The Prince of the Divine Court was terrified to the extreme, he had never encountered such a situation, it seemed that all maneuvers and tosses were useless, and he would eventually be hit by an iron rod.

Although he was born in the ancient wilderness, his strength is not weak, but his combat experience is not rich.

As the son of the Ancient God Emperor, his status is extremely high, and he is a natural god, and he can have a strength that ordinary people can't achieve without hard work.

Because of this, he was visibly panicked in the face of a blow to the head.

Fortunately, he was not a complete straw bale, and he came to his senses at the moment when the golden rod was about to hit him.

Without hesitation, he pointed with his hand, and a ring on his hand burst into light.

The space in front of him suddenly distorted, becoming viscous and sluggish, and it was actually using space as a shield.

But the attack of the golden hoop rod was too terrifying, and the sluggish space could not resist it, and it was broken through almost instantly.

This moment of time is the distance between life and death.

The prince of the divine court frantically activated the cloud-stepping boots on his feet, and his figure retreated suddenly.

He hadn't fully flashed, and the wind that the golden rod had carried when it fell still swept over his body.

A layer of golden light appeared on his clothes, dispelling the residual energy.

The remaining two percent still made him snort, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he retreated three points faster.


The stick finally landed on the steps in front of the temple, and suddenly there was a terrifying loud noise, and the steps made of immortal stones exploded, and the cobweb-like cracks spread wildly around.

The temple kept trembling, surging wildly for thousands of miles, and the void shook.

The Supremes were speechless.

This was the first time they had seen the Divine Court damaged, and although they had not come into contact with the Divine Court when they came here, many of them had also been to the Divine Court Palaces before.

Knowing the solidity of those palaces, even if the Supreme who crossed the triple ladder made a full effort, it would be difficult to damage it in the slightest.

Mo Yu didn't care, put the golden hoop stick on his shoulder, lightly raised his cloak to look at the prince of the divine court, and sneered: "There are a lot of treasures, but they don't use it." "

The most satisfying thing about this transformation is Mo Yu's appearance.

As the famous saying goes, whether you are strong or not is temporary, and whether you are handsome or not is a lifetime.

The prince of the Divine Court had a gloomy face, obviously not knowing Mo Yu's mental activities at the moment.

The ring in his hand cracked open, and a gem set on it had already shattered and weathered in an instant.

His gaze subconsciously looked at the smashed steps, and his face became more solemn.

Unlike those supremes, as the prince of the Divine Court, he knew better how strong the Suigu Temple was.

It can be said that the strongest palace in the Divine Court is this one, and even this palace itself is a rare treasure, otherwise it would not be used to seal the Demon Emperor.

The steps in front of the hall are slightly inferior in terms of solidity, and they are not something that ordinary true immortals can destroy.

His thoughts were only for a moment, and his eyes kept staring at Mo Yu solemnly, and he slowly spoke.

"It was Prince Ben who underestimated you before, but you don't have to think that you have won. "

Mo Yu looked at him and chuckled disappreciatively: "You have to use all the means, and it can be regarded as adding some fun to your grandfather." "

The lungs of the Prince of the Divine Court were about to explode, and he wanted to break this monkey into pieces.

He put away the Dark Hook and flipped it with one hand, and a skull pendant appeared in his hand.

As soon as this pendant appeared, there was a yin wind stirring, and the dense qi in the divine court was much darker, like the arrival of the Nine Shadows.

The pendant was thrown by him, and the wind rose, and in a breath, the pendant turned into a thousand-foot-high skeleton demon god.

The aura of the demon god was too terrifying, it had surpassed the true immortal, and there were two dark green ghost fires lit up in the empty eyes, just standing on it gave people a terrible pressure that could not be resisted.

This skeleton demon god is a chaotic demon fairy in ancient times, his strength is extraordinary, he has the strength of a golden immortal, and the god emperor killed him, leaving a piece of bone, which was refined into a puppet treasure.

In the ancient times, it was casually given to the crown prince by the God Emperor.

Now that 200,000 years have passed, this demon god has no blood to worship, and the aura continues to flow, and now it can only reach the peak of the true fairy realm.

But this is an entity, which is completely different from the virtual image condensed by the one hundred and eighty heavenly soldiers before, and it is several times stronger.

As soon as the Skeleton Demon God landed, he roared silently, and there was a faint green fire in his palm, and he slapped it towards Mo Yu with one palm.

Mo Yu let out a long laugh, the golden hoop stick was held in his hand, waved it horizontally, and shouted softly: "Long!"

I saw the elongation of the golden hoop and the rod, turning into a golden light that swept across the sky.

Even the space itself was split in two by this stick, and the palm of the Skeleton Demon God collapsed the moment it made contact.

The quality of the golden hoop rod is too high, even if it is the body of a hundred refining skeletons, it is difficult to resist.

First the arms, then the whole body, the skeleton demon god's bones shattered inch by inch.

In the rumbling sound, like the collapse of a mountain of white bones, a spectacular scene was staged in front of the temple.

The Prince of the Divine Court looked at this scene without any change in his expression.

He had already expected this situation, and this was his original purpose, just to buy time.

The arm was raised, and he saw five bracelets appear on his arm, finding the right time and waving at Mo Yu.

The five rings flew out of the air, and there was a change in an instant, the power of the five elements was agitated, and Mo Yu's gaze was slightly condensed.

He sensed a hint of threat.

The moment his gaze swept towards the five rings, he quietly used his treasure appreciation technique.

The Great Five Elements Immortal Ring, the treasure under the immortal level, the immortal treasure refined by the power of the origin of the five elements, are used together, and they are mutually reinforcing and changeable.

It can be recycled, and the value of exchange gas luck is 11,100,000.

Mo Yu's gaze froze suddenly, not because he felt threatened, but because of the level of this treasure and the amount of qi luck that could be exchanged.

Immortal-level treasure, this was a level he had never seen before.

In the past, he had also obtained many treasures to exchange for Qi Luck Value, but the highest grade of them was no more than the Heavenly Rank.

In addition to being in the tomb of the Shenxiao Heavenly Monarch, I have seen the remnants of the treasures in the hands of the Shenxiao Heavenly Monarch and are rated as the level of divine soldiers.

This is another brand new level, undoubtedly above the Heavenly Rank.

Mo Yu suddenly had a thought, he exchanged the divine power of one qi and three clears, and opened a new transformation, and spent almost all the qi luck value he had accumulated during this time.

But the prince of the Divine Court in front of him looks very rich, and there is no one below the heavenly level who can take out a treasure at will, if he can catch it alive, I am afraid that he will have to fill it up.

Thinking about this, he stared at the changes in the Five Elements Immortal Ring, and secretly said in his heart that it was a pity.

If he has treasure money, gold and steel and other spiritual treasures in his hand, he will give it away for nothing like the prince of the Divine Court.

It's a pity that on the mythical exchange list, the price of these two treasures is not low, and now he can't afford to exchange them at all.

In the blink of an eye, the Five Elements Immortal Ring had arrived in front of him, and it suddenly showed amazing changes.

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