With Zhou Xiao's words, everyone stopped at the same time.

They stared intently at the throne in front of them, and there was a jade clear immortal light looming in Mo Yu's eyes.

In his eyes, there was a vague shadow next to the throne, like the shadow of a sword.

Before he could see what it was, the shadow naturally rose, only to see the thunder light burst up, and the next moment the cold light was cold, and bursts of killing intent were emanated.

This is a sword that exudes the aura of wind and thunder, and the killing intent of Sen Ran comes out of it, and the space is cold for a few points.

In an instant, this sword stabbed down instantly, and the target was Zhou Xiao.

Everyone was immediately vigilant, and the moon on the side was about to make a move.


At the critical moment, Zhou Xiao suddenly spoke out to stop him.

She didn't say why, because the speed of the sword light was too fast, and it had pierced directly into her heart.


The long sword pierced her, and Zhou Xiao immediately bent down in pain.

"Xiao'er. Tsukihime hurried to help her, but an arm stopped in front of her.

Yueji looked up suspiciously, just in time Mo Yu.

"Look closely, there's no blood. "

With Mo Yu's reminder, Yueji noticed that although Zhou Xiao was pierced through her heart, she didn't see a drop of blood dripping.

She bent over, and according to this position, this could not have happened.

In the next moment, I saw that the power of wind and thunder was condensed on the sword, and it spread in an instant, completely enveloping Zhou Xiao.

The wind and thunder were agitated, and the clouds enveloped her.

Zhou Xiao snorted softly, her expression slightly distorted, as if she was suffering great pain.

But if you look closely, you can see that these wind and thunder powers are constantly being absorbed by her, and her strength is also increasing rapidly.

"That sword, is it fusing with Xiao'er?" Tsukihime gradually became aware of it.

This wind and thunder power was absorbed by Zhou Xiao extremely quickly, and the corresponding process also caused extreme pain.

After about a quarter of an hour, all the power of wind and thunder was absorbed by Zhou Xiao.

Her strength has also jumped from the exterior Nine Heavens to the threshold of the Supreme Realm, a half-step supreme.

This kind of span is no longer something that can be described in one or two sentences, it surpasses all Tianjiao, and it is also unique in the history of Dongxuanzhou.

Zhou Xiao stood up again, and the long sword that pierced her heart was gone, and even the wound was gone.

Her heart moved, and she held it lightly with one hand, and when she saw a sword of wind and thunder appear in her hand, the killing intent emerged, making people feel cold all over her body.

"Good sword. Yueji's eyes lit up, and she was sincerely happy for Zhou Xiao.

The old man with the remnant sword observed carefully, seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly said, "This is the sword of the Divine Heavenly Monarch." "

Yueji and Zhou Xiao turned their heads to look at him at the same time.

Zhou Xiao asked softly, "Seniors recognize this sword?"

The old man with the remnant sword nodded and said: "If the old man is not mistaken, this sword should be the sword of the early years of the Shenxiao Heavenly Monarch, and I don't know what the name is, I once followed him to kill demons and demons."

Later, Shenxiao Tianjun cultivated into a Heavenly Monarch, became the auxiliary god of the God Emperor, took charge of the Heavenly Punishment Palace, and obtained the Nine Heavens Wind Thunder Halberd as a weapon, and this saber was rarely carried. "

He smiled: "You have the bloodline of Shenxiao Tianjun, and it is also a chance for you to get this sword, this sword has been with Shenxiao Tianjun for many years, and it has been born with wisdom, and it can provide you with great help in battle."

With your current strength, with this sword in hand, even the Supreme can slash, and those who cross the first ladder can also maneuver. "

Zhou Xiao was overjoyed when she heard this, and thanked her again and again.

The old man with the remnant sword smiled and shook his head: "This is your chance, thank me for what I did." "

Mo Yu was not interested in their conversation, as early as the tomb of Shenxiao Tianjun, he knew that Zhou Xiao's luck was amazing, and that mausoleum was only the beginning, far from the end.

