Because of the environment of the village itself, the prepared rooms are naturally not too good.

It's also a wooden house, but it's better to be clean.

It is estimated that the old man of the remnant sword never thought that one day he would entertain others in his own home.

Fortunately, Mo Yu and Yueji's master and apprentice are not picky people.

After eating this wine banquet, Mo Yu went to the resting room, and the furnishings in the house were simple, with a table, a chair, and a bed.

It was still dark, and there was no light in the room, but there was a kerosene lamp on the table.

Mo Yu didn't light up, he had fiery eyes, even the deepest darkness was like day.

Sitting down in his chair, he was still drunk, but still conscious.

His finger was slightly raised, and a ring appeared on his finger.

This was given by Shi Yueji when he first transformed into Nezha, but later when he changed his identity, he used a blindfold to cover up this ring, so as not to reveal his identity in the details.

And the space in this ring is also a little small, he has gained a lot this time, and he is ready to change it.

Now the top priority is to exchange all the treasures obtained before into luck value, and by the way, count the harvest this time.

With a flip of his palm, there were three more immortal rings in his hand.

Red, cyan, and blue lights flashed on it, and there were invisible energy spreading.

Mo Yu immediately launched the identification technique.

"Fire Source Immortal Ring, one of the Five Elements Immortal Ring, a single grade Heavenly Rank Middle Grade, can summon heavenly fire, burn all things in the world, the Five Elements Immortal Ring is one, it is an immortal level treasure, it can be recycled, and it can be exchanged for 220,000 yuan worth of luck. "

Mo Yu's eyes condensed slightly, it was actually a combined immortal treasure, which was beyond his expectations.

However, he remembered that he observed at that time that the price of this immortal treasure itself was only 1.1 million, so on average, on the five immortal rings, wasn't it 220,000.

He took out two other immortal rings for identification, which were also of the same grade, both of which were recycled at a price of 220,000.

He exchanged the three treasures together and recovered 660,000 Qi Luck Value.

After that, he shook it with one hand, and two slightly broken Wu hooks appeared in his hands.

"The Green Immortal Hook, the best treasure of the Heavenly Rank, is refined by mixing the strongest Immortal Killing Stone of the Nine Shadows, which has the terrifying power to destroy the immortals and demons, and specializes in breaking the body of the immortals, which can be recycled, and the exchange of qi luck is worth 780,000. "

Mo Yu's eyes lit up, this is a good thing, more than the combined luck value of the three Five Elements Immortal Rings.

Then he palmed his hand again, and a blood-colored Moro umbrella appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, the blood qi was mixed with demonic energy.

This is the treasure of the second hall master of Senluo, after being crushed to death by the fragments of the golden mountain, it was put away by the little monkey whose monkey hair changed.

"Moro umbrella, a high-grade treasure on the heavenly level, a treasure of the Demon Dao, can collect people for defense, protect the body with demonic qi, and the saints are easy to change, it is the treasure of the Demon Dao of Senluo, which can be recycled, and the value of exchange for qi luck is 420,000. "

In addition to this treasure, there are also treasures given by the Supremes, as well as the relics of the Supremes who died in the Divine Court.

Mo Yu also took them out one by one.

"Lihong sword, the treasure of the heavenly ladder, the sword is born and the dragon is born, and it is the treasure of the Jiuyang iron of the Lijiang River. It can be recycled, and the value of exchange for gas luck is 380,000. "

"The Frog Flag, the treasure under the heavenly steps, the treasure made of the soul of the Frog, can be attacked and defended, attacked, the Frog rushes out, the Supreme is difficult to stop, the defense, the Frog protects the body, and the evil is difficult to approach. It can be recycled, and the value of exchange for gas luck is 190,000. "

"The golden talisman pen, a quasi-heaven-level treasure, can be written with a pen, punishing evil spirits, suppressing demons, exorcising ghosts, subduing demons, praying for blessings, asking for rain, opening roads, and dividing rivers. It can be recycled and exchanged for 90,000 yuan worth of luck. "

"Aoki Treasure Talisman, a quasi-heaven-level treasure, contains all kinds of laws, there are one hundred and eight spell variations, and the Aoki Great Array can be deployed, and the attack and defense are integrated. It can be recycled and exchanged for 90,000 yuan worth of luck. "

One treasure after another was exchanged for qi luck by him, Mo Yu was overjoyed, and the consumption of transforming into Sun Wukong and exchanging one gas and three clears was all back at this time.

And that's not even counting the high-grade treasures of the Ground Rank given by the Supreme.

Although the value is high and low, it is better in quantity, and it adds up to a lot of luck.

In addition to these, he also has those fallen supreme rings, and there are not a few treasures in them, but they are uneven, and Mo Yu doesn't know how much luck value he can exchange.

When all the treasures in his hand were successfully exchanged, Mo Yu opened the character panel.

In the luck value column, there are six million.

He was suffocating for breath, this was another new high after he crossed over.

Holding back the joy in his heart, he slept with his clothes closed.

With his current strength, there is naturally no need to sleep, but the difference between man and God is sometimes in these details.

The immortal gods in Chinese mythology retain the characteristics of mortals most of the time.

Such as eating, sleeping.

There is always more to the human side than the divine side.

Therefore, the Chinese immortals mostly use him, not him.

There was no word all night, Mo Yu slept soundly, and slept until dawn.

The morning sun was shining through the window, and the orioles were heard with the chirping of magpies.

Mo Yu then opened his eyes, the wine was completely gone, and he was refreshed.

He stretched and walked out, and pushed open the door, where the morning breeze was blowing, and the leaves in the courtyard were still hanging with dewdrops.

Mo Yu was in a happy mood and looked up at the sky.

The sky in the early morning was exceptionally clean, and a red big sun probe in the east slowly went to the sky.

The sun rises again.

It seems that the darkness was in the sky before, and it was only because the darkness was too thick that it obscured the sun, which caused a short eternal night.

Now that the Divine Court is shattered, the ancient times have been revived, and the previous darkness has been swept away by Mo Yu, and the sun has naturally risen again.

Not long after he came out, the wheelchair of the old man with the broken sword slowly drove out.

On the other side, there was a creaking sound of opening the door, and Yueji and Zhou Xiao walked out one after another.

Seeing Mo Yu and the old man with the remnant sword, the two opened their mouths to greet each other and said, "The Great Sage and the Sword Senior." "

Mo Yu and the old man with the remnant sword bowed their heads.

After the four of them chatted for a word or two, the villagers also woke up one after another, and the smoke of cooking slowly rose.

After breakfast, Yueji and Zhou Xiao said goodbye.

She said: "Great Sage, Sword Senior, time is pressing, I won't bother with the apprentice, and when I go back to deal with some Zhou family affairs, I and the apprentice will set off for Jiuyou, I don't know if the Great Sage wants to go together?"

Mo Yu thought for a while and said: "Your private affairs will not be mixed with the old grandson, and when you go to the Nine Shadows, you can recite the honorable name of the old grandson." "

Tsukihime's eyes lit up and asked, "I don't know what the great sage's honorable name is?"

Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Dongsheng Shenzhou Monkey King. "

"Monkey King. "

"Fight to defeat the Buddha Sun Walker. "

Secretly keeping these three names in their hearts, Yueji and Zhou Xiao thanked and left.

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