Mu Zixin comprehended the city lord's intentions, she quietly took a step back, and whispered the name of Emperor Donghua.

In fact, not only her, but also thousands of people present, all of whom had witnessed the battle in which Mo Yu killed the Plague King, were also the most determined believers in the city.

As early as when the disciples of the Three Rivers Sect arrived, some of them silently recited the name of Emperor Donghua.

But there was no response.

Mu Zixin waited quietly after reciting the name of the god, but also received no response.

Her eyes were slightly downcast, and she had more doubts in her heart, she had been with Mo Yu for a long time before, and she did not doubt the essence of Lu Zu's gods.

But she also knew that since the temple was built, there were people in the city who kept chanting the name of Emperor Donghua, and never received a response.

She couldn't help but wonder if it was because the Pure Yang Dao Chief was in a hurry to leave at that time, so he casually fooled the city lord with a god's name.

In fact, there is no such god as Emperor Donghua.

She wasn't sure, but the situation was dire.

The senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect turned pale, looked at the city lord of Heyang and said, "Wei Heyang, let him go immediately, of course I know who this temple enshrines."

But the myth, hmph, they offended the Senluo Palace, at this time I am afraid that they will not be able to protect themselves, just seeing that Lu Dongbin did not dare to stay here for a long time after eliminating the demon, he knew that he was afraid of the pursuit of the Senluo Palace.

The people who take myths press me, you miscalculated. "

The face of the Heyang City Lord was even worse, and he used the force in his hand to directly throw this disciple of the Three Rivers Sect away.

He also had the same guess as Mu Zixin, could it be that the god Emperor Donghua did not exist, and it was the Pure Yang Dao Master who deliberately fooled his name in order to leave that day.

He wasn't sure, for no one's prayers had been answered for three days.

But even if he had doubts in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, on the contrary, he was even more stubborn, standing at the gate and said coldly: "Since you have no scruples, then the city lord also put down his words and want to demolish the temple, unless you step on the city lord, it is absolutely impossible." "

He was also desperate, at this time, even if he admitted his mistake like the Three Rivers Sect, the position of the city lord of Heyang could not be saved, and even in the extreme situation, he would have to suffer from the seven swords piercing his heart when he returned to the sect.

With his old injuries now, there is a high probability that he will not be able to resist, so it is better to give it a go, betting that Emperor Donghua really exists, and he has already known the situation here, but he can't respond because of the temporary delay.

His grudge against the Three Rivers Sect is not a day or two, thinking that he has done his best all these years, he also worked hard in the sect back then, and even injured his foundation in order to protect the son of the Great Elder during the experience.

Although the Great Elder's son was also injured, he was able to save his life.

But the Great Elder held a grudge and took the opportunity to make trouble, not only did he give him the elixir to repair the foundation, but also drove him out of the Three Rivers Sect and came to Heyang City to become the city lord.

It has been thirty years since then, and his cultivation has not advanced an inch in the Eight Heavens on the outside.

Now that he has given up on the Three Rivers Sect, he has finally caught the door of mythology, so he naturally has to fight with all his might.

The path of cultivation is to cross a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, and when it is broken, it will be broken.

The Three Rivers Sect disciple who had been thrown away slammed to the ground, and he struggled to his feet, holding his wrist with his other hand, his face twisted with pain.

"Senior brother, my hand...... Broken ......"

The senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect was angry, and sneered again and again: "Very good, Wei Heyang, you are very good, the Great Elder really did not mistake you, it was right to drive you out of the sect in the first place, since you want to die, I will fulfill you." "

He shouted angrily, stomped his breath and climbed, and there were dark clouds gathering in the sky, which coincided with his breath, and the clouds were surging, looming the scene of the confluence of the three rivers, affecting a radius of hundreds of miles.

The face of the city lord of Heyang changed: "The exterior scene of the Nine Heavens, how can it be?"

The senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect sneered: "Wei Heyang, you have been away from the sect for thirty years, don't you think that everyone is standing still like you?"

With the force under his feet, his body rushed out, and a palm slapped towards the heart of the Heyang City Lord.

"Suffer death!"

"Tianhe Palm!"

With a soft snort, his palms glowed with water, and the light quickly spread to wrap around his palms.

The water was lead-colored, as if it had infinite weight, and even the forehead of the senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect was in a cold sweat.

The power of heavy water.

It is rumored that the Celestial River was a river that ran through the sky in the ancient era, in which life withered and everything fell silent, the reason is that the rivers were heavy water.

A drop of water can kill an adult demon beast, and no life can survive in the river.

This palm is a move created by the Three Rivers Sect to simulate the power of heavy water, and it is extremely vicious.

The city lord of Heyang naturally understood, his face was solemn, and he also shouted in a low voice, and greeted him with a palm.

His palm also has a water light, but it is different from the other party's heavy water, at the same time as the water light appears, his palm becomes light and fluttering, as if there is no weight.

Light water.

This kind of water is extremely light, and it can float naturally in an empty place, which is extremely rare.

He wanted to use this extremely light force to defuse the other party's gravity.

In the next moment, the palms intersected.


The face of the city lord of Heyang changed, and his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and it hit the doorpost of the Donghua Emperor Temple with a loud noise.

With a rumbling sound, the portal collapsed, and the falling dust and rocks buried the Lord of Heyang City.

The senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect snorted lightly: "I think that you are still a member of the sect, I will leave you alive for the time being, and I will press you back to the sect to confess your guilt." "

As he spoke, he prepared to stride over the collapsed portal to the temple.

Many ordinary people standing on the side did not dare to move, and a few close wanted to step forward to stop them, but they were swept away by his gaze and suddenly silenced.

More ordinary people silently whispered the name of Emperor Donghua.

Seeing that no one stopped him, the senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect stepped into the courtyard with a cold snort and walked all the way to the main hall.

Seeing this, the ordinary people outside the hospital showed desperate expressions, but they didn't dare to step forward to stop them.

Although they were saved by Mo Yu before, they are now only ordinary believers, and there is not enough time, and their belief in Emperor Donghua is not deep-rooted.

The senior brother of the Sanhe Sect entered the main hall, and saw that this hall was magnificent, and there was a statue of a god sitting on the platform, which was seven points similar to Lu Dongbin, and looked at the hall condescendingly.

Offerings were placed in front of the statues, and incense burners were placed in the center, and green smoke wafted up.

The senior brother of the Three Rivers Sect stepped forward, and the water element in his hand was gathered, and he was about to smash the idol.


Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

I saw a cyan thunderbolt falling from the nine heavens and falling straight to the main hall of the temple.

A miraculous scene occurred, and the dome of the main hall was intact, without any traces of lightning strikes.

This thunder was so dazzling that the many believers gathered outside the temple saw it very clearly, and they all said, "What happened, that disciple of the Three Rivers Sect was punished by heaven?"

In their astonishment, they saw a figure in a cyan robe dragging a blackened figure out.

Many believers rubbed their eyes, first in disbelief and then in shock.

"Emperor Donghua is alive!"

I don't know who shouted first, and the crowd knelt down in a large area, and kept kowtowing to the figures who walked out of the hall.

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