Mo Yu was speechless, sighing in place, if he didn't

have Jianmu, he wouldn't have found this bead, anyway, he didn't know what it did, but it didn't matter.

Even if he knew what that dragon ball did, he wouldn't care.

Treasures! The last thing he lacks in Mo Yu is treasures.

It's just that many treasures don't have any effect on Mo Yu, and if you talk about collecting alone, his collection is enough to make everyone blush!



At this moment, two shouts sounded, Mo Yu looked up, and saw that Gan Yi and Xin Xin had already rushed over at this time.

"Childe, did you experience a battle just now?" Xin Xin looked at Mo Yu carefully, but found no traces of the battle.

But Mo Yu, can he use common sense to speculate? When he was in the secret realm of the Phantom Sea before, wasn't it the same as if he was doing things with people?

However, seeing that Mo Yu was safe and sound, the two of them let go of their hanging hearts, after all, the battle intent that rushed to the night before was too terrifying.

Mo Yu knew what the two were worried about when he saw the expressions of the two, shook his head and said, "It's just that I saw a deceased ancestor of the human race!"


Xin couldn't help but be speechless when he heard this, are the ancestors of the human race so terrifying? Even if he is dead, he can still do the scene before!

Seeing Mo Yu intact, the two of them had time to observe the surrounding situation.

The first thing that catches your eye is the terrifying cross scar on the dragon's body.


Xin and Gan Yi's pupils shrank, because there was a scar on the dragon's body that was obviously new, that is, it was Mo Yu's doing.

"It's really not dead?" Xin Xin asked, looking at Mo Yu in amazement.

In her opinion, if this dragon was already dead, Mo Yu would not need to do such superfluous things at all.

"Will there be a bead in the dragon's body?" Mo Yu suddenly asked.


Xin was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it!"

Although Mo Yu didn't answer her question, Xin Xin was smart enough to naturally hear the answer.

It's just that this answer made her even more confused, beads? What beads? How come I don't know about this kind of thing, it has never been recorded in the classics!

There seems to be no mention of dragons using treasures such as beads against their enemies.

However, seeing that Mo Yu didn't explain in depth, Xin Xin didn't ask much in interest.

After all, no matter what she gets, these are just Mo Yu's personal trophies, and she didn't participate in it, so she didn't share her full strength.

To be honest, Mo Yu's ability to give her Danxia dragon scales was completely beyond her expectations, and she didn't care about anything else.

But it's impossible not to envy that, after all, Mo Yu can't even look down on a legendary thing like Danxia dragon scales, and it is conceivable that what can enter his eyes is a peerless treasure.

Just like the

gorgeous sword in Mo Yu's hand, and like the crimson tree that appeared behind Mo Yu before.

Each of them is a treasure she never even imagined!

However, envy is

envy, Xin Xin knows very well that greed with insufficient strength is the way to seek death. The strong may show you mercy, but you can't gamble on the choices of the strong.

Got the reverse scales of the golden dragon ancestor, and also got a bead that I don't know how to use, plus the humane killing to gem spear, it can be said that the harvest is full.

Of course, just for Mo Yu alone, Gan Yi and Xin Xin are almost nothing.

Although the dragon

clan is a treasure, and the three of them have the corpse of the lord of the dragon group in front of them.

But the erosion of time is merciless, the blood in the body of this dragon ancestor has long been drained, and the flesh is actually decaying.

The scales that Mo Yu touched before were indeed very hard, but they lost their toughness, that is, they were very brittle, and they were no longer suitable for making protective magic weapons.

The three of them returned the same way, and the flush was able to appear on the third floor of the tower.

After meeting Qi, Mo Yu understood a lot of things, all the arrangements of this Dragon Gu were probably the accumulation of countless years of the Dragon Clan, not the handiwork of a certain big man he had imagined before.

Maybe some big guys have made some changes after that, but it's basically the arrangement of the dragon clan.

Even the forbidden land of the dragon

clan has been explored, and there may be treasures in this dragon valley, but it can't arouse Mo Yu's interest at all, and the three of them go all the way.

Finally, the seemingly

never-ending climb finally changed, and Mo Yu actually saw the end of the tower.

The three of them were in a good mood, but the process of this rush was a little boring, surrounded by the same white tower walls, although it was not narrow, but it was also in a semi-enclosed space, which made people very unhappy.

The tower wall disappeared, but the moment Mo Yu flew out, it felt as if he had passed through a membrane, and the scene in front of him was actually deep on a long straight road, and at the end of the road was a large hall.

Gan Yi and Xin Xin also appeared, their expressions a little dazed. I haven't recovered from this sudden shift in space.

This is...... Walk to the Sea Temple!

The three of them had already left the Dragon Valley at this time and returned to the Dragon Palace!

has appeared here, but it saves Mo Yu a lot of distance, which makes Mo Yu very satisfied, and the three of them turned around and left.


Outside the secret realm of the Phantom Sea, in the Phantom Sea City.

An exquisite garden building is located in the most central location of Phantom Sea City, and here, it is the city lord's mansion of Phantom Sea City.

The city lord of Phantom Sea City and several deputy city lords live and practice again on weekdays to deal with official business!

Directly west of the garden, a quiet mansion is hidden in the shade of the trees, here is Shaoheng's house, and at this time in the living room, two figures sit in the same direction, leisurely drinking spiritual tea.

"It's been so long since the world-honored temple Hongzhe and the others had no news at all, and I got the news, it seems that at that point in time, there was a little accident in Phantom Sea City!" A cold voice slowly sounded.

When Shao Heng heard this, a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes, but he was quickly hidden by it, and he put the delicate tea cup in his hand on the table and looked at the other party. A woman in a pale green skirt with a beautiful eyebrows!

What an obsessive beauty! Even if he has seen it many times, every time he sees the other party's face, Shao Heng can't help but sigh in his heart.

It's a pity that it's the people of Ruyi Building!

"Mi Ziyi, I remember telling you in the Illusory Sea Secret Realm that Ye Yu Xuanjun's relics can't get out of the Phantom Sea City!" Shao Heng squinted his eyes and said expressionlessly.

"My Ruyi Building has recently sent someone to the Phantom Sea Secret Realm to check, except for Hongzhe, everyone else in the World Venerable Academy, including Bu Xingxue, Jing Long and others, has fallen, and the corpses have been confirmed. The woman known as Mi Ziyi chuckled and said.

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