The old man with the remnant sword calmed his mind, and then asked: "Great Sage, I have heard the real person of Yuding mention that the heavens and all worlds originate from Pangu, and the Sanqing is the incarnation of Pangu, so it is the oldest and the source of the heavens.

I don't know what other transcendent saints are there in the mythical world besides Sanqing. "

Mo Yu said with a smile: "Yuding Zhenren is a golden immortal, and it is normal for him to boast of his own master. However, the three Qings are Pangu, if the three Qings are united, then there is no opponent in the heavens, that is, all the remaining great supernatural powers are on the ground, and they are not opponents, but it's a pity, hehe. "

Hearing his laughter, the old man of the remnant sword and Yueji guessed at the same time, isn't there a contradiction between the three Qings, which gave others a chance to take advantage of?

Mo Yu continued: "Sanqing is an ancient one, and the rest of the people are also, Western Buddhism has Amitabha Buddha, founded Mahayana Buddhism, opened up the Pure Land of Bliss with supreme mana, and made a grand wish to spend all his lives.

He has attained the Eternal Bliss Fruit, and his supernatural powers are not under the Three Clears, but are the source of all Buddhas. "

When the three of them heard this, they secretly said in their hearts.

When they said before that there were four golden immortals in the Jade Void Palace leaving, they guessed that the Buddha Sect must also have an existence of the same level as the Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Otherwise, apostasy would never have happened.

Mo Yu took a sip of wine and continued to introduce: "In addition, my master Bodhi Patriarch, Buddhism and Taoism, are at ease, and have attained the Bodhi fruit position, which is also a mixed yuan Dao fruit, eternal detachment. "

This surprised the three of them, and their eyes changed slightly when they looked at Mo Yu, with a hint of surprise and a hint of relief.

In an instant, they figured out a lot of things.

The Monkey King Fruit has a backstage, and it is no wonder that he acts aggressively and dares to go on a rampage in the heavenly court.

It can still be safe after making trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

"In addition, there is the demon clan Nuwa Niangniang, who made people from the soil, is the mother of the heavens and human races, receives the merits of the Great Dao, is indefatigable, immortal and indestructible, and is also a mixed Yuan Dao fruit. "

Mother of the Heavens and Humans?

The three of them looked at each other lightly, and their hearts were secretly shocked.

The meaning of this title is so extraordinary that they dare not even think about it.

But in my heart, I firmly remembered the names of these people.

Mo Yu filled a bowl of wine for himself again, and he was even more drunk, and some said hi: "In addition to the six Mixed Yuan Saints, there are other great supernatural powers that should not be underestimated. "

The three of them were stunned.

Mo Yu said: "The three emperors of the human race, who guided the rise of the human race in ignorance, have great merits, won the position of human emperor, no disasters and no disasters, eternal and indestructible, and are considered half detached."

These three people are the Emperor Fuxi, the Earth Emperor Shennong, and the Human Emperor Xuanyuan. "

"In addition to the three emperors, there is the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court, who lives above the heavens, is the master of all worlds, is the most noble of the heavens, is the first emperor of the heavens, eternal and indestructible, his heart is both heavenly will, but also half of the transcendent. "

"In addition to the Great Heavenly Venerable, it is now the Western Sect of Masters, Sakyamuni is a Buddha who is enlightened, a natural Buddha cultivator, although he has deceived the old grandson, but he has to admit his strength, he is also a half-step detachment. "

"In addition to the above, there are also the Queen Mother of the West, the Styx Ancestor, the Kunpeng Patriarch, the Zhen Yuanzi, and the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha, all of which are not to be underestimated, immortal, and are the real great supernatural powers of the mythical world. "

The three of them immediately took the names to heart.

Some of the names they had heard before, but most of them were first-time names.

When I think of so many terrifying existences in the mythical world, I know how vast that world is.

But it should be worthy of the first world after the opening of heaven and earth.

