"Are they all from the Biyue Lion clan?"

Hearing their words, Mo Yu didn't show any surprised expression, because this was what he expected.

He looked at the corpses strewn across the ground.

This group of people obviously wanted to ambush themselves at the entrance of the Four Directions.

As a result, I don't know why, it led to their total annihilation.

"We don't know about it!"

The Great Heavenly Venerable of the Biyue Lion Clan saw Mo Yu looking at him with unkind eyes, and immediately explained.

He really didn't know, how could there be so many clan masters to intercept him?

None of these clansmen who died were weak, they were all masters.

Among them, there are many Tianzun and even the Great Tianzun.

The one who leads is the mainstay of the clan, and he is a super master who has set foot in the Heaven Realm!

It stands to reason that such a gorgeous lineup is enough to save these people.

But what happened to them, and how did they all die here?

Mo Yu ignored him, and it was completely expected that the Biyue Lion Clan would come to intercept and kill him.

But they all died here inexplicably, which is very strange.

This group of people was obviously not a native chicken, but they were all wiped out in a very short period of time.

What kind of power is 31 that can kill so many masters in such a devastating way?

He looked up at the Quadripartite Portal, which was still bleeding.

It seems that the secret lies in this portal.


The Quartet Realm was originally an extremely prosperous world.

Because in addition to the masters of all ethnic groups sitting here, there are also hundreds of millions of living beings living here.

At this moment, it is the middle of the day.

The sun also hangs in the middle of the sky.

At this time in the past, there should be people coming and going in the Quartet Realm, and it was very lively.

But today, the whole square is particularly silent.

No, you can't use the word silence, you should use it to describe it as dead silence.

Because at this moment, in the Quartet Realm, it is almost impossible to see a living being!

Looking up, the whole world has long been a sea of corpses and blood, bleeding and drifting.

The mountains, rivers and lakes were all stained red with blood.

Hundreds of millions of corpses rose and fell in the sea of blood, and boundless resentment rushed to the sky, and even the sky was reflected in a bloody color.

It was obviously noon, and the sun was shining.

But at this moment, the light emitted by the sun seemed to be full of a biting chill.

Blood, dead silence has become the only one here, and scarlet has become the main color of the Quartet.

The world of Nuoda has turned into a ghost without the slightest life!

When Mo Yu walked into the Quartet Realm with great vigilance, he saw such a scene for the first time.

Although he was already prepared in his heart, his eyelids still jumped hard.

"What's going on here?"

The prisoners who came in with him were even more stunned in shock, and their backs were up.

This is the slaughter of an entire world, and what is presented in front of you is a real sea of blood, and it is literally.

They also killed people a lot, and they saw a lot of bloody scenes, but they were not comparable to the scene in front of them at all.

Slaughtering hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers and drowning the whole world in blood, what kind of murderer must have done this?

"Look! there's someone there!"

After being shocked for a long time, they finally found the only survivor in the sea of corpses and blood.

It was a little boy who looked like he was only six or seven years old.

The appearance is very handsome, and a pair of pupils are dark and bright, like jewels.

At this moment, he was standing in the middle of this blood-colored world.

At his feet was a boundless sea of blood flowing and drifting, and the corpses of billions of living beings flowing downstream.

Around him, there were blood-stained peaks and blood-covered cities.

It's a very discordant picture, but it's also a very shocking one.

The monstrous blood waves are constantly rolling, lining him like a god. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When he noticed that someone was looking at him, the little boy also looked up.

It's strange that a child is in such an environment, but there is no fear or panic on his face.

His eyes were calm and terrifying, and people couldn't help but be in a trance after seeing it.


Mo Yu came to the little boy and asked. []

On the surface, this little boy could see through at a glance that he was just an ordinary Terran child.

But Mo Yu didn't think so.

The creatures of the Four Directions Realm were wiped out, and he could be the only one alive, which was really too evil.

"Hmm. "

Hearing Mo Yu's question, the little boy nodded in reply.

"Can you tell me what's going on here?"

Mo Yu stared at the little boy's eyes and continued to ask.

"I don't know. "

The little boy shook his head for a moment, then thought for a moment before speaking.

"But I had a dream that I was a different person, and then I woke up, and this is what it looks like. "

After the little boy finished speaking, Mo Yu looked at him deeply.

The other party's reaction is really not like a child, and it can be said that it is not compatible with the child at all.

Normally, even when he saw such a scene of corpses and a sea of blood, he would be very uncomfortable.

This kid is like no one, it's so wrong.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Mo Yu took a deep breath, he was sure that there was something wrong with this child.

"Void sky. "

The little boy replied very simply, but Mo Yu saw in a trance that when he said the name, the aura on his body changed for a moment.

At that moment, he seemed to have become another 293 person, a person with cold eyes, high above, looking down on the creatures of the world.

But this moment was too short, so short that Mo Yu felt that he might be dazzled.

"You asked my name, what about you, what's your name?"

Xutian asked rhetorically.

"Mo Yu. "

Mo Yu was also very simple and reported his name.

"Mo Yu... "

Xutian muttered, as if he wanted to remember the name.

"What are you doing here?"

"Escort prisoners. "

Mo Yu answered Xutian's question without a match, and his eyes never left the other party.

"Now that this place is ruined, are you leaving?"

"Yes. "

"Can you take me with you?"

Xutian looked at Mo Yu with hopeful eyes, but Mo Yu did not agree to him, but asked rhetorically, "Reason?"

"We are all human races, we should support each other, and I have no ability to protect myself, can you bear to stand by and watch?"

"Not self-protecting?"

Mo Yu stared at him for a long time, and then said word by word.

"If I'm not mistaken, I slaughtered the people of the Quartet Realm, I'm afraid it's you, right?"

The words fell, and there was a gasping sound behind Mo Yu.

"He?'s all this doll?' how could it be?".

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