In Ouyang Supreme's mirror, the wheelchair stepped forward, and the sound of the piano sounded.

The sound of the piano is long, which can wash away the deepest troubles of the soul and make people unconsciously immersed in it.

It is that he stands outside the hall, and he has to hold Yuan Shouyi, so that he can not be confused by the sound of the piano.

This is also the reason why the sound of the piano has spread outside the hall and there is no one in ten.

He asked himself, if he was in the hall, he was afraid that he would only be able to hold on for three breaths, and he would be fascinated by the fairy sound, and it would be difficult to wake up.

And the old man with the remnant sword in the wheelchair spoke softly the moment the piano sounded.

He had no limbs, so he could only gaze slightly, and just when his gaze was condensed, Ouyang Supreme's back was cold, and he felt a sharp sword pierce the depths of his soul through the mirror.

There was a sudden sword roar in the hall, and the old man with the remnant sword actually used his gaze as a sword, gathering boundless sword intent.

But seeing the sword light vertical and horizontal, it turned into a sword wire and hovered beside him.

Mo Yu stood behind him, lightly holding his hand, his face indifferent.

The fairy sound was in his ears, and he didn't realize it, only observing the old man with the broken sword.

Seeing these sword wires appear, he raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of admiration.

These sword qi have been condensed to the extreme, and they have gone beyond the scope of practicing swords into silk, reaching the point of breaking ten thousand laws with one sword.

This kind of kendo cultivation is only seen in the Dongxuan world.

The old man with the remnant sword moved his sword with his eyes, and as far as his eyes could see, the sword wire suddenly rushed out and attacked in the direction of the phoenix tail.

At the same time, the sword wires touched each other lightly, and the sound of swords echoed in the hall, piercing the sound of the immortals.

In an instant, the sword wire had reached the sky above the phoenix tail qin and slashed down in the air!

At the same time, the fairy sound changed abruptly, becoming extremely intense and vigorous, like a raging storm.

Under the influence of the fairy sound, even the space became viscous and stagnant, and the sound was invisible, but with the appearance of this fairy sound like a storm and waves, tangible energy converged, and the energy that bent like a string spread outward like a wave.

is facing the sword qi that has been slashed in mid-air.

At the same time, the old man with the remnant sword let out a long laugh: "A lucky machine spirit who has given birth to a spirit of wisdom dares to show off in front of the old man, break!"

With this sound, the sword filaments suddenly gathered and merged with each other, turning into an incomparable sword light.

This sword, formless and substantial, amazed time and cut off the fairy sound.

The wave energy was cut away by a sword, and the sword light fell on the qin at the same time.

But the phoenix tail qin was not damaged, and this sword light seemed to be not a substance, but an illusion, cutting the soul and going straight into the qin.

Suddenly, a transparent shadow quickly swept out of the qin, with a vague human form, but there were no corresponding facial features, let alone men and women.

Qin Ling!

At the moment when the spirit appeared, a sword light chased out from the phoenix tail qin, slashing through its neck, and the spirit body's body was suddenly broken.

It finally turned its head in the direction of the phoenix, like the last sight of a person dying, and quickly dissipated.

After slashing the spirit body, this sword qi also disappeared as if it had never appeared.

Everything happened in an instant, and not a single cent of the temple was damaged.

Ouyang Supreme outside the hall was dumbfounded, it was over so simply?

The immortal qin, who could easily kill the two supremes, couldn't even stop the sword of this crippled old man?

After that, he was shocked again, and reacted, why is this old man crippled?

On the way of cultivation, there is a means to turn decay into magic, and after cultivating to the Supreme, the body is so strong that it is impossible to increase, and it is just idle to be reborn.

Naturally, the old man can't even be the supreme, so why is he crippled?

Who cut off his hands and feet, so that even a peerless powerhouse could not recover.

Ouyang Supreme only felt that there was a big secret in it, and he didn't dare to think deeply.

