What suddenly rushed out was a half-step Supreme Realm powerhouse.

He was half-dressed in a tiger skin skirt, unusually tall, with muscles coiled on his body, nearly a foot tall.

He's a barbarian.

In the 200,000 years after the desolate ancients, the Dongxuan Great World has also experienced wind and rain, although no true immortals have been born, but the forces of all parties are still conquest.

One of these states is called the Barbarian State, and the land of this state is inhabited by barbarians.

They look hideous and have great strength, and legend has it that they have a trace of demon blood in their bodies.

80,000 years ago, the barbarians gave birth to a peerless supreme, crossed the third heavenly ladder of the supreme realm, and refined the barbarian supernatural powers, holding the heavenly axe, and the supreme territory can be called invincible.

After that, the barbarians invaded the prosperous land on a large scale, and there was a great war with the righteous path at that time, setting off a barbarian catastrophe, and I don't know how many lives were killed and injured.

In the end, after a thousand years of bloody battles, the righteous sects at that time joined forces to kill the barbarian supreme, and then the barbarian vitality was greatly injured and fell into a slump.

But he didn't want the Ancient Divine Court to be born this time, and even the strong people of the barbarian race were attracted to it.

He did not come alone, but under the leadership of this barbarian emperor.

In addition to him, there are many other barbarians, including this barbarian emperor, who can be said to have poured out.

Just because they saw that the righteous sect kept coming, they were a little panicked in their hearts.

After all, the relationship between the barbarians and the decent people is tense, and they are not even recognized as pure humans, they are afraid that they will wait for too many righteous sects, and if they want to reduce the number of treasure hunters, what if they join forces to kill them first?

They have no doubt that the right way can do such a thing.

Therefore, at the signal of the Barbarian Emperor, this half-step supreme barbarian took the lead in rushing out, and they wanted to test whether the Heavenly Gate could enter directly.

The speed of this barbarian was also extremely fast, and he only approached the Heavenly Gate in an instant, and rushed directly inside.

Lintianmen is tall, as majestic as a mountain, there is no portal, only a faint halo, and it is impossible to see what is behind the halo, as if it is connected to another world.

The moment the barbarian rushed through the portal, the darkness that had been wrapping around the door suddenly reacted.

Sudden mutations.

The barbarian's half-step supreme let out a miserable scream, and his figure flew upside down, only to see a dark scream on his body, turning into wisps of black smoke and burrowing into his body.

A desolate scream rang out, and he rolled on the ground as if in great pain.


Where he rushed out, another barbarian quickly rushed out and came to his side to help.

At this moment, the barbarian known as Attar suddenly raised his head, his face was already distorted, his eyes bulged, his breath became more violent, his body grew black hair, his nails were extended, and under the darkness, he turned into a monster in the blink of an eye.

With a roar, Attar turned into a dark monster and bit down on his companion.

The change was too fast to be expected.

This barbarian is a Supreme Realm powerhouse, although he only has a Supreme Realm One Heavy Heaven, he is also a Supreme.

He let out a soft snort, his palms stretched up and down, holding the dark monster's blood basin against its mouth, preventing it from closing.

At the same time he shouted loudly: "Attar, sober up!"

He was greeted with a roar of rage, and in the next moment, the dark monster's claws struck out, digging straight into the opponent's abdomen.

The Barbarian Supreme's face changed, and his figure retreated like lightning.

But he was still a step slower, and his abdomen was slashed by the claws wrapped in darkness, leaving several blood marks in an instant, and even more darkness wrapped around the wound.

The Barbarian Supreme stepped back, looking at his abdomen in disbelief, he was born with divine power, and he cultivated to the Supreme, and the strength of his body was only clear to himself.

Even if it was an ordinary earth-level high-grade treasure, it could only leave a white mark on his body, and even the heaven-level low-grade could only pierce his skin.

But at this time, he was actually torn out by a half-step supreme with his fingernails.

Although the other party's change was amazing, it still frightened him.

At the same time, an invisible dark power spread from the wound, constantly drilling into his body, and he frowned, secretly saying that something was not good.


The dark monster was still roaring, and at this time he was no longer human, he swelled out, turned into a beast, and his breath was even more amazing, breaking through the limit of the half-step supreme.

His teeth grew and turned into fangs that pierced his lips, and a viscous liquid dripped and fell to the ground with a snorting sound, and the earth was corrupted.

His gaze was only madness, and he kept glancing to the side.

The Supreme who was not far away frowned and stepped back quietly.

And not far away, a tall barbarian with a beast skin cloak snorted coldly, suddenly stretched out his hand and shook it, and an extremely fierce aura appeared in his hand.

In the next moment, a cold light appeared.

Then he saw a sharp axe glowing with cold light appear in his hand, with endless evil energy.

With an axe in both hands, he slashed at his people who had become dark monsters.

Heaven and earth are being shattered by the light of this axe, and everything visible and invisible is shattered.

All things are destroyed!

The dark monster didn't even have time to make a sound, and was annihilated by the light of the axe.

The earth was divided, and a crack appeared on the earth, spreading all the way to the Heavenly Gate and disappearing.

When the Supreme saw this axe, he gasped: "It is the treasure of the barbarian clan, the best treasure of the heavenly rank, the heavenly axe!"

Many supremes only heard of its name, but it was the first time they saw it, and they subconsciously looked at it carefully, and even the strong people such as the head of the Li River also took a few more looks.

A sinister aura came to his face, and his soul seemed to be torn apart by this aura.

All the supreme beings know that this is extraordinary.

The Barbarian Emperor's face was gloomy, he put away the Heavenly Punishment Axe and was about to speak, but the Supreme Realm barbarian who retreated to his side suddenly let out a low roar.

The figure changed suddenly.

I saw that a black mist overflowed from the wound on his abdomen, and his body expanded even more, producing the same change as the half-step supreme just now.

"He was also corrupted by the darkness. "

"Kill him now!"

A supreme proposed, but the barbarian emperor raised his eyes and shouted angrily: "I see who dares!"

The supreme realm powerhouse is no better than the half-step supreme, each of which is extremely scarce, and cannot be abandoned unless it is absolutely necessary.

What's more, he is a barbarian and shows weakness, and every supreme strong person is a treasure.

His momentum was amazing, coupled with the power of the Heavenly Axe before, no one dared to touch the edge.

At the same time, a cyan light suddenly appeared, and it swept out like cyan thunder, instantly restraining the barbarian supreme who was changing.

The Barbarian Supreme let out a desolate scream, suffering greatly in the blue light, and the next moment the blue light tightened, and an incomparable force erupted, and this barbarian Supreme actually exploded directly.

The Barbarian Emperor was furious, and his gaze instantly looked in a certain direction.

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