The grade of the Heavenly Demon Silk is also extremely high.

Eight hundred and thirty thousand luck value, if Mo Yu got this thing before, there would be some small surprises.

However, just after the shock of the seven million qi luck value of the calamity origin, this thing has become okay in an instant.

I also turned my hand and put it away, and actually threw it to the system to exchange it for gas luck value.

Mo Yu's Qi Luck Value, which had just been depleted, was immediately replenished.

Not only that, but with some luck values he still had left before, he was close to the eight million mark, and he was not far from the ten million mark.

After that, he put away the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda and looked in the direction of the Lethe River.

The corpse of the Calamity Heavenly Monarch has been put away by him, and the Nine Shadows have also returned to calm, the natural disasters have disappeared, and the ancient well of the Lechuan River has become waveless again.

Mo Yu beckoned and fell to the river, his body shrank at the same time, and the state of the demon pill was lifted, and he returned to the appearance of a three-year-old child.

Yueji and Zhou Xiao also followed him to the river.

The last time they came here, they were chased and killed all the way by the Huangquan Sect Master.

Because he couldn't cross the river, Mo Yu turned into the Emperor of Donghua on the bank of the river and wiped out the other party.

Now that I am revisiting the old place, it is a different taste.

But if you think about it, it's not been too long since last time.

There were no waves in the ancient well of the Lechuan River, there was no wave, Mo Yu turned his head and asked, "How to cross the river?"

The Lethe River is the River of Styx, and the water is weak, and nothing can fly across it.

Mo Yu felt that if he had the strength of the Golden Immortal now, he might be able to try, but his current strength was too far from the Golden Immortal.

Hearing this, Yueji chuckled and said, "Don't worry, just wait." "

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows and didn't ask any more questions.

The three of them stood by the river, and for a moment, they saw a flat boat slowly coming on the river.

There was no one on the boat, so it naturally rowed to the place where the three of them were, and finally stopped at the river.

Seeing this boat, Mo Yu had a memory, and the last time he was on the bank of the Lechuan River, he had seen a similar boat parked on the riverside.

It's just that the three of them didn't choose to cross the river at that time.

Tsukihime explained, "This is the Underworld, the undead who used to ferry across the river in the ancient times. Don't underestimate this small boat, one boat can ferry 10,000 people. "

As she spoke, she was the first to get on board.

Mo Yu and Zhou Xiao also walked up one after another.

The ship shook slightly, and then turned around without a boatman, without sails and oars, but carrying them across the river.

On the boat, Yueji said softly: "In ancient times, the Dark Boat had a boatman, and it was a ferryman appointed by the Reincarnation Heavenly Monarch himself.

It's a pity that since the ancient times, it has never been used again, but the Hellboat has been retained. Once someone arrives on the banks of the Lethe, the boat appears in a variety of different ways.

No matter how many people come, no matter how far apart, they can even appear in two places at the same time. "

With Yueji's explanation, Mo Yu also secretly said that he was surprised.

It sounds like this boat is very idealistic.

He looked around, and the boat was not fast, but it was smooth in the river.

But when I looked up, I couldn't see the two sides of the strait.

I don't know when, a burst of mist appeared on the Lechuan River, enveloping the river, and even Mo Yu's gaze couldn't see through it.

The upper and lower yellow springs are poor, and the two places are gone.

Mo Yu suddenly realized in his heart that they had truly stepped into the realm of the Nine Shadows Yellow Spring at this time.

The place where Yin Mountain came before was just the edge of the Nine Shadows.

If you think about it this way, the appearance of the bones of the Calamity Heavenly Monarch in the Lethe River is equivalent to guarding the Nine Secluded Lands.

In other words, in the great catastrophe of the Ancient Era, this Heavenly Monarch stood up for the Nine Shadows and was the first to fall.

Speaking of which, the Calamity Heavenly Monarch was also the first Heavenly Monarch he had seen who had fallen so completely.

The rest of the ancient powers, even if they were the likes of the plague king, although their strength was so weak that they couldn't bear to look at it directly, they still survived.

The surrounding fog is vast, which makes people panic, and subconsciously feels that there is some terrifying existence lurking in the fog.

But as the boat docked leisurely, it turned out to be just Mo Yu's heart.

The three of them descended and officially set foot on the land of the Nine Netherlands.

As soon as he stepped in, a stream of yin qi rushed to his face, and the wind blew in ten directions, as if he wanted to tear people's souls.

The ground was dark, and the netherworld air was constantly oozing, and there was not a single crack in sight, and it was clear that the aftermath on the other side of the river had not been reached.

Then, he looked farther away, only to see that in the hazy mist, there were continuous Yin Mountains bullying, and there were palaces looming among the mountains.

The Yin Mountains stretch out, vaguely pointing to the deepest part, where an underworld city stands silently.

Mo Yu subconsciously sensed danger.

It's the instinct of life.

He believed that Yueji and Zhou Xiao felt the same way, after all, they both stepped onto the netherworld as living people.

There is a natural resistance to the underworld, and I just want to stay away.

This point, even if he is a true immortal, cannot be changed.

Although the true immortal has a long lifespan, he still has not been able to transcend reincarnation, and will be bound by the Nine Netherlands.

Only by attaining the heavenly immortals can we escape the jurisdiction of reincarnation.

"Where are we going next?" Mo Yu asked casually.

At the same time, his eyes were slightly closed, and he sensed the location of "Monkey King" through the supernatural power of one gas and three clears.

One gasification and three cleans have always been related to each other, but if the distance is too far, or cross-border, special methods need to be used to perceive.

In an instant, he sensed the location of "Monkey King", and his eyes jumped slightly.

The group of people in the Immortal View have gone far enough.

Yueji replied: "We came to the Nine Shadows to find the whereabouts of the Nine Heavens Wind Thunder Halberd, according to the information obtained in the Divine Court, the Divine Sky Heavenly Monarch finally came to the Nine Shadows, and the Wind Thunder Halberd is most likely left here. "

She turned her head to Zhou Xiao and said, "Xiao'er, you use the Thunder Seal to perceive it and see if you can find the location of the Nine Heavens Wind Thunder Halberd." "

Zhou Xiao nodded slightly, then closed his eyes, and the thunder mark in the center of his eyebrows flashed with light, and a thunderbolt jumped up and shone into the depths of the netherworld.

She opened her eyes, pointed to the mist-shrouded city in the depths of the netherworld, and whispered, "In that city." "

Yueji's gaze condensed slightly, and she said in a low voice: "There is the city of vain death, the center of the underworld ruled by the Reincarnation Heavenly Monarch in the ancient times, and it is also the most important city in the Nine Shadows. "

Mo Yu also looked at the city, there were lotus flowers blooming in his eyes, and in his eyes, the city was now shrouded in darkness, indescribably weird.

He said solemnly: "That city has been reduced to a dark world, and it is very dangerous. "

Yueji nodded and said: "During the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Ages, the Nine Shadows fell earlier than the Divine Court, and their strength was not as good as the Divine Court, and it is reasonable that the City of Vain Death was infected by darkness. "

Mo Yu smiled: "Since that's the case, let's go, it's just dark, it's not a strange thing." "

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