Mo Yu laughed, it was obvious that at this time, he had already endured the strength that he deserved.

And this guy's strength looks very strong, and there is even another soul in his body, but what can this thing do?

Isn't it embarrassing that you can't even break through your own defenses?

"Boy, look at the ......move" At this moment, Mo Yu's laughter had not yet fallen, and the other party suddenly shouted, and then rushed towards Mo Yu, I have to say, this guy's speed is still quite fast, and in front of such a speed, a strong man like Mo Yu has to retreat slightly, so as to avoid a few points!

But at the moment of retreating, someone saw that Mo Yu's strength and strength had begun to gather at this time!

"What?" Just when Mo Yu's attack power was condensed, he suddenly saw that the guy was actually tricking himself, and the moment he made another move, he turned around and left!


Mo Yu couldn't help but curse, and then chased after the other party!

Can't let this guy escape!

I have to say that Mo Yu's speed is still quite fast.

At the moment when that guy fled, the Qiankun ruler in his hand had already fallen!

"If you want to escape, dream!".

Mo Yu grinned, and then began to use his means, only to see that his methods were like meteors.


Suddenly, in another air current, it was directly released!

After all, after such an attack power was gradually achieved, their eyes had already begun to reveal a touch of indifference!


After they saw Mo Yu in front of them, they were all stunned, and they didn't even dare to move!

"This Mo Yu is really too strong!".

"It's really too strong, it's so strong that we can't bear it at all!".

"Yes, that's true. "

"Let's get away from him and don't talk too much!".

"Yes, that's it!".

Everyone nodded again and again, in fact, to put it bluntly, so much power mixed with this kind of power impact has exceeded their imagination in essence!

But at that moment, Mo Yu's aura impact directly blocked the surroundings, and after such a violent power gradually bloomed, they really felt it, fear!

That's right, it's the deep horror of Mo Yu!


After Mo Yu killed the guy who escaped in one move, he didn't say much, turned around directly, and walked towards the other side!

For Mo Yu at this time, their strength, as well as their strength, have actually resisted in essence!

Especially after such a force is directly displayed, everyone's breath impact fluctuations will also be condensed!

"Actually... So strong?".

When they saw it, their faces changed.

"Stop talking nonsense here, do it!".


Both sides all rushed towards Mo Yu, in fact, when the Eagle Demon God found here, they were already ready to grab the jade disc!

Now, after killing him, the second jade disc has also arrived!


Mo Yu didn't care about the others at all, but after the jade disc was in his hand, he sat down cross-legged directly, and then began to refine!

The fundamental reason why they don't care about the other people around them is that this group of people can't even break their own defenses!

So, don't worry about them at all!

Don't even worry!


Suddenly, after such a force bloomed directly, Mo Yu's breath began to erupt gradually!

"Whew... Whew..."

After these two forces gradually appeared, and released an incomparably terrifying aura impact, these people really reacted!

How strong is this Mo Yu.

What a horror!

"Whew... Whew..."

Mo Yu let out a long breath, and then saw another person walking towards him.

Even Mo Yu himself, after seeing such a scene, his face became extremely uncomfortable!

"This guy is too strong... It's too strong!".

"Even if I kill you, the strength in your body is unbearable!"

"If only he could really burst out with his own strength!".

"That's the main thing!".


In an instant, Mo Yu's body directly lit up with an attack!

As this attack appeared, someone had already clearly seen that the jade disc had begun to emit bursts of soft light!

With the appearance of the soft light, these breaths next to it are also released!


With the release of the breath, the power is revealed!

After everyone saw it, they all showed a dignified look of their clothes!

"Too strong, isn't it?".

Mo Yu complained again.

Because that thing could have been easily refined by itself, who knew that the ban inside would be so violent!

It's even raging to the point where it's hard for anyone else to understand!

If it hits at such a speed, I'm afraid...

"I'm afraid that no one else may be able to bear it!".

"Whew..."At this moment, Mo Yu directly released a breath fluctuation, which appeared with this aura fluctuation.

The others really reacted, and that was Mo Yu's success!

Such a breath, such a strength.

It's simply not something anyone else can feel!

"Whew..."Mo Yu let out a sigh of relief, not caring about the others at all.

After all, the shock presented by these people does not mean anything to themselves!

"That's right..."

At this moment, a light suddenly lit up in Mo Yu's eyes, because he thought of a possibility: "If I put these two jade discs directly together for refining, wouldn't that be fine?"

"That's it!".

After thinking of this, Mo Yu threw the jade disc out, and under the completion of this jade dish, others also saw it clearly!

I even felt it!

"That being the case, then... Do it!".



true fire in the body is constantly released, and after these flames are released, other people can clearly feel the existence of power!

Especially when such a power keeps exploding!

Then they will all feel the leakage of power!

"It's... This power..."

Everyone, after bearing this power, the rest of the people don't even dare to think about it, and they don't dare to do it!

I can only watch quietly from the sidelines!


In an instant, Mo Yu directly burst out with an energy system!

Of course, after the current power is released, others can also experience the Tao, and even feel it!

"I think we should just recognize him as the Lord!"


The rest of the people all looked at the guy who opened his mouth!

There is no accident, this one is the Eagle Demon God!

Just kidding, I think Mo Yu is the master, how can I let these guys go now?

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