Under the light of reincarnation, Mo Yu sang with a sword.

On the Pure Yang Sword, the sword light this time was exceptionally different.

This time, the sword light is no longer complicated and simplified, on the contrary, the sword light is multiplied to the extreme.

Under the light of the sword, the silhouette of the afterimage looms, majestic and majestic like a mountain, turbulent and tactful like a river, high and low, the light and shadow of the sword, actually composed a good wave of mountains and rivers.

This sword has a magnificent atmosphere like a sea of mountains, rivers and clouds.

In the light and shadow, it reflects the geographical mountains and rivers.

Everyone looked at the sword in a daze, suffocating and unable to make a sound.

They felt that what appeared in front of them was not a sword light, but a vivid real world.

There is such a kendo, and there is such a kendo!

The audience was amazed.

Mo Yu's sword is changing, the world in the sword light is also changing, the dark clouds are dissipating, and I see countless soldiers of different looks appearing on the mountains, holding spears and pointing to the sky.

At the forefront, there was a man wearing a royal robe and holding a sword to the sky.

"The courtiers are in charge, and the generals on the side are fighting. The right time, place and people. Tiankevar and ......"

As Mo Yu sang, the entire Nine Shades vibrated, and then the heavens and the earth actually echoed.


Mo Yu laughed even louder: "On this day, the building is full of trees, and he is walking on the mountains and rivers." All the people are singing with the wind, and they will lead the world to congratulate!"

His sword slashed out, and in the shadow of the sword, countless armor soldiers roared towards the sky, slashing against the sky.

Dongwang Sword!

Mountains and rivers of the sword.

This sword encompasses an entire world, and compared to it, any sword move is incomparably smaller.

The sword light tore through the sky, and the light of reincarnation met it head-on.

Then, the light of reincarnation quickly dimmed, and the light was cut off by a sword, the heavens and the earth rumbled, and there were waves rolling up in the Lechuan River behind him, affecting the river for ten miles.

Heaven and earth rumbled, and everyone in the Huangquan Sect looked at this sword light, as if they were wrapped in a world, and there was no escape.


The Nine Netherlands trembled, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the dark earth was cut open, and a deep canyon appeared, spreading to the end of the line of sight.

All the masters of the Huangquan Sect Formation disappeared.

There is no trace of any existence.

Mo Yu exhaled a turbid breath and chuckled, "It seems that I accidentally used too much force." "

As he spoke, his gaze turned to the Yellow Springs Sect Master.

At this time, this Huangquan Sect Master was still not dead, he sat on the ground, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Suddenly, he raised his head angrily, his eyes red: "Emperor Donghua, mythology, you must not die well, Elder Taishang will avenge us!"


His voice stopped abruptly, and the Pure Yang Sword somehow broke away from Mo Yu's palm and penetrated his body.

"Really, it's not so much nonsense to die. "

Mo Yu muttered, and with a wave of the Pure Yang Sword flew up and fell towards his hand.

There is no blood on the sword.

The aura of the Huangquan Sect Master had completely disappeared, and under the pure yang sword qi, all the vitality in his body was cut off.

Putting the Pure Yang Sword back into its scabbard, Mo Yu felt that it was unsightly to carry the scabbard on his back like this, so he simply took it off and received it in the ring.

He dropped lightly, came to the side of the Huangquan Sect Master, and picked up the Huangquan Mirror that had fallen to the ground.

The moment he started, the treasure appreciation technique had already been used by him.

"Huangquan Mirror, a treasure in the middle grade of the Heavenly Order, intercepts a treasure refined by the breath of the Huangquan River, which contains Qiankun, which can use the mirror to maximize its own strength, and can also divide its own shadow to form a powerful clone to assist in the battle, the upper limit does not exceed the Supreme Realm Double Heavenly Ladder, and it can summon the phantom of the White Bone Law.

It can be recycled, and the value of exchange for gas luck is 220,000. "

Mo Yu quietly put away the Huangquan Mirror, took off the Huangquan Sect Master's acceptance ring, and swept the things in the ring at will, mostly some pills, and a few treasures, but there was no Heaven Rank, and in addition to that, there was a token suspended.

Originally, the Huangquan Sect Master also had a Huangquan Holy Robe that was also a heaven-level treasure, but unfortunately it had been given to Du Jiuquan before, and it was obtained by Mo Yu in the tomb of Shenxiao Tianjun.

But even so, the Huangquan Mirror plus the treasures in the ring has gained more than 300,000 qi luck values, which is probably a Yang Jian, earned.

After putting everything away, he looked at Tsukihime, but the other party was already walking towards him.

As soon as she got closer, Tsukihime saluted and thanked her very formally: "Thank you Emperor for your help." "

Mo Yu raised her hand with a smile, signaling that she didn't need to be polite: "The Moon Fairy doesn't need to be polite, the duty lies, and the emperor also accepted the third prince's request for help, which is a matter of duty." "

Yueji smiled and said: "The emperor is too polite, just call me Yueji like Nezha." "

Mo Yu responded to the situation and did not do much tangled in the title.

He found that every time he changed his identity, he had to "reacquaint" with Yuehime, and he was a little helpless.

But he couldn't do better.

simply changed the topic and said: "Is this the underworld of this realm, but it is desolate, and it is somewhat similar to ours." "

Yueji's heart moved, and she asked, "The emperor also has the underworld?"

Mo Yu glanced at her with a smile, knowing her careful thoughts, but also cooperated with the explanation, just at this time to tell her some of the worldview of the myth, maybe after she went back, she could pass it on through her mouth.

"Naturally, there is, the Netherworld is in charge of the reincarnation of all beings, and it is in charge of the Emperor Taishan of Dongyue, and there are ten halls of Yama in the underworld, which is the son of heaven in the underworld, and is in charge of the good and evil of all beings.

This emperor was robbed during the flood and famine, but he still borrowed six reincarnations to keep a little true spirit immortal, so that he had the opportunity to rebuild the immortal path. "

After Mo Yu transformed into the Emperor of Donghua, it has been determined that the Emperor of Donghua is not the prince of Donghua himself, but the reincarnation of the body.

The supernatural powers are also far inferior to the Eastern Princes during the flood period.

But this is also normal, after all, it is just a special person unlocked by Lu Dongbin, and it would be unexpected if it was directly the prince of the East.

After all, the prince of the east is the head of the male immortals, corresponding to the queen mother of the west, and is one of the strongest supernatural powers under the three Qings.

"The emperor was robbed back then?"

Tsukihime was shocked, she originally thought that the world myth where the mythological organization was located was the only master, but now it seems that this is not the case.

But when she thought about it, she was never right.

Nezha and Yang Jian have both talked about mythology in front of her, and according to the words of the two, there seems to be a division of forces within the myth.

For example, the Jade Void Palace, where Nezha Yang Jian was born, and the heavenly court where the emperor of Donghua is located.

There was also a fight within the myth back then?

Yueji guessed in her heart, and she was puzzled, but the relationship between the Jade Void Palace and the Heavenly Court seemed to be good, and Nezha and Yang Jian both served in the Heavenly Court.

In addition to the Jade Void Palace, are there other forces within the myth?

No, because it should be called the world of mythology.

Tsukihime made up countless things in an instant, and quickly adjusted her perception of mythology through the tip of the iceberg, and determined that the other party existed in a vast world.

Mythology, on the other hand, is a great force in that world.

She was shocked and excited by her guess, feeling like she was unraveling the mystery layer by layer.

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