"I don't know, I just know that this giant sword is very powerful, and within a hundred meters, it will be a problem for him to get close, let alone get it!"

"What do you think?"

Everyone didn't lean on the side, just watched quietly from the side!

Obviously, judging from the thoughts of their group of people, if Mo Yu really wants to do it, then in some cases, he will have to do it directly!

Even a lot of people came to help them!

Only in this way can we really succeed, and other than that, it is simply impossible.


Just as they were talking, they found that someone had already approached them, and one of them was even more surprised!

You must know that among so many of them, the only one who can really resist is Mo Yu alone, and in addition, almost everyone else will be directly shattered by such an attack before they get close!

Not to mention the unprecedented gravitational oppression!

Mo Yu glanced at the other party quietly, and after thinking about it, his expression became extremely exaggerated, and even when he started it, his expression was a little weird!

Everyone else can see that, too!

After all, it is

very difficult to walk in the white rice, and it is even more said that Mo Yu is preparing such a means at this moment!

After one of them saw such a scene clearly, they didn't dare to say much, so they could only watch quietly from the side!

"If I were to make a move, I wouldn't even be able to stop them!".

"Tell me what to do next?"

After someone spoke, the expressions of the others also became a little solemn, and one of them said directly: "I know what you think in your hearts, but you haven't thought about it, in such an environment, his own strength, mixed with his own breath, how to proceed?"

Everyone didn't speak, they could only watch quietly from the sidelines!


was only about a few seconds before and after, and someone next to him noticed the powerful power that Mo Yu had just unleashed!

"I think he can make it!".

From the beginning, no one was optimistic at all, but now when some people see it, they all nod seriously, and it seems that after seeing this clearly, they all feel very powerful and terrifying!


At this moment, the expressions of many people changed!

Because under the combination of their group, the rest of the power will become so terrifying!

"Indeed, as you think, it is really stronger than we imagined!".


At this moment, the entire void has bloomed with power, and when such power appears, everyone else is a little shocked!

"It's... It's a little too strong!".

"yes, and it's not average!".


Mo Yu's aura of power has gradually appeared, and the strength fluctuations of countless people, mixed with the terrifying energy system, are all released at this moment!


At this moment, Mo Yu couldn't help but sigh, because he could understand it himself, and even feel the terrifying power impact!

"Whew!" Mo Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh at this moment, because at this moment, he was only more than ten meters away from the giant sword!

But in the last ten meters, I only need to take one step forward, and I will suffer endless damage!

"Damn, if you take a little step forward, you will be coerced dozens of times!".

"How the hell is it going to happen?".

Mo Yu's expression became extremely solemn, if he followed his previous thoughts, as long as he acted at this time, he would be able to make many people feel threatened!

"But I'm not a threat, not even my life, as long as I think of a way and go on the way I am now, then I have a chance to succeed!"

After thinking of this, Mo Yu's figure rushed straight up like lightning!

The speed is so fast that many people are a little shocked when they notice it!


Another force impact is presented, and the power of countless people is also presented!

Many people will even be unable to do it at all because of such means!

And Mo Yu is like this, after seeing it, there is already a hint of threat in his eyes!

And when many people see it, they will choose not to do it for the time being, just to see what Mo Yu will do next!

It is precisely because they have such thoughts that many people have such feelings!


Suddenly, a crack directly opened in the entire void, and as the surrounding aura appeared, the strength of all of them, mixed with their own strength fluctuations, completely bloomed at this time!


Mo Yu took a deep breath, and then realized that this guy's strength was so strong that many people couldn't understand why this guy became what he is now


Another even breathing sounded, and when Mo Yu looked up, he noticed that a man was frantically chasing after them!

"This ...... How could this kid be so strong?".

"Why the hell is that?".

Many people, after receiving such power, their expressions will become like this!

And after Mo Yu saw the goodbye clearly, the change in his expression and the change in his own strength would look extremely ugly!

Especially after Mo Yu saw these people clearly, his expression was extremely calm!


Another strong impact was presented at this time, and so many of them didn't dare to say a word of nonsense after seeing it, so they could only watch quietly!


only took about a few seconds before and after, and Mo Yu's figure had already rushed up!


At this time, Mo Yu finally rushed to the giant sword, and

at this moment, Mo Yu deeply felt the power of the giant sword, and also felt the quaint atmosphere contained in the giant sword!

"This thing, the power seems to be stronger than I thought, try it with the Qiankun ruler!" As he spoke, Mo Yu started his hand and used the Qiankun ruler!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

After the Qiankun ruler flew out, it directly emitted Dao golden mangs, and after so many golden mangs were presented, so many of them truly experienced the power of coercion!


After the latter felt it, they couldn't resist it all!

"What's going on?".

Someone saw that after Mo Yu had touched the giant sword, he could still pose a threat to them, which was a bit shocking!

And Mo Yu's side, after taking a closer look, a trace of an indifferent smile had begun to appear on his eyes: "You kid, are you thinking too much? Do you know who I am?"

As Mo Yu

spoke, the latter's face was full of surprise, and obviously, at this time, he didn't know what Mo Yu said at all!

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