At the same time, he is also extremely jealous of mythology in his heart, these two are unfathomable and cannot be easily provoked.

In the hall, the old man with the remnant sword dispersed the sword qi, and then his eyes moved lightly, and the phoenix tail qin naturally flew up and landed on his wheelchair.

He smiled and said: "Yuding Daoyou, the old man only loves the three-foot sword in his life, and this qin is useless to me." You treat the willow god, it costs a drop of Sanguang divine water, and the old man can't repay it, this qin is regarded as a thank you gift, and I hope to accept it. "

Mo Yu stepped forward and did not shirk: "Thank you so much." "

He glanced at the qin, and the treasure appreciation technique was already quietly used.

Nine Spirits Phoenix Tail Piano, a treasure on the heavenly steps, a total of five strings, the treasure of the Ancient Divine Court Music Palace, can pronounce five tones, and has five abilities of condensation, stagnation, breaking, breaking, and confusion.

It can be recycled, and the value of exchange gas luck is 330,000.

"Good stuff. Mo Yu was overjoyed and put the piano away.

In order to save the willow god before, he spent 100,000 qi luck to exchange for a drop of Sanguang Divine Water, and now he has not only returned to his capital, but also made a lot of money.

With the addition of these 300,000 qi luck values, he now has more than 1.4 million.

At the same time, he had this harvest not long after entering the Divine Court, which showed that there were many treasures in the Ancient Divine Court, and he had a hunch that he would be able to make a big profit this time.

Maybe turning over and becoming a local tyrant is this time.

After that, the two of them checked in the hall, and found nothing of value except for the phoenix tail.

The immortal wine and delicacies on those tables, although they have preserved their appearance, have not been preserved under the erosion of time.

It's just a façade.

This is normal, even if it is the peach of the mythical Queen Mother, if it is not preserved in a special way, it will not last long, let alone the food in this world.

After making sure that there was nothing more valuable here, the two left the palace together.

There was no one outside the hall, and the two of them didn't care, Mo Yu smiled: "I'm tired of Daoist friends and continue to lead the way." "

The old man with the remnant sword muttered: "I have said it a few times, the old man is not familiar with the divine court. "

He grumbled, but the wheelchair naturally walked forward, heading in the other direction.

Not long after the two left, in the corner of the palace, Ouyang Supreme's figure quietly walked out, looking at the direction in which the two of them left and thinking.

A mouse ran out of the temple and came to his side and was put away by him.

He originally wanted to step forward and get close to the two of them to see if they could go together, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up.

Companionship requires strength, and his strength is not equal to the two of them, plus he doesn't know the style of the mythical person, he has no concept of evil, and they didn't pay attention to it when he was outside the palace before.

If you rush forward and provoke the other party, the gain will outweigh the loss.

On the contrary, it is better to follow quietly, he guesses that the people of mythology must have something important to come here, and there may be an unexpected gain if he follows them.

Coupled with the fact that there are many crises here, the risk can be minimized if the two of them open the way.

He was complacent, and hurriedly chased in the direction where the two left.

His speed this time was extremely fast, and he chased out of this palace complex in a moment, but when he looked around, there were still two people.


And Mo Yu and the old man with the remnant sword, since they left the group of palaces, they have gone all the way.

After that, there was a sense of overlapping and transforming space, and when I came back to my senses, I had arrived in another place.

As far as the eye could see, the sky was dim, there was faint thunder and flickering, and the space was not stable, as if it was broken.

There was a vast and majestic palace in front of it, located at the end of the line of sight, much taller and more majestic than the palace complexes I had seen before.

A terrifying aura emanated from the palace.

The old man with the remnant sword looked solemn, and suddenly said: "It is the Heavenly Punishment Palace, the palace that was in charge of the Divine Heavenly Monarch in the past. "

"Oh?" Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, his gaze looking at the palace full of majesty, and at the same time sensing the aura of others.

There were also two familiar breaths in them.

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