Boundless slaughter was staged in Yunzhou.

In the land of a state, there are hundreds of millions of people, and the Huangquan Sect plunders blood like crazy.

Every day, disciples leave and return.

The disciples of the Huangquan Sect even hold the Blood God Ding in their hands, which can hold a river of blood.

In just three days, tens of millions of living beings were slaughtered, and Yunzhou was stained with blood.

Their crazy behavior naturally attracted the attention of the various sects in Yunzhou, especially the Yunshan Sect and the Immortal Concept, and immediately sent disciples to check on the situation.

Huangquan Sect is this crazy?

Aren't you afraid of besieging on the right path?

And in the back mountain of the Huangquan Sect, blood covered the sky, and the entire sky had turned into a sea of blood, which was constantly flowing into the valley.

The four elders of the Huangquan Sect looked at everything in front of them quite solemnly, and their hearts were mixed.

There is too much of this blood, it contains a huge amount of vitality, and it has boundless resentment.

As soon as the blood entered the valley, it quickly disappeared, as if there was a bottomless abyss at the bottom of the valley.

For three days in a row, even the four elders of the Huangquan Sect didn't know how many people their disciples had killed, let alone how much blood had been transported.

They only knew that the blood of these three days would gather to fill this mountain range.

Today, as the blood faded away, a ghostly roar suddenly sounded from the deepest part of the valley.

Then, under the gaze of the four elders, a shriveled body like a dry corpse walked out from the bottom of the valley.

With every step he took, he rose a notch.

With one step, his body swelled, and his skin changed rapidly, regaining warmth.

At two steps, his breath converged and his hair grew back.

At three steps, there was a faint sound of blood flowing in his body, and his complexion was ruddy again, like an ordinary person.

This is an old man, his whole body exuding blood, and his eyes are cold.

When the four elders saw him appear, they hurriedly bowed down: "I've seen Elder Taishang." "

They quietly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Elder Taishang's spirit was still normal, which was really lucky.

If it is a corpse god monster that comes out today, the entire Huangquan Sect will suffer.

The fourth elder breathed a sigh of relief and complimented, "Congratulations to Elder Taishang for getting out of the customs and living out of the second life." "

The old man spoke, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, and was a little intermittent: "Du ...... Yellow...... What about the springs. "

Du Huangquan is the name of the Huangquan Sect Master.

The four elders were stunned and replied, "Sect Master, he and the three elders all died at the hands of Mythology. "

"Mythology?" Elder Taishang of the Huangquan Sect frowned, he had never heard of this name.

But it's a lot easier to talk about.

He looked around and said, "This is not the place to talk, go back to the Huangquan Hall first." "


"The Seven Hall Masters and the other four Hall Masters have fallen, and it is the mythical Jade Ding Zhenren who did it. "

In the deep hall, a white bone shrouded in a black robe opened.

There were two green flames burning in his eyes, like his pupils.

In front of him, a black figure appeared, and he let out a low laugh and said: "The Lord of the Seven Halls still has a brain, and he knows how to join forces with the Desolate Dragon Monarch, but unfortunately, the mythological background is beyond his imagination.

Twelve Golden Immortals, well......"

He groaned, and there was no sadness or anger in his words.

After a while, he said, "Speaking of which, the Lord of the Seven Halls is not dying in vain, at least he has exchanged a lot of information for us.

According to the Ancient Dragon King, the myth is actually the arrival of an out-of-world god, which is unexpected. "

"What are you going to do?" Elder White Bone asked flatly.

The shadow of the second hall lord smiled, and was about to speak, when suddenly the heavens and the earth shook, and a terrifying force struck, as if the entire Eastern Xuanzhou was shaking.

The heavens and the earth were shaking, and the entire mountain range where the Senluo Hall was located was constantly shaking, triggering hidden prohibitions, and there were faint lights rising among the mountains.

But even so, the shaking did not stop, and the prohibition only stopped the collapse of the mountain.

"What's going on?" exclaimed the Second Hall Lord, and the figure quickly rushed out of the hall.

The figure of the Elder of the White Bones floated up, following unhurriedly.

The two quickly came to the outside world and looked northwest in unison.

Then the eyes of the second hall lord froze.

Not only him, but even the White Bone Elder, who had never had any emotional fluctuations, was stunned in place, and the ghost fire in his eyes jumped lightly.

And in the rest of the halls, and even the peaks where the disciples below were located, there were also people who sensed the change, ran out quickly, and then looked in the northwest direction together.

One exclamation after another rang out, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and subconsciously felt a chill down their backs, not understanding what was going on.

"Is it the end of the world?"

I don't know who said it, the tone revealed despair, and some people were even paralyzed by fright.

In their gaze, far away in the sky, in the northwest direction, there was a darkness rising into the sky.

It stands to reason that at this distance, they can't see what is going on over there.

The strange thing is that this scene appeared clearly in front of them.

It seems that the distance in space is erased.

Not only them, but every living creature living on the East Xuanzhou at this time, as long as they looked up to the northwest, they could see this shocking scene.

The darkness rushed to the sky, containing all the negative forces such as depravity, decay, and madness, and slammed into the Nine Heavens.

Then, the sky fell.

It literally, a corner of the northwest sky, collapsed.

First there was a loud bang, the kind of sound that no one had ever heard, like the bell of the destruction of the world, echoing in everyone's heart, evoking the deepest fears.

The whole world trembled, and a terrible natural disaster swept across the entire Eastern Xuanzhou.

Even the mountain gate of a force like Senluo Hall was constantly trembling.

The ears rumbled, constantly roaring, and everyone, regardless of their cultivation, was deaf at this moment.

In front of people's eyes, the moment the sky collapsed, a great fear came to their hearts, as if their lives would be buried with this world in the next moment.

It's hard to describe that feeling, the shock is accompanied by horror, everything seems to become unreal, the sense of fragmentation of space, the sense of confusion of time and space, the collapse of the corners of the sky, the thunder and thunder, the darkness of the sky and the earth.

The sun, moon and stars were no longer in order, and appeared in the sky at the same time, and the light was dimmed to the extreme.

And the darkness that pierced the sky was deep to the extreme, and it continued to crash into the northwest sky.

The entire northwest sky was infested with darkness, and immediately, an illusory portal appeared above the nine skies.

As if the darkness had found its target, it slammed into the door frantically.

The impact was silent, but each impact was like a heavy hammer on the hearts of all beings.

They didn't know what they were worried about, but they subconsciously felt that if the portal was knocked open, there would be unbearable consequences.


I don't know how many times, the darkness rushed through the door, and the tide of darkness rushed madly into the portal.

The darkness was gone, but the portal remained, towering over the far northwestern firmament.

Heaven and earth were silent, and everything seemed to return to calm.

The second hall master looked at the portal in a daze, and gasped after half a sound: "Lintianmen, the Ancient Divine Court was born?!"

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