Dark Emperor Rider: Introduction

In the show, Dark Decade never appears, and only exists in parts of the game.

Part of the game:

Kamen Rider: Peak Heroes

Kamen Rider: Peak Hero W

Morph form

Kamen Rider DarkDecade inherits the power of knights in various parallel worlds and can transform into every Kamen Rider. You can freely enter and exit various worlds, and at the same time, the Undead and Demon Dragons, which must be defeated in a special way in the original work, can also be defeated.


design of the "ten" or "X" related to the "10" is adopted throughout the body. The weapons used by DarkDecade also have stripes similar to those on DarkDecade's face, but in this case they are barcoded.


special move FinalAttackRiderDecade, like Decade, has combat stats that override Decade.

Morph to sound "KamenRideDecade!".

The game character appeared as a hidden character in the PS2 game Kamen Rider Peak Hero Decade.

Has the same abilities as Decade, such as transformation. Dark Decade can transform into other knights just like decade

Use techniques

All are activated after using AttackRide's Knight Card.


The blade of the "Rider" sword mode strengthens and splits the enemy, slashing enemies.


The "Rider" gun mode strengthens the gun body and splits up, shooting light bullets at high speed.


Plural numbers generate their own sub-bodies.

Special moves

Both are activated after using the "FinalAttackRideDarkDecade" Knight Card.


After jumping into the air, pass through the ten hologram-like card-shaped walls of light that appear between you and your enemies, and the FootStomper on your right foot jumps and kicks with golden energy. The position of the card-type light wall is automatically corrected with DarkDecade. The destructive force is 30t.

Multiple DimensionKicks

A derivative of the DimensionKick generated by DecadeIllusion that is emitted by two sub-bodies.


Dash through a card-shaped wall of light and slash your enemies in two with the massive energy of the blade in "Rider" sword mode.


The bullets fired by the "Rider" gun mode are emitted into beams as they pass through card-shaped walls of light and shoot at enemies.

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