They sighed in their hearts, and at the same time had a general understanding of the real powerhouse classification in the mythical world.

The only thing that surprised them was that there was the name of Zhen Yuanzi among the great supernatural powers.

They originally heard the admiration in Mo Yu's tone, although they thought that the other party's strength was not bad, but they thought that it was not far from the twelve golden immortals, at most it was slightly stronger.

After all, his ginseng fruit tree was rescued by Guanyin Bodhisattva, one of the twelve golden immortals.

That doesn't sound like that at all now.

The status of this Earth Immortal Ancestor in the mythical world is beyond imagination.

At the same time, the name of the ancient Buddha of the lamp also made the three of them pay attention, and naturally wanted to correspond to the deputy head of the Yuxu Palace mentioned earlier.

Combined with the dedication of the Burning Lamp Taoist to Buddhism, his true identity is also about to be revealed.

The more they digested the information of these mythical worlds, the more shocked they became, and they felt the gap between them.

Mo Yu was obviously drunk, and drank another bowl of wine and said with a smile: "By the way, if you go to the mythical world one day, you still need to pay attention to one person, he was also a figure who overwhelmed the heavens and the earth back then, and he was even stronger than the Jade Emperor Datianzun and the current Shakyamuni."

Even in the face of the Mixed Yuan Sage, he dares to compete. "

Tsukihime asked cautiously, "I don't know who this person is?"

Mo Yu said seemingly casually: "The Lord of the Ancient Demon Court, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he is in charge of the Chaos Bell, one of the three innate supreme treasures, can set the universe of thousands of Hongmeng, operate at full strength, all the heavens and all worlds can stagnate, and have the terrifying power to destroy the heavens." "

The old man with the remnant sword secretly sighed, and there was a hint of strangeness, and he subconsciously asked: "Great Sage, since he is so strong, why did he say it now?"

Mo Yu's eyes condensed slightly: "It's very simple, in the ancient times of the mythical world, when the mythical world was still called the flood famine, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi fell. "



The Old Man with the Broken Sword and Tsukihime exclaimed in surprise almost at the same time.

Even Zhou Xiao opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Taking a deep breath, the old man of the remnant sword asked in as calm a tone as possible, "Great Sage, can you tell me who caused his fall?"

He was asking, but he was guessing in his heart, which Mixed Yuan Saint made the move?

According to his understanding of the mythical world, it seems that only the Mixed Yuan Saint has this kind of strength.

Mo Yu said casually: "It's not a person, it's the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan, they are the Pangu bloodline, they dominated the desolate land back then, and they can't be used for a lifetime."

Later, there was a conflict with the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race, and I was born in the Heavenly Court of the Human Race, so I didn't know much about this matter. I only know that there were demon emperor Jun in the demon court at that time, and there were two great supernatural powers in the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, in addition to the demon master Kunpeng.

Between them, a battle broke out to destroy the world, known as the Lich Tribulation, which shattered the entire desolation, and many fragments evolved into many worlds.

The two demon emperors of the demon clan and the twelve ancestral witches all fell. "

He said it carelessly, but the old man with the remnant sword and Yueji had already made up an earth-shattering battle in their brains.

Even they themselves could hardly guess how vast this war would be.

The name of the Twelve Ancestral Witches was the first time they had heard of it.

But contaminated with the four words of Pangu blood, the horror of strength can be imagined.

Not to mention that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who was evaluated by Mo Yu as being able to compete with the Mixed Yuan Sage, actually fell in this battle.

The war is so tragic that it may affect countless worlds.

Yueji roughly figured out what happened, and immediately wondered: "Great Sage, since the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has fallen, why should you be careful?"

The old man with the remnant sword and Zhou Xiao also looked at Mo Yu at the same time, which was also their doubt.

Mo Yu grinned and said: "The fall of the mythical world does not mean death, you remember one sentence, the mythical Da Luo, eternal and eternal." "

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