After listening to Mo Yu's words, the old man with the remnant sword on the side silently remembered it in his heart.

He talked to Mo Yu before, and what he knew the most was the matter of the Jade Void Palace.

Because of this, he subconsciously believes that mythology is equal to the Jade Void Palace.

But now, he heard a new word in Mo Yu's mouth, Heavenly Court.

It seems that the world where the myth is located is more complicated than he imagined.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and asked, "Yue Daoyou, I don't know who the Emperor of Donghua is?"

Yueji turned her head and explained: "I only have a relationship with Emperor Donghua, I don't know much, I only know that he is also from mythology, but not from the Jade Void Palace, but from the Heavenly Court.

Last time, thanks to Emperor Donghua's action, Xiao'er and I were able to survive. "

"Heavenly Court?" the old man of the remnant sword asked.

Mo Yu on the side took over the conversation in a timely manner and said, "Let's explain it to the poor way." The so-called Heavenly Court is the orthodox force that rules heaven and earth in our world, and it is headed by the Jade Emperor Great Heavenly Venerable, ruling the mythical world and many subsidiary worlds.

Few of our second-generation disciples of the Jade Void Palace have served in the Heavenly Court, but there are many third-generation disciples serving in the Heavenly Court, and the Nezha and Yang Jian you have seen are all in important positions in the Heavenly Court. "

He explained simply, and the old man with the remnant sword had a general impression.

This is a large force similar to the Ancient Divine Court, and the internal structure is similar.

But then new doubts arose.

He asked, "Fellow Daoist of Yuding, listen to your words, Heavenly Court rules the mythical world and is orthodox, why is this? Could it be that the mythical world was not opened up by the Yuan Shi Tianzun?"

In Dongxuanzhou, the Ancient God Emperor was the first god born between heaven and earth.

In the legends that have been passed down from ancient times, there is even a saying that this world was opened up by the God Emperor and is the creator god of this world.

It is also because of this that the God Emperor is the strongest in the Ancient Era, even if it is the Demon Saint and the Demon Emperor, he cannot compete with him.

The strongest God Emperor established the Ancient Divine Court, which was overwhelmed by the eons and was orthodox for heaven and earth.

Therefore, in the understanding of the old man with the broken sword, the orthodoxy of the mythical world should also be the force opened up by the strongest.

And in Mo Yu's previous words, Yuan Shi Tianzun was simply omnipotent, an existence beyond the ten thousand worlds, and opened up countless worlds.

He naturally subconsciously thought that the mythical world was also opened up by the Yuan Shi Tianzun, and correspondingly, the Yuan Shi Tianzun must also be the strongest in the mythical world.

But now, he actually learned that the Jade Void Palace was not the orthodox force that ruled the mythical world, and that the name that really ruled the mythical world was Heavenly Court.

This had an impact on his cognition, and it was a contradiction for a while.

Either the existence of Heavenly Court is more terrifying than that of the Jade Void Palace, or the Yuan Shi Tianzun is actually not as strong as the Jade Ding Zhenren boasts.

Either way, it will make him suspicious.

Mo Yu was extremely indifferent, and he chuckled: "Fellow Sword Daoist, the mythical world is naturally opened up by my master Yuan Shi Tianzun, but it is different from what you think. "

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Our mythical world is the source of all the heavens and all worlds, and in the beginning, this world was called the Flood Desolation. "

"Flood famine?" the old man with the remnant sword was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously read it again.

Even Tsukihime was contemplating and silently repeated it. It was also the first time she had heard the term.

Mo Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes, the beginning of time is called the flood, and the beginning of all things is called the wilderness, this is the meaning of the flood." "

The old man's body shook slightly, and he said in a low voice: "The beginning of all things. "

Mo Yu nodded, and then continued: "That's right, before the birth of the Flood Desolation, the entire universe was chaos, with no beginning and no end, no concept of time and space, and even the concept itself did not exist.

And in this chaos where nothing exists, the first creator god was born, whose name was Pangu. "

The old man of the remnant sword and Yueji, including Zhou Xiao, were all attracted by Mo Yu's words, and even their breathing slowed down.

The old man with the remnant sword was even more contemplative, he heard the name of Pangu for the first time, this god who was respected by the real person of Yuding as the original creation god, I am afraid that it is the true origin of everything.

But at the same time, he had doubts, and according to this sentence, he inferred that the great world of the desolation should have been opened up by Pangu.

But why did Yuding Zhenren still insist that Yuan Shi Tianzun was the pioneer before?

What's the secret?

Mo Yu didn't sell it, and continued: "Pangu was born in chaos, with endless divine power, he is the oldest existence, immortal and immortal as soon as he was born, and has the strongest power in the heavens and all worlds.

He can survive even in the chaos where nothing exists.

After living in the chaos for an unknown amount of time, Pangu felt endless loneliness, with no one to speak to, no one to accompany him, nothing but Him.

So He came up with the idea of cutting through the chaos. "

Mo Yu sighed lightly, as if he was really recalling ancient things: "He used a giant axe found in the chaos as a weapon to split the chaos, separate all things, fix the earth, water, fire and wind, and build the original order."

It also opened up the source of the heavens and all the worlds. But he was the first and only one, and the consumption of opening up the rudiments of the heavens and all worlds was too great, and even Pangu, who had invincible strength, was tired.

And the power of chaos is too strong, even if it is separated, it is still converging, wanting to return to its original state.

When Pangu saw this, he touched the sky with his hand and the earth with his foot, pushing away the newly separated heaven and earth, and he rose infinitely tall between heaven and earth, and saw that the newly opened heaven and earth were barren, and there was still nothing.

Then He became the embodiment of all things, his air turned into wind and clouds, his voice into thunder, his eyes into the sun and the moon, his blood into rivers, his body into the vast earth and all things, and his sweat into the rain that nourished all things.

Fearing that heaven and earth would close again after death, He turned his spine into a towering mountain and separated heaven and earth in his place.

The name of this mountain is: Bu Zhou!"

Speaking of this, Mo Yu's tone paused, and the old man of the remnant sword, Yueji, and Zhou Xiao were completely substituted.

Especially Tsukihime, she sighed softly: "I can't imagine that the original world was opened up by such a god and embodied all things, which is really respectable and lamentable." "

The old man of the remnant sword also sighed again and again, only to feel that his vision was broad, but he still had doubts, since Pangu incarnated all things, this was the desolation.

What about the Yuan Shi Tianzun?

Didn't Yuding Zhenren just say that Yuan Shi Tianzun opened up the world of mythology?

Mo Yu seemed to see his doubts, and said: "Although the Pangu Great God incarnates all things, he has not completely fallen, after incarnating all things, his primordial god is divided into three, becoming the three oldest. "

As he said this, Tsukihime was shocked, she knew more about the myth and thought of a possibility.

Even the old man with the broken sword thought of a certain possibility at this time.

Mo Yu said indifferently: "These three oldest people are called: Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing!"

The old man with the remnant sword was surprised: "Fellow Daoist, doesn't this mean?"

Mo Yu nodded lightly, and then pointed out: "Sanqing is Pangu, but Pangu is not Sanqing." "

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