Watching her beloved rush out of the EAST nightclub with three uninhibited women captive, Dani Rothschild had mixed feelings, she was not only proud of Lu Fengxian's invincible bravery, but also resentful of his abduction of three women.

"Is that him?" Zhao Weiyi asked.

"Yes, it's him. He should be in Qiantang, how could he come to Tianfu, thousands of miles away?".

Dani Rothschild frowned, looking at the place where Lu Fengxian disappeared in a daze.


Lu Fengxian retreated, and the onlookers returned to their original positions one after another.

Liu Xuande returned to the individual passenger area of the martial arts arena dejectedly, muttering to himself, "It's too bad, how can I explain to Chief Inspector Lei?"

Zhu Xiaoming closed his eyes and thought about countermeasures.


Liu Yang and

Yang Lina lowered their heads and whispered, and decided to continue bidding for Wang Zhiyong and Ma Zhendong's midnight date qualifications.

"Distinguished guests, is the episode just now unexpected?


Liu Yang used his clever tongue to try to reverse the frustration and embarrassment of the scene.

The elusive uninvited guest took away the three female guests who were in full bloom, and the unbelievable romance made people think about it.

What are the uninvited guests doing at the moment?

Feasting on his captives, or teasing his prey?".

Yang Lina saw that Liu Yang's words were a bit off-topic, and hurriedly interjected: "Good things are grinding, and a small episode adds great fun to tonight's boxing championship and midnight date auction."

Next, we will have the third auction of the glamorous guests for a midnight date.

Wang Zhiyong's reserve price is 20,000 yuan ......."

"Shoot your sister, shoot again, your grandfather I'm going to do you now, do you believe it or not?"

Zhang Fei endured it for a long time and broke out again. He completely ignored Liu Xuande's depression at the moment, rushed into the ring, and pounced on Yang Lina.

"Security ——


Yang Lina's frightened face turned pale and screamed loudly.

"Zhang Yide, don't make a mistake!".

Liu Xuande jumped like thunder, rushed to the ring, and stopped in front of Yang Lina.

Zhu Xiaoming also used a trick to "change shape" and instantly appeared beside Liu Xuande.

"Wow ——


Dozens of celebrities in the audience rounded their eyes and were amazed by the amazing skills of the three masters of the Shuhan Group.

Zhu Xiaoming is gentle and elegant, and he instantly fascinated a large number of rich ladies with water X Yanghua.


Zhao Weiyi's eyebrows fluttered, he held Dani Rothschild's hand, and said, "Princess Dani, that friend of yours is amazing, these seven or eight masters can't help him?"

"Well, he has special functions, and he can also teach others to cultivate special functions. "

"Oye, can he teach people to cultivate special functions?".

Zhao Weiyi puffed out his eyes, squeezed Dani Rothschild's hand excitedly, and asked, "Great, I want to learn special functions." "


In the ring, Zhu Xiaoming leaned close to Liu Xuande's ear and whispered: "We failed to ambush the ability master, and it is difficult to explain to Chief Inspector Lei, so we have to find a way to make some achievements to offset the negative impact of the ambush failure."

I propose that the auction of the four types of men be changed to charity fundraising, to collect donations for the vast number of out-of-school children in rural and backward areas, to guide these rich people to donate to school, and to use the pastime expenses of these decadent celebrities to accumulate yin virtue. "

Liu Xuande pondered for a moment and agreed to Zhu Xiaoming's suggestion.


"Liu Yang, call your boss over. Liu Xuande beckoned to Liu Yang.


Yang took a step forward and bowed down to look at Liu Xuande.

"Hello, our boss is not here, tell me what you want. "

Zhu Xiaoming knelt in Liu Yang's ear and whispered.

Liu Yang nodded again and again, and promised to change the midnight date auction of the four types of men to charity fundraising.


Liu Yang returned to Yang Lina's side and leaned close to her ear to discuss how to organize a charity fundraising ceremony.

The two hosted a charity gala at the EAST nightclub, and soon reached a consensus and discussed the lines.


Yang invited Liu Xuande, Zhu Xiaoming, and Zhang Fei to step down, opening the curtain of the charity fundraising ceremony.

Liu Yang and

Yang Lina looked solemn and seemed to be looking into the distance. The two sang and harmonized, taking turns reciting the verses.

"The mountains and rivers are exotic, and the wind and the moon are the same. "

"Do you say that you have no clothes, and are clothed with your son? "

"I miss people, and I am far away. "

"I felt something, and it was in my bowels. "

"The township is far away, and there is no day to see. "

"I can't understand the depths of my intestines, and I don't think about it every day. "

"Distinguished guests".



"Good evening, everyone!".

Liu Yang: Welcome to the EAST Nightclub Charity Night.

While we watched the wonderful boxing matches and enjoyed the fine wine and coffee, we must not forget that in the vast rural and backward areas, there are still 80 million compatriots who have eaten a meal and are worried about the next meal.

Yang Lina: We must not forget that while we are full of food and drink and pursue joy, there are still more than 70 million children in rural and other backward areas who miss their parents who are far away.

Liu Yang: In order to improve their lives, countless young fathers and mothers have packed their bags and left for other places, some in the sun and rain at construction sites, and some in factories repeating simple but boring tasks.

Yang Lina: In order to feed the children and the elderly at home, some sisters give up their ideals and dignity and go into nightclubs, bars, and clubs, using their dignity, youth and body to win a smile from guests. "

Liu Yang: Some of these parents who have gone away have earned money to support their children and the elderly.

There are also some parents who are not happy with their lives, unable to provide for their children's schooling, education, and unable to send money home to support the elderly.


At this time, the DJ at EAST Nightclub lowered the square monitor above the ring to play a makeshift collection of photos of rural and backward areas, accompanied by a bleak and mournful background music.

On the screen, the ruins of the countryside, the dilapidated school classrooms, the ragged students, the smiling faces of the red and cracked, the grizzled migrant workers on the construction site, the scrawny street girls in the urban alleys, the homeless people begging for food, the elderly who are paralyzed at home and helpless, and the out-of-school children living on the streets ......

The sad pictures of backward areas and poor people continue to appear, impacting the souls of hundreds of VIP members and individual guests in the martial arts arena.

Lina Yang: Due to various reasons, the standard of living in different regions is uneven, and tens of millions of brothers and sisters are still living in the abyss of poverty.

Liu Yang: Blood is thicker than water, and bones are connected. The sad fate of our brothers and sisters is written on their faces and hurts in our hearts.

Let's show a hand of friendship and help our poor brothers and sisters!

Yang Lina: Next, we will officially open the heart lock of love to help poor families and poor out-of-school children, and invite guests who are interested in helping poor areas and poor out-of-school children to donate to the donation account announced on the screen, and the donation amount will be calculated as 1:1 VIP membership points.

Liu Yang: Distinguished guests, please raise your noble hands and show your love to the fullest!".


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