It was night, and there was no word all night.

For Heyang City today, every night is difficult.

The city is a vast city with a population of tens of millions.

The plague outbreak was so ferocious that the entire city has now been reduced to a living purgatory.

More than 3 million people were sick, and the entire Eastern Side could not live in the past days, so countless people had to put a wooden plank on the street and resign themselves to fate.

Every day, patients die, and the cold at night increases, and more people die from the disease.

At most, tens of thousands of people died in one night, and the entire Heyang City was filled with an air of despair.

The moon rises and a new day begins.

When the infected people in the East Side opened their eyes, many were glad that they had survived the night, but many more were numb.

Their lives have lost hope, and even if they survive tonight, they may fall ill during the day and die in agony.

Even if they can persevere, they will only be greeted by the plague, and there are very few people who can be cured so far.

In this case, the appearance of Beicheng Qi Huang Tianjun almost became their only hope.

Even though he knew that after taking Qi Huang Tianjun's medicinal soup, he would become a fanatical believer, there were still countless patients who flocked to it.

There is a great terror between life and death, and no one wants to die if they can live.

But Qi Huang Tianjun's medicinal soup is not easy to get, every day in Beicheng, the other party only distributes 20,000 copies of the medicinal soup, and there is no order, allowing the infected to rob madly.

Compared with the desperate patients in Dongcheng, Beicheng every morning is the real purgatory on earth.

For the hope of survival, countless people rushed to fight for a mouthful of medicinal soup, and at this time, Qihuang Tianjun stood at the height of the altar and looked at them, with a "compassionate" expression on his face, saying that this was a calamity from heaven.

Only the chosen ones can live.

Today, it is still the time to distribute the decoction, and an altar has been built in the center of a wide street in the northern city.

This was built by those of his followers after the arrival of Qihuang Tianjun.

At this time of the day, there are many people surrounded by darkness, and at the very center of the altar are people sitting cross-legged one after another.

Some of them have yellow faces and thin skin, and some have shriveled skin, but without exception, they all have fanatical faces, and their mouths are reciting the name of Qihuang Tianjun and the scriptures of praise.

At a glance, there are 100,000 of them, and they will only do this one thing except eating and sleeping.

However, the plague on their bodies is gone, and at least they can live.

More people, for the hope of curing the plague, are waiting to join the cruel battle that is about to take place.

Even if you want to become the puppet of Qihuang Tianjun, it is also a bloody road.

At this time, I don't know who shouted: "Qihuang Tianjun is here!"

I saw that in the center of the altar, a figure wearing a luxurious robe appeared at some point, the corners of his mouth were hooked, like a noble son, looking in all directions.

As far as his eyes could see, the figures around him knelt down and bowed, saying "Qihuang Tianjun is merciful".

He enjoyed it all, and there was a little red glow in the depths of his eyes that no one could see.

He spoke, "Here is the medicine of today, and if it comes to me, you will be saved." "

With a wave of his hand, a large tripod appeared on the altar, filled with a viscous decoction that emitted a pungent smell.

But at this moment, the eyes of the infected people on the periphery were red, and they were going to rush over desperately, and the road pointed to the one that the believers of Qi Huang Tianjun got out of, which was two meters, only enough for two people to go side by side.

This is a bloody path of Shura, and countless people are stained with blood every day, from hope to despair, and finally die on this road.

Just as Qi Huang Tianjun was about to shout "start", a loud shout suddenly came.


This voice was full of anger, and most of the people present subconsciously looked at it, except for the believers who kept praising Qihuang Tianjun next to the altar.

They continued to chant really, and nothing seemed to affect them.

I saw that outside the crowd, a person came with a sword in both hands, with a serious face.

A patient recognized him and said loudly: "It's Su Mu from Xuanji Sect." "

Suddenly there was a clamor in the crowd, rising and falling on each other.

Most of the patients in Xuanji Gate know that it is the doctors who came to the city after the outbreak of the epidemic, and they have been treating the patients, but they have never been cured.

But this did not prevent their fame from spreading, if it weren't for them, I am afraid that the entire inhabitants of Heyang City would have been infected, instead of only millions as they are now.

Some people subconsciously looked in the direction of Qihuang Tianjun, they knew that since Qihuang Tianjun appeared, Su Mu of Xuanji Gate had been quite disgusted with him, and angrily denounced him as a demon.

It's just that the two sides are in the east city and the north city, and there is no conflict.

So what is he doing today?

Many people have speculated in their minds.

Qi Huang Tianjun's eyes were slightly condensed, but deep down he didn't care, his strength had recovered a little, and Xuanjimen just didn't hinder him, so it was fun to keep it.

After all, it was one of his greatest pleasures to watch these healers try their best and end up with nothing to be undone during the plague.

If it really hinders him, the spread of the plague will be directly increased at that time, and in just three days, there will be no living people in the entire city.

Including all the healers of the Xuanji Gate.

"Su Mu, what are you doing here?" beside Qihuang Tianjun, a believer stood up and asked loudly.

He was one of the first people to take the decoction, and his faith was sincere, and in addition to him, there were three other people who were named protectors of the Dharma by Qihuang Tianjun.

Su Mu said loudly: "The old man came to thank Qihuang Tianjun for his efforts in saving the people, and secondly, to offer a sword from my Xuanji Gate. "

He raised the sword in his hand along with the scabbard high: "This sword is called the Pure Yang Sword, it is the ancestral treasure of my Xuanji Sect, in the legend, it can cut off all the yin and obscure qi of heaven and earth, and can save the common people, but no one has been able to pull out this sword for many years, and today I am here to dedicate it to Qihuang Tianjun." "

"Coming to offer the sword?" Everyone including Qi Huang Tianjun was stunned, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Even Qi Huang Tianjun himself showed a hint of interest, a spirit sword that couldn't be pulled out?

He has not had any treasures with him since he got out of trouble, and many of the treasures of the year were destroyed by Shenxiao Tianjun, and when he glanced at this sword, even if he was blocked by the scabbard, he could feel a sword that was extremely powerful.

It's the ancient wilderness, and this kind of sword intent is rare.

He didn't know if Su Mu had taken the wrong medicine and suddenly came to offer the sword, but he had his own magical powers and was not afraid, even if Su Mu came with the intention of killing him, there was no threat to him.

Therefore, he smiled and said, "In this case, Su Mu, you come to me." "

The crowd dispersed, Su Mu stepped forward with his sword, and soon came to the altar and stepped in.

He approached Qihuang Tianjun for half a zhang, handed over the Pure Yang Sword respectfully, and said, "Please also ask Tianjun to draw the sword." "

Qi Huang Tianjun was suspicious, he thought that when the other party approached, he would angrily draw his sword and slash at him.

But now it seems that he really wants to sacrifice his sword?


The corners of his mouth lifted up, and he raised his hand to grasp the hilt of his sword without any concern.

At the moment when his palm approached the hilt of the sword, a sword light suddenly lit up.


There was a sword roar, and then a pure yang sword qi soared into the sky, stunning the heavens and the earth, and freezing time and space.

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