Especially since most of them are monks from the Xuan Xuan Realm, although they have formed a simple formation, can he be reliable in such a formation composed of a group of monks who don't know each other?

Mo Yu doesn't have to think about it, once there is any special situation in the future, I'm afraid that this formation won't last for two seconds and will fall apart!

It's not that there is anything wrong with this formation, although it is a basic formation, the ability is still guaranteed, but the formation is a very test of cooperation, just this group of people, forget it!

The seven people of Hongxin Hou didn't care about Gan Yi blocking the first heavenly thunder, after all, this first heavenly thunder was just an appetizer.

The vortex of dark clouds in the sky began to spin again, and nowhere the thunder gathered towards the center of the vortex.

A breath of silence poured down from the sky to the earth, and the thunder seemed to shatter the earth.


At this time, as the monks approached, someone finally saw the image of Gan Yi completely shrouded in colorful light, and immediately screamed.

For a moment, all the monks looked up, and many of them opened their mouths wide.

"No wonder I've had a familiar feeling since I entered this rain curtain, but I didn't expect it to be because of this!" muttered a monk.


monks were all deaf and clear-sighted, and those who did not know the situation around the monk all looked at him, obviously very curious about the secrets.

The monk felt the gaze of the people around him, and pondered for a moment before he spoke, "Don't you think of anything about the image of that figure in the sky?"

The monks were stunned for a moment, and after such a reminder, a terrifying race popped up in their minds!

"The ?!! of the Shengli clan".

Many monks had already reacted, and the more they looked at it, the more certain they became, and their hearts suddenly felt a little bitter. And the rest of the monks who hadn't figured it out before also chuckled in their hearts as soon as these four words came out.

How could it be a guy from the Saint Li clan? A very angry thought popped up in the minds of all the monks present at the same time.

"It's just that the aura on this person's body doesn't seem to be quite the same as that of the Shengli clan!" a monk couldn't help frowning after observing the large colorful halo in the sky.

"But no matter what, this person can't get rid of the Shengli clan!"

"However, isn't the Shengli clan completely hidden, and no one has seen it for a long time?"

"Just because you can't hide it doesn't mean that it won't appear, there seems to be something wrong with the Shengli clan, but these things are not something that we can know!"


onlookers discussed a lot, but they basically acquiesced that the hundred-zhang figure above who kept exuding a seven-colored halo was the Shengli clan.

Mo Yu's ears moved slightly, his spiritual sense was already very keen, and this group of people didn't have any concerns about having ears on the wall, so these conversations fell on his ears.

The Shengli clan that appeared in the previous world turned out to be the race of this world originally, and Mo Yu's face showed a contemplative look.

But in any case, it has now been determined that the Shengli clan does exist in this world!

As for the reason why the Shengli clan couldn't hide what the group said, Mo Yu felt that he probably knew the real reason.

It is nothing more than that the Shengli clan stumbled upon a passage to the previous world, so driven by great ambition and greed, they wanted to forcibly occupy a world with the power of the clan.

Moreover, since Mo Yu came to the Kee World, he had never heard of another world, and he thought that this news was completely blocked by the Shengli clan.

After that, the Shengli clan was fully prepared to conquer the previous world, using it as a springboard to gather the power of a big world to supply their own race.

In this way, the

strength of the Shengli clan will inevitably swell to a terrifying level, and it is very possible to rule this Kee world together at that time!

The most outrageous thing is that not only did they do this, but they almost succeeded, if it weren't for Mo Yu's appearance, I'm afraid that the previous world would have completely fallen after another thousand years or so.

However, there were not so many ifs, Mo Yu not only blocked the plan of the Shengli clan, but even slaughtered the opponent's top combat power.

This is equivalent to the strength of the Shengli clan directly shrinking by half.

Judging from the racial situation of the Shengli clan, it must occupy countless resources, and naturally no one dares to point fingers when the strength is strong, but the overall strength has plummeted, and if the opponent finds a problem, it is strange not to take advantage of the fire to rob.

Therefore, Mo Yu guessed that the other party must have finally made the decision of the whole clan to escape from the world and hide for this reason, hoping to use the time of Yu Wei's shock to cultivate top powerhouses again.

These behaviors were not actively chosen by the Shengli clan, they were also forced to be helpless, after all, the status of a race, the backbone is very important, but the group of people who really play a key role are still standing at the top.

At the same time, Mo Yu also figured out why when he and Gan Yi first entered this Kee world, those people had a respectful attitude towards Gan Yi.

At the beginning, Gan Yi also initially fused Xia Xin's ability and talent, and the aura exuded on his body was still very obvious, and the Shengli clan was estimated to be an extremely strong force in this Kee world, so it was not surprising that he had that kind of treatment.

It's just that at this time, Mo Yu still had a little doubt in his heart, the Shengli clan suppressed a big world with their own strength, and even almost killed the other party in the end.

This kind of fantastical thing really happened, and it was outrageous!

"It seems that this Shengli clan

still has a secret!" Mo Yu secretly had a guess in his heart, and said secretly in his heart: "It seems that I have to go to the Shengli clan to see where I have time!


Xin didn't know Mo Yu's thoughts, and at this time, looking at the dazzling white light in the center of the whirlpool, he couldn't help but show a worried look in his eyes.

Even if he had seen the scene of Mo Yu brazenly resisting the Seven Thunders and killing Bu Xingxue and other disciples of the World Venerable Academy with his backhand, Xin Xin was still a little nervous at this time.

After all, she was far away from the center of the battlefield, and she only felt some aftermath, and her feelings were not deep.

At this time, it was different, she and Mo Yu were directly in the center of the battlefield, and there was a terrifying thunder above their heads.

And although she also has a certain confidence in Ganyi's strength, she has been with the low-key Ganyi for a long time before, and she is always worried that the other party will not be able to do it.


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