He turned his gaze to the tall seat in front of him, and with a swipe of his gaze, he noticed an unusual aura.

Tsukihime and the Old Man of the Remnant Sword also noticed his appearance, and looked at the seat in front of him one after another.

Suddenly, a cloud of wind and thunder appeared on the seat, the stone chair trembled slightly, and a wave of consciousness woke up.

At the same time, one mouth after another grew out of the chair, making a babbling sound.

"Shenxiao Sword has recognized the Lord. "

"It's the blood of the Heavenly Monarch. "

"There are finally living people in the Heavenly Punishment Palace, I haven't talked to anyone else for a long time, and I'm suffocating. "

Mo Yu's brows furrowed, the scene in front of him was too weird, it was like the stone chair came to life by itself, and he asked, "Where is the demon?"

There was a brief silence, followed by an unbridled laugh from the mouths.

"Eh, do you hear me, he called us demons. "

"He's not wrong, isn't our kind of existence a demon? "

"Fart, demons can compare to us, we are the creatures of the Heavenly Monarch, and we are the gods responsible for guarding the thunder pool. "

"Yo Yo, it's so majestic, but now the thunder pool is going to be done, this is the result of your protection?"

Their voices were noisy, and in the face of Mo Yu's questioning, they quarreled first.

However, from their words, it can be heard that they are related to the Divine Heavenly Monarch.

Tsukihime also took the opportunity to ask, "What are you?"

These mouths paused, and after a while, a larger mouth opened directly in front of the seat, and said loudly: "We are the thunder spirit that guards the thunder pool, and we are the life conceived by the Divine Heaven Monarch with the power of the thunder pool.

It's a pity that our bodies were destroyed in that battle many years ago, and the Heavenly Monarch sealed our consciousness here, so that we can wait for him to return, and then shape our bodies with the power of the thunder pool. "

As soon as the words of this mouth fell, another mouth next to him immediately answered: "Tianjun didn't come back, we have been waiting for him, but he didn't come back." "

Yueji and Zhou Xiao glanced at each other and exchanged opinions quietly.

The old man with the remnant sword suddenly said, "Do you know where the Divine Sky Monarch has gone?"

Suddenly, a gossip voice sounded: "I know, I know, Tianjun said that he was going to Jiuyou, saying that something happened to the reincarnation Tianjun there." "

"Before leaving, the Heavenly Monarch also told us that if he could not return, let us wait for his descendants, and let us give his Thunder Seal to his descendants, and instructed his descendants to go to reincarnation to find his Nine Heavenly Wind Thunder Halberd. "

Their voices were scrambled, but the messages they revealed were striking.

Before leaving, Shenxiao Tianjun had a premonition that he might not be able to return, and even foresaw Zhou Xiao's appearance?

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, digesting this information in his heart, and at the same time wondered: "Lei Yin?"

A mouth spoke: "It is the mark of the Heavenly Monarch, only by obtaining the Thunder Seal can you cultivate the ninth form of the Nine Annihilations of the Divine Heavens, and only then can you find the whereabouts of the Nine Heavens Wind Thunder Halberd." "

"Where's the Thunder Seal?" asked Tsukihime directly.

"Of course it's on us, hahahaha!"

In an instant, these mouths let out a wild laugh, containing madness, and a dark cloud containing thunder rushed out of the seat, and a hurricane blew in the Temple of Heavenly Punishment.

This hurricane was so violent that even the half-step supremes like Zhou Xiao and Yueji couldn't stand steadily.

In front of them, the spinning wind and thunder turned into a monster condensed by thunderclouds, purely composed of wind and thunder, with no facial features on the head, only a mouth one by one, all frantically grabbing words.

Thrilling to the extreme.

"Eat them, eat them!"

"The bloodline of the Heavenly Monarch of the Divine Heavens, I really want to try what it tastes like. "

"Once we have their bodies, we will be able to leave here, plundering the bloodlines of his descendants, and we will be able to refine the Thunder Seal and completely cultivate the Nine Divine Heavens. "

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