It's like there is a treasure mountain, and you can't move it away.

Mo Yu had a hunch in his heart, I was afraid that there was the answer he wanted hidden in this spine.

The third floor of the tower was also calm, and there had been no special circumstances since the three of them stepped in, making it seem very safe. Security is a bit unreal, not very real.

But Mo Yu was also happy, all his interests at this time were above this spine, which made him feel a sense of excitement to solve the mystery.

"Why don't you just smash it?" Xin Xin suddenly spoke, interrupting Mo Yu's train of thought.

Although Xin Xin didn't

know what was special about this spine, she saw that Mo Yu had been looking at it for so long and didn't make any movements, so she couldn't help but give a suggestion casually.

Anyway, it's just a matter of opening your mouth, what if you're right? Didn't you just sigh casually on the island before and it worked!

So Xin Xin didn't panic at all, anyway, she just suggested randomly, and left the rest to Mo Yu, it was perfect and flawless.

If Mo Yu knew what Xin Xin was thinking, he would probably be crying and laughing.

However, listening to Xin Xin's suggestion, Mo Yu was a little strangely moved, he really had the urge to directly smash the spine in his hand, but he still held back.

After all, Sumeru is a mustard seed, and if you are not careful, even the things stored inside will be damaged, and it will also be the power of space collapse.

Just when Mo Yu was thinking about how to stabilize the internal space of his spine and take out the things inside, a tender branch suddenly poked out of his chest and put it on top of the spine.

"Huh?" Mo Yu's expression was stunned.

Good guy, can you also operate this? Mo Yu only had this one thought left in his heart.

The twig rested on the backbone, and green ripples rose and sank into it.

After a long cup of tea, Mo Yu's eyes went from surprise to expectation at the beginning, to doubt, and finally to speechless.

You can't do it after being emotionally engaged for so long! Mo Yu complained, and was about to take the spine over and study it for himself.

However, it seemed that because of losing face in front of Mo Yu, the tender branch that poked out suddenly became angry, and the branch rolled up and directly dragged the severed spine into Mo Yu's body.

"Take it out for me!Pull the bones into my body, did you float you?" Mo Yu's face darkened, and a roaring divine thought was handed directly to Jianmu.

However, in the next second, Mo Yu's chest was like a treasure bag spitting out frantically.

A pale green scarf, a pale gold sword broken in two, a black seal, and a crystal bottle that emitted a crimson light ......


Xin and Gan Yi hurriedly took a few steps back to avoid being hit by the crazy surging things, and looked at Mo Yu in amazement.

After a while, Mo Yu turned out to be a small hill in front of him.

The platform, which originally seemed very monotonous, was now simply a jewel, and all kinds of treasures were rampant.



Mo Yu looked at the hill in front of him and fell silent.

"Childe, how did you open it?" Xin Xin looked at Mo Yu with a curious expression.

Mo Yu

said that he didn't want to speak, and Jianmu in the sea conveyed a proud emotion to Mo Yu, as if to say, do you think I'm not good?

"This is ......" Xin Xin's eyes were suddenly attracted by an item in the center of Baoshan, and he was shocked: "Danxia Dragon Scales!".

"Huh?" Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, and looked along Xin Xin's line of sight, only to see a warm red glow blooming halfway up the waist of the treasure mountain, and a red-gold transparent scales like crystals were lying there quietly.

Mo Yu stretched out his hand to take it into his palm, only to feel that his hand was warm, and his skin naturally had a layer of goosebumps, and an extremely comfortable feeling rose from his heart, and his whole body was excited.

However, Mo Yu's heart was not wavering, and he was not affected by his physical body, and carefully looked at this dragon scale.

"That's what you want from Ruyilou?" Mo Yu suddenly turned his head to look at Xin Xin with a look of envy.


Xin was completely immersed in the shock in her heart, Danxia dragon scales have always been an ethereal legend, although the classics have been recorded, but no one can see it, today it really appeared in front of her eyes!

Hearing Mo Yu's question, Xin Xin nodded subconsciously, in fact, her whole person was in a state of dizziness at this moment, and she relied on instinct to respond.

"Oh!" Mo Yu nodded, and threw it casually, and the dragon scales shrouded in glow swept through a graceful arc and fell towards Xin Xin's arms.


Xin's whole person behaved in a daze, and subconsciously reached out to pick it up, but because his brain was still a little confused, he didn't receive it, and after a while, he didn't let the extremely precious Danxia dragon scales fall to the ground.

"Childe...... You ......" It was only at this time that Xin Xin realized that Mo Yu had given such a peerless treasure to himself so carelessly.

"What's wrong?" Mo Yu asked strangely as he looked at Xin Xin, who wanted to speak and stopped.

"Does Childe know what kind of treasure this Danxia dragon scale is?" Xin Xin's eyes flashed with a look of struggle, but in the end, reason prevailed over emotion and asked.

If it wasn't Mo Yu in front of Xin Xin at this time, she would definitely laugh at the other party's eyes, although there was a word between the two, but there was a reason for the treasure to be given out in her hands.

But Mo Yu is different, although Xin Xin doesn't know what Mo Yu's difference is, maybe it's the terrifying and terrifying strength, or the peerless spirit that I respect between heaven and earth, or maybe it's the unparalleled confidence in external things.

In short, Xin Xin didn't want Mo Yu to miss this treasure because she didn't understand, maybe she would not hesitate to accept the Danxia dragon scales without saying a word, and she was happy in her heart.

But at this moment, she even felt unwilling for Mo Yu to give up such a treasure!

"I know, Hongzhe mentioned to me, it seems that it is only a treasure that exists in legends, and it is said that it has a rebirth effect for monks, so it should be quite precious!" Mo Yu thought about it and replied casually, his eyes had already turned to the other treasures on the treasure mountain.


Xin looked at Mo Yu's completely indifferent look and was a little angry for some reason, but his heart was filled with admiration.

Maybe it's precisely because of this that he has the temperament he has now! Xin Xin secretly sighed in his heart.

"Maybe you'll change your mind after listening to me!" Xin Xin looked at Mo Yu's eyes and said solemnly.

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