"In three days, at least I have to see the so-called traitor, otherwise, my World Venerable Court will have to have a good discussion with Zuo Wen City Lord!" Pu Zimo snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

The rest of the monks saw that the dragon leader was gone, and that it was useless for them to stay here, so they all took their leave.

Looking at the group of monks who turned to leave, Shao Heng's eyes were cold.

"When my plan for Illusory Sea City is completed, let's see if you still have the courage to do it today!"

Dealing with this group of people has made Shao Heng very tired in recent days, but fortunately, Mo Yu's performance on the other side made him very satisfied, and he did not take advantage of this time to cause trouble for him.

Regarding Ye Yu's relics, the fewer people who know the inside story, the better.

In case this kind of information is leaked out, not to mention that there will be a muddy water at that time, Ye Yu Xuanjun's relics may not fall into someone's hands. That chaotic scene alone may make the now unpeaceful Phantom Sea City even more chaotic.


In the mansion rented by Mo Yu and others.

The four monks simply knew everything, and they couldn't wait to tell Mo Yu what they were wearing today, for fear that Mo Yu would think they were hiding it.

They told Mo Yu all the things they had participated in and later thought were strange.

However, these four people are smart, they never express their opinions, they only talk about the phenomena they see, and the rest is left to Mo Yu to understand.

After the "

frankness" of the four people, Mo Yu also roughly understood the situation, and waved his hand to lift the ban on the four people.

"You should know how to do it, right?" Mo Yu asked with a light smile.

The four of them felt the strength return to their limbs, and an irrepressible sense of joy appeared on their faces. This means that Mo Yu will not kill them.

Even if the four of them are more or less ready to die in their hearts, if they don't die, who wants to die, after all, being alive means infinite possibilities!

The four of them looked at each other, and one of them stood up, and it could be seen that he was very nervous, after all, they didn't understand what Mo Yu meant, and asked with some trepidation: "I don't know what the adults want me to do?"

Mo Yu

glanced at him, and the monk actually hit him directly, his head was almost buried in his chest, and he didn't dare to look directly into Mo Yu's eyes.

"Continue to monitor me, and at the same time, tell me by the way when you receive the next action notice!" Mo Yu said calmly.

The four of them nodded like pounding garlic, and a hanging heart completely fell.

If Mo Yu goes too far and asks them to do something out of the ordinary in the next operation, they can't resist it.

It's just that in this way, there is a high probability that it will be dealt with secretly by Phantom Sea City, and it is not that this kind of thing has not happened before.

Many of the Illusory Sea City's own monks would disappear inexplicably, and these four people had long been suspicious.

Fortunately, Mo Yu's request was not difficult for them, wasn't the former one what they had been doing? As for the latter one, it was just a message before the action, and compared to other unknown matters, there was still a lot of room for operation in this one.

"Go ahead, don't show your feet, otherwise, the four of you will turn to ashes at any time!" Mo Yu said lightly.

The four of them all bowed their heads to thank them, without the slightest doubt about Mo Yu's words, and quickly retreated with their bows bowed.

It wasn't until the four of them completely withdrew from the mansion that they looked at each other, and they all saw the happiness of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe in the eyes of others and the fear of what happened before.


four of them sighed in unison, and after a brief eye contact, they returned to their original position and continued to "monitor" Mo Yu and the others.

"Childe, that Shaoheng is not a kind person, and his cultivation is profound, according to my Ruyi Lou's intelligence, he has never fully demonstrated his strength for so many years!".

After the four of them left, Xin Xin said to Mo Yu.

"It's just a cultivator of the Jun Xuan Realm, there's nothing to worry about!" Mo Yu said with a light smile.


Xin thought about it, and Mo Yu's performance all along was relieved, and he didn't feel that this sentence was too arrogant, and he didn't even pay attention to the Jun Xuan Realm cultivator.

After all, Mo Yu has this kind of capital!

In fact, if you really want to say it, Mo Yu's performance is much more terrifying than Shao Heng's, and when it comes to completely revealing his strength, Xin Xin doesn't know how many hole cards Mo Yu still has in his hand.

The final conclusion is that whether it is cultivation or hidden hole cards, Mo Yu's side has completely exploded Shaoheng.

Then what else is there to worry about, on the contrary, just like Lou Xinxin doesn't want to go back, no matter how Mo Yu chooses, she will stay by Mo Yu's side.

Mo Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows, and one of the four people who had just returned to his post seemed to have been summoned and turned to leave.


Shao Heng had just returned to his mansion when he summoned someone to spy on Mo Yu.

Although he succeeded in getting the group of monks to leave temporarily, he only had three days to go, and his plan had to be carried out as soon as possible.

As for handing over Mo Yu to this group of people, what are you kidding, this kind of thing is not within Shao Heng's consideration at all.

After a while, there was the sound of footsteps outside the door, thinking of what was about to arrive, Shao Heng couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile that no one could see, but in an instant, he regained his calm color.

"Come in!" Shao Heng sat back in his chair, looking a little lazy.

"Yes!" a respectful reply sounded from outside the door, and then the door creaked open, and a figure walked in with its head bowed.

"What's unusual today?" Shao Heng glanced at the monk who was kneeling down on one knee and asked lightly.

"Lord Hui, those three people are still in the mansion today, they can't take a step, and there is nothing abnormal!"

This person was one of the four people who monitored Mo Yu, and he was also the last one to ask Mo Yu.

Shao Heng looked thoughtful when he heard this, and the room suddenly fell silent.

The monk who was half-kneeling on the ground and was in charge of monitoring Mo Yu did not raise his head, for fear that he would show some of his feet, and tried his best to empty his mind and not think about other things.

After a long time, Shao Heng waved his hand gently.

The monk did not look up, but as if he saw it, he slowly straightened up with his head down, and slowly retreated.

"Ruyi Lou, Ruyi Lou, if it weren't for the special skills of my Ye Yu Gong, I would have to borrow the hands of you to obtain the key things, and it would be your turn to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

A divine light flashed in Shao Heng's eyes!

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