More than 1,300 years later, Europa explorers, pirates, and exiled prisoners came to the North American continent one after another, and the YDA people went from mutual understanding and cooperation to life-and-death land wars and massacres.

After 1800, the number of YDA people on the North American continent plummeted from tens of millions at its peak to hundreds of thousands. The land on which they depend for their survival is also occupied by outsiders.

The descendants of the conquerors celebrated the glorious cause of their ancestors' occupation of the North American continent and the demise of tens of millