And this breath can shake everyone out!

But Mo Yu didn't care at all.

This guy's younger brother was killed by himself, let alone this guy?

Of course, this guy's strength is indeed very strong, but it's

just very strong, and it may seem like there is no way for others, but in Mo Yu's opinion, this guy's strength is pediatrics for himself!

It doesn't work at all!


At this moment, a stream of air erupted directly above the entire void!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this air current.

I didn't even dare to move.

"Whew... Whew!".

Soon, someone rushed over again, this person saw that Haotian Invincible seemed to be being played, and immediately became angry, only to see him shouting at Mo Yu not far away: "Boy, do you know the identity of Haotian Invincible?"

"In this interface, he is the real strongman, the real strong man who makes everyone fear!".

"How dare you do this to him, I think you're tired of being crooked!".

Mo Yu frowned slightly, and after about half a ring, he suddenly laughed: "What you just said doesn't seem to make sense, but I don't care!"

"I'm just tired of being alive, why don't you try it, can you kill me?"

"Or, do you try it yourself?" Mo Yu's eyes showed a cold and arrogant aura, and he didn't think that when these people saw it, they didn't dare to say anything, so they could only watch quietly from the side!

After all, the masters of this level have exceeded the imagination of all of them!

Even if they wanted to, they couldn't!

Because it's really too strong, too strong!


Another air flow appeared at this time, and many people's faces changed after seeing it, because at this time, they never thought that such a terrifying aura would erupt in the entire void, as well as terrifying power!

"Whew..."Mo Yu slowly moved forward with both hands, and then after condensing a ball of strength, he smiled directly: "Next, I'll show you what it means to evolve out of thin air!"

After finishing speaking, I saw Mo Yu's hands sealed, and he muttered a sentence in his mouth!

In the next moment, on the opposite side of Haotian Invincible, a silver light figure directly appeared!

It's just that before they had time to react, they noticed that this figure seemed to be very powerful, even so powerful that it was difficult for them to accept!

"How can this aura be exactly the same as Haotian Invincible?".

"yes, I feel it too!".

After these people saw the figure beside Mo Yu, they all looked confused!

Because they really didn't think about it!

I never thought that Mo Yu would be able to burst out with such an aura that shocked everyone in an instant!

I can't imagine that Mo Yu's power could become so powerful and terrifying!


At this moment, Mo Yu's speed became very fast, especially in terms of strength, many of them had already felt the breath!

I felt the power!

"Perhaps... If you have the chance, you can burst out with enough energy to make everyone feel the energy system!".

"Let's do it, let me see who is better between the two of you?" Mo Yu said indifferently.

Just now, it was Mo Yu who passed through the system and directly changed the airflow that was difficult for everyone to resist!


Haotian Invincible, who was not far away, sighed directly: "I didn't think something was right before, but you think you can be stronger than me, in that case, then let's try it relatively with each other to see who is stronger, how?"

After Haotian Invincible finished speaking, he rushed directly towards the other party!

I have to say that this Haotian invincible means is indeed much stronger than the pseudo Haotian invincible that Mo Yu changed!

Especially after this Haotian Invincible burst out of his own power, the whole world began to change!


In the next moment, a strange crack began to crack on all the voids, after all, in such a gap, it had already begun to appear!


With the fluctuations of these breaths around them, they all began to change!

As for Mo Yu, after seeing this scene, his gaze began to become solemn, and his whole person's expression began to become uncomfortable!


With this aura impact, it erupted directly, and it erupted enough to make everyone feel the power.

So many people were stunned, and they didn't even dare to move!


Soon, after this aura grew, it was obvious to some people that the energy system that erupted from the void had already surpassed everyone!


With the shattering of the void, these guys really reacted, it turned out that the pseudo-Haotian Invincible also had all the strength of the deity!

And all the powers, the only difference is that this guy doesn't seem to have a consciousness of his own!

The whole body can only do what Mo Yu said!

As for the rest, not at all!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!".

Just after Mo Yu gave the order, this pseudo-Haotian Invincible had already begun to act, and in terms of their speed, they had almost reached the peak period.

After seeing it, some people began to show a surprised expression in their eyes!

"This thing seems to be even stronger than I imagined, if someone really helps Haotian Invincible at this time, then this person will probably be defeated!".

"What if you defeat it?".

"Can't you all see the current situation? A person who is casually conjured up by others has the strength to rival the invincible Haotian, will other people have such means?"

"How can you have such strength?"

"Not at all!".

After the man finished speaking, everyone could clearly see that a strange air flow had erupted above the entire void!

When such an airflow instantly condensed and formed a new type of power, the pseudo-Haotian Invincible had already been repulsed!

Then I saw the deity above the void, staring around with a pair of eyes!

In his words, an extremely terrifying impact had erupted at this moment!


In an instant, many people saw such an aura and felt such a fluctuation of power, and a group of people really reacted!

It turned out that Mo Yu's strength had already exceeded their expectations!

Some people even want to say something, I'm afraid they can't do it at this time, because Pseudo Haotian is invincible, although he can't kill this guy!

But he was able to burst out with enough power and air currents to excite everyone in an instant!

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