The aftermath of terror raged like a storm.

The Three Great Masters resisted together with the eighteen Supremes.

That's all the people you can gather in a short period of time.

The strength of these eighteen supremes was strong and weak, but even the weakest ones had crossed the first heavenly ladder of the supreme realm.

They put their breath together with each other and laid an enchantment together.

The Master of the Ten Thousand Immortal Sect took out his five-colored magic orb and used this treasure as the core to spread the enchantment.

But it's still too weak.

In the aftermath of the rage, the barrier shook continuously, and one crack after another appeared.

The gap between the Supreme and the True Immortal is too big.

That was the gap between the immortals, even if they were already the top supremes in Dongxuanzhou, it would be difficult to cross the chasm.

The corners of the mouths of the three major palms spilled blood, and the weakest Changqingzi held the Qingtian vine in his hand, and vomited blood uncontrollably.

He unfolded the blue vine and strengthened the barrier with the qi of Otogi, and at this time he also reached the limit.

He was still fine, and some of the other supremes in the rear had cracked their bodies, and their life breath was rapidly wilting.

The crumbling barrier seemed to be torn apart in the next moment.

At that point, no one was spared.

The Ten Thousand Immortal Sect also showed despair.

He even regretted wading into the troubled waters.

Originally, I thought that he had stepped through the third ladder, had a magic ball of ten thousand immortals in his hand, and had all kinds of magical powers, even if he faced the supreme who lived out of the third life, he could fight.

That's why I came to the ruins of the Divine Court to find the fairy fate.

But I never thought that the divine court was so terrifying, and now that the ancient is revived, the true immortals are fighting, and they are as weak as ants.


With a soft sound, the barrier shattered.

The five-colored orb in his hand dimmed at the same time, and no light lit up.

The three major masters bore the brunt of this, revealing a look of despair.

At this moment, a fairy light quickly came from afar, and in an instant, it fell in front of them, and it was an old man in immortal clothes.

In the face of the aftermath, his hands suddenly parted, and the light bloomed, forming a mysterious enchantment that protected everyone.

The aftermath of the fury struck the barrier, sending ripples through it, but it failed to break through.

In the face of desperation, the nerves of the supremes to the extreme instantly relaxed, and they breathed a long sigh of relief, and some of the supremes even fell directly to the ground.

The three major sects of the Masters looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and seeing his appearance, the Ten Thousand Immortal Sect Masters exclaimed: "Dao Sect Master, Heavenly Void Dao Master!"

The head of the Li River and Chang Qingzi also recognized the person, and hurriedly called the seniors and saluted.

Dongxuanzhou is divided into two ways: good and evil.

Among them, the number one of the evil paths is the Eternal Demon Land, which has not been born for many years.

And the number one in the righteous path is the Taoist sect.

This person is the master of the Dao Sect, and he is also one of the few people who caused the Heavenly Tribulation to increase his body and become an immortal after the reopening of the Heaven and Earth Restrictions before.

He has now cultivated to a true immortal, so he can withstand the aftermath.

The head of the Heavenly Void Dao bowed slightly, which can be regarded as a greeting.

The three major leaders didn't feel that he was holding up, and the body of a true immortal was naturally different from them.

The head of Lijiang sighed: "Fortunately, the predecessors of Tianxu arrived in time, otherwise we would have waited for more than one bad luck today." "

The Heavenly Void Dao Leader turned his gaze to the air in front of the Divine Temple, and sighed lightly: "Poor Dao also expected that things would develop to this point, the Prince of the Divine Court came out again, and he wanted to sacrifice the common people with blood, and there may be a Desolate Ancient Demon Emperor hidden in the Ancient Divine Temple." "

He sighed, looked at the center of the aftermath eruption, and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, the powerhouse of the mythical world has descended, and there is still a glimmer of life in this world. "

When the three heads heard this, their hearts moved, and they were about to ask questions, but they heard an earth-shattering sound.

In the center of the aftermath, I saw a golden storm ape rushing out with a stick, glaring angrily.

Then, he hit a stick and fell towards the head of the prince of the Divine Court.

The eyes of the three major palms shrank at the same time, and they exclaimed, "He can actually break the Heavenly Finger?"

The prince of the Divine Court also had a pale, and his eyes contained a deep sense of disbelief.

He knew too well the terrifying nature of this supernatural power, exhausting all his strength and destroying the root cause, which was definitely not something that a true immortal could stop.

He fought against Mo Yu, although he couldn't grasp the specific strength of the other party, he knew that Mo Yu's strength had not yet reached the earth immortal.

On the same level as the power of his resurgence today.

He was puzzled, even more incredible.

But the golden hoop rod was already on top of his head, and he shook it with both hands in a panic, and the green hook appeared again, heading towards the golden hoop stick.

Seeing this, Mo Yu's eyes were slightly empty, and the golden hoop rod suddenly retracted five points of force.


With a soft sound, the Prince of the Divine Court snorted and took a step back.

But he was keenly aware that Mo Yu's stick was much lighter than he imagined.

I don't know why, but it's a good thing.

However, before he could rejoice, the golden hoop rod suddenly changed his move, and with a clever move, he struck him again.

He hurriedly resisted, but it was too late.

The golden rod fell heavily on his arms.


The sound of broken hand bones sounded, and the prince of the Divine Court screamed, unable to hold the Qingying Hook anymore, and the two weapons fell down from his hands.

Mo Yu's left hand was raised, and the Green Shadow Hook flew into his hand.

There is a crack on the Wu hook, which was beaten by the golden hoop stick before, but the quality is still extremely high.

Mo Yu was satisfied, and put away the Qingying hook with a flip of his hand.

While collecting the treasure, the movements of his hands are not slow.

In mythology, regardless of supernatural powers, in terms of close-quarters martial arts, Sun Wukong is extremely strong.

Very few immortals can outperform him in close combat.

When he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Court was beaten by him from the Nine Yao Star Monarchs, the Twenty-Eight Stars, the Heavens and Stars, the Marshals, and the Heavenly Kings.

Except for Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian, he rarely meets opponents.

Even if he was stopped by Wang Lingguan, the senior of the Bullfighting Palace, and was besieged by the thirty-six thunder generals, he was not afraid at all, and he did not fall behind in the fierce battle.

Don't underestimate Wang Lingguan, he is the first protector of Taoism, with vast magical powers, and his status is not below Erlang Zhenjun.

said so much, just to prove how strong Sun Wukong's melee ability is.

On the other hand, the prince of the Divine Court, although his strength is not weak, he is not an enemy at all after being close.

The golden hoop stick swept through the heart of the prince of the divine court.


There was a flash of golden light on the luxurious fairy clothes, and there was a mighty sound echoing, as if hitting the golden bell.

A mouthful of blood from the prince of the Divine Court, the figure flew out upside down.

With a loud bang, he slammed into the walls of the temple, and an enchantment light flashed.

This impact did not cause a single crack in the walls of the temple.

The expression of the prince of the divine court was extremely depressed, shocked and surprised, if it weren't for the immortal clothes on his body were also an immortal-level treasure, he would be more and less lucky with this stick alone.

He looked up and saw Mo Yu lifting the golden hoop stick, panicked to the extreme, and shouted loudly.

"Demon Emperor save me!"

With a shout, the ancient temple shook.

An arm condensed purely by demonic energy stretched out from the temple and grabbed Mo Yu head-on.

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