The sword light fell, cutting off everything in the world.

The Supreme Elder of the Huangquan Sect burned his life and met this sword head-on.

He held his hands lightly, and the power of Huangquan surged in his hands, turning into a sword of death condensation.

Then there was a loud shout, and a knife was slashed out!


There was a sound of gold and iron, and the space where the Heavenly Punishment Hall was located trembled.

The sword wire and the sword mangs clashed head-on, and the nearby thunder pool was furious at the same time, and the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and many sword marks appeared on the ground.

The confrontation was short and urgent, and the next moment, the sword light pressed down, and the sword suddenly broke.

But the sword wire was also weakened, slashing through the body of the Supreme Elder of the Huangquan Sect, cutting off one of his arms.

Correspondingly, he also bought precious time for the Barbarian Emperor.

The barbarian emperor shouted angrily, and the figure had already mustered all his strength while rushing up, he concentrated all his strength on the Heavenly Punishment Axe, and picked up the axe and slashed at Mo Yu's head.

He bet everything on this axe.

After only a moment of fighting, they already deeply felt the strength of the other party, even if the strength did not reach the true immortal, it seemed that they had the strength to fight, but the moment they really started, they realized that the gap was so desperate.

From beginning to end, Yuding Zhenren did not move a single step, but he and the Supreme Elder of the Huangquan Sect were both forced into a desperate situation.

That's why he's desperate.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

As soon as the axe fell, the wind and thunder of heaven and earth converged, and in the rumbling thunder, the boundless evil qi condensed on the axe, and everything trembled, and under the awe-inspiring killing intent, it seemed that even the sky could be split by this axe.

This is the heavenly axe, the treasure of the barbarians, and it was used to punish immortals in ancient times.

Mo Yu was still indifferent, and he didn't even raise his eyelids.

At the same time, the barbarian high priest also moved.

He is the weakest and has never had a chance to intervene, and it is precisely because of this that he knows that this is the only chance left.

With a low roar, he uttered an ancient witch spell from his mouth, and then he grasped the beast bone scepter with both hands and stabbed it into his heart.

He snorted, but without hesitation, he pulled out the scepter, the end of which was already stained with his heart's blood.

With a loud shout, he pointed his scepter at Mo Yu, and all his power turned into a curse.

He didn't choose the kind of poisonous curse that killed other people's lives, but a curse that weakened his strength, Mo Yu's strength formed a shadow in his heart, and he was afraid that he would be counterattacked by directly using the curse killing technique.

The power of the curse came, and Mo Yu only felt a strange and vicious force descending, constantly weakening his power.

Almost at the same time, the Supreme Elder of the Huangquan Sect also made a move.

Half of his body was cut off by the sword wire, and he didn't have time to recover, and his body was still burning with the Nine Demon Flames.

In this case, with a finger of his hand, the severed arm was lifted into the air, and he flew towards Mo Yu with a roar.

This arm was a part of his body, it had been tempered for thousands of years, his qi and blood were vigorous, and the power of the self-explosion was comparable to the full force of the Heaven Rank Superb Treasure.

was also decisively abandoned by him!

The three of them all showed a desperate attitude, and Mo Yu smiled: "This is like a word, since this is the case, it also allows you to see the true strength of the poor road." "

Everyone present was shocked, could it be that he hadn't done his best before?

But the arrow had to be launched, and the three barbarian emperors had no way out.

The Barbarian Emperor even added two more points.

The three attacks came to his eyes almost at the same time, Mo Yu did not move, but the acre of Qingyun on his head spread again, the three flowers gathered at the top, and a golden lotus naturally greeted the heavenly axe.

The lotus blooms, there is the Yuqing immortal light blooming, and under the soft power, the heavenly axe is completely gone, and it can't fall.

On the other side, the arm of the Supreme Elder of the Huangquan Sect also arrived, and he shook it with one hand and shouted angrily: "Explosion!"

With a bang, a terrifying explosion sounded coming, and the power of his arm's self-explosion was too terrifying, even surpassing the barbarian emperor's full strength.

Unfortunately, it still didn't work.

Above Qingyun, another lotus flower greeted him, the lotus flower rotated, and a large piece of Yuqing immortal light sprinkled down, isolating the power of the arm's self-explosion.

The rolling aftermath could not break through the Golden Lotus blockade.

At the same time, the third golden lotus turned slightly, and the same immortal light sprinkled on Mo Yu's body, and the power of the curse disappeared suddenly.

To put it mildly, the desperate counterattack of the three people disappeared invisibly.

Mo Yu lightly grasped the sword of the immortal slashing in the sky, and he said softly: "The sword is coming." "

Suddenly, the color of the heavens and the earth changed.

The Immortal Slashing Sword turned into a bolt of blue lightning and returned to his hand.

Immediately, there was Yuqing sword qi hovering beside him, and the sword of slashing immortals was raised high, and then gently slashed down.

A sword light shook the heavens and the earth.

Yuqing Sword Codex!

Sword of Oneness!

Behind the "...... of this sword", the old man with the remnant sword gasped the moment he saw this sword light.

He was also struck by the sword.

He was the deepest kendo cultivator among all the people present, and because of this, he felt it the most.

The Yuqing Sword Code is the sword path of the Yuxu Palace's Yuan Shi Tianzun.

The sword of one yuan is the sword of initiation.

What is oneness, the Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things.

One is one of them.

It is the beginning of all things after the opening of heaven and earth, and it is also the evolution of the Tao.

Legend has it that the Origin of Heaven is the cause of all fruits, opening up all worlds, and is itself the embodiment of the Tao, and the sword he preached is the origin of the Tao.

And with the appearance of this sword, everyone present was stunned, including the Barbarian Emperor, as if in this sword light, they had glimpsed a newly opened world.

It has witnessed the turbidity of the sky and the earth after the chaos, and also witnessed the evolution of all things.

I couldn't hold up a trace of resistance in my heart.

This is a sword that can evolve heaven and earth.

Can anyone really stop it?

They couldn't help but wonder, but they could no longer get answers.

The sword light fell, sweeping away the heavens and the earth.

The old man with the remnant sword closed his eyes slightly, a smile on his face, but two lines of cloudy tears gently crossed his cheeks.

He then sighed softly.

He laughed because in this sword, he had a glimpse of the sword path that he couldn't ask for, a glimpse of the source of ten thousand laws, and a glimpse of the essence of the Dao.

He sighed, it was because he saw this sword light too late, if he was lucky enough to see this sword light in the ancient times, he would definitely be able to go further.

Even take the final step.

If that were the case, he would have been able to protect himself from the darkness he had now.

After half a ring, he opened his eyes, his gaze clear, and he no longer had regrets.

Chaowen said, death can be carried out.

Whether or not the sword was seen too late, he no longer had any regrets.

And Mo Yu slowly exhaled turbid air, and the scene above his head Qingyun was put away, and the Immortal Sword disappeared in his hand.

The sword was equally devastating to him.

When Yu Ding Zhenren transformed, he consumed one million Qi Luck Points, which was the most consumed among all his transformed characters.

But even so, it is far from the mythical Yuding real person.

Fortunately, many magical means have not been restricted, and it is because of this that he can crush the other party.

However, correspondingly, the consumption is also large, and this sword consumes one-third of the spiritual power in his body.

But the harvest is also abundant.

Raising his hand slightly, the Heavenly Punishment Axe and the Beast Bone Scepter fell into his hands.

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