sun Wukong failed to break the door, and several people stood in front of the door and thought.

Nezha said, "Why don't you let me try it with the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda?"

There is no better way, and the rest of the people are okay.

Zhao Gongming said at this time: "Don't bother, I have already checked this gate, not to mention that it is extremely hard, even if it is really smashed open, it will only destroy this portal, and it will not lead to the city of vain." "

Several people next to him were stunned, and Yueji said, "If that's the case, isn't there no way to enter?"

Zhao Gongming groaned: "I guess that it should be opened by a special method, but I don't know what the specific method is." "

Hearing his words, Yueji subconsciously looked at Zhou Xiao.

She also reacted and hurriedly said, "Let me try." "

Walking to the door, the crowd made way for her.

She put her hands on the door, her eyes closed, a thunder mark appeared on her eyebrows, and the aura of the whole person became fierce.

Thunder appeared in her palm, and she surged towards the door, spreading.

Yueji said on the side: "According to the information obtained in the Heavenly Punishment Palace, the Divine Sky Heavenly Monarch came to the Nine Shadows to stop the Dark Tribulation, if he guessed correctly, he would have entered the City of Death."

Xiao'er has the thunder seal of the Divine Sky Monarch, so she may be able to give it a try. "

After listening to her explanation, a glimmer of hope swelled up in everyone's hearts.

The thunder spread, but the gate to heaven stood still, showing no sign of opening.

After a while, Zhou Xiao retracted her palm, and she shook her head and said, "No, this portal has no reaction to the Thunder Seal. "

Everyone was disappointed, and the monkey was even more anxious to scratch his ears and cheeks.

He said angrily: "My grandson is rampant in the four continents, today I can't even open a broken door, you get out of the way, my grandson is going to make a miracle." "

When they saw that he was angry, their hearts sank.

Nezha on the side seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "Wait, I have something here, I don't know if it will work." "

When he spoke, no one noticed that Sun Wukong flipped it with one hand, and a token appeared in his hand.

He grasped the palm of his hand, and the token disappeared naturally.

At the same time, Nezha flipped his hand, and a ray of light appeared, turning into a token.

The word reincarnation is painted on it.

Seeing the token, Yueji's eyes lit up: "Reincarnation Order, how can it be in your hands?"

This token was relied on by the Huangquan Sect Master when he chased them into the Nine Shadows, and was killed by the Donghua Emperor transformed by Mo Yu, and he took it over.

Tsukihime was there at the time.

Nezha smiled and said: "This was given by Emperor Donghua when I came this time, and it was said that it was possible to use it." "

Tsukihime nodded, indicating that it was clear.

Nezha did not delay, and approached the portal with the reincarnation order in his hand.

In an instant, a deep light flashed on the reincarnation order, and the entire portal shook lightly, and there was the same deep light, turning into a mist-like energy diffuse.

"There was a response. Changqingzi said happily on the side, holding his breath and concentrating.


The stone door to the sky trembled lightly and opened inside.

Everyone held their breath at the same time, and suddenly, darkness filled the portal, and the outside world changed.

Seven dark paths were divided, and they rushed towards the seven people with fangs and claws.

These darkness are too terrible, containing the original sins of the heavens, and once touched, they will fall and decay.

Even true immortals like Qing Xuzi had no power to resist.


At the critical moment, Zhao Gongming let out a soft snort, and with a flick of his sleeves, he saw the purple Shangqing Immortal Light spreading, also dividing the seven realms, and shattering all the darkness that rushed in.

His eyes condensed slightly: "Be careful, it's not safe inside." "

As he spoke, behind the portal, a rotten and hoarse voice rang out, sending chills down the spine and hair standing on end.

Mo Yu heard this voice clearly for the first time.

"Reincarnation...... Reincarnation ......"

In the world behind the portal, there is an unknown being who keeps repeating these two words.

At the same time, Mo Yu felt familiar, and immediately remembered that he had heard this voice when the Huangquan Sect Master chased after him last time.

At that time, it was also the reincarnation order that caused the change.

Only that time they didn't dig deeper.

With a rumbling sound, the stone door to the sky opened, and everyone looked in, and it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen except the deepest darkness.

In addition to Mo Yu, who was gassing and clearing, they were drumming in their hearts at the same time.

The darkness was surging, just like the darkness that had rushed out before.

Qingxuzi's face turned pale and said, "Shouldn't this be a dark base camp, are we really going to go?"

Nezha rolled his eyes and said, "You can not go." "

Qingxuzi immediately stopped talking.

Sun Wukong and Zhao Gongming had quietly glanced at the situation behind the door.

One of them had a golden light in his eyes, and there was a faint fire dancing in it.

The other person's eyes were purple, and although they were not as fiery as their eyes, they could also see through the falsehood.

But in their eyes, the darkness behind the portal was cloudy, and it was impossible to peep into the endless distance.

Mo Yu was secretly shocked in his heart.

This invades the darkness of the heavens, and there are indeed some doorways.

The reincarnation order in Nezha's hand flickered, as if it was guiding him to a certain place.

Yueji and Zhou Xiao looked at Zhao Gongming at the same time, obviously asking for his opinion.

Zhao Gongming said: "These dark and weird, don't be easily contaminated, I will use a Dinghai Divine Bead as a light source to dispel the darkness in Fangyuan, you follow me, don't be separated." "

As he spoke, his right hand flipped over, and a divine pearl appeared in his hand, light blue, in which there seemed to be a wave sound, and if he looked closely, he could even see the infinite terrifying waves rushing towards his face, which seemed to contain a world of the ocean.

Zhao Gongming held the sea pearl and stepped in, and suddenly there were five colors of light, as he advanced, the deep darkness behind the stone gate was naturally dispelled, opening up a bright world.

The monkey and Nezha also crossed the stone gate and went to Zhao Gongming's side.

Yueji and Zhou Xiao had great trust in Nezha and others, and they also followed quickly.

Changqingzi and Qingxuzi fell behind slightly, and when they saw this situation, they also hurriedly followed.

The group of seven people only felt that it was dark in front of them, and they felt that it was dark in all directions, and there seemed to be an extremely terrifying crisis hidden in it, and their hearts were panicked to the extreme.

At the same time, the rumbling sound sounded again, and the portal to heaven where they had come quickly closed.

Qing Xuzi's face turned even paler.

Tsukihime was relatively indifferent, she looked around with the light of the Dinghai Divine Bead, but when it was dark all around, she couldn't discern the direction, let alone know where to go.

She was not reckless and turned her gaze to Nezha.

At this time, the reincarnation order should come in handy.

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly swept across the sky, tearing through the sky like a silver dragon, and the earth was briefly illuminated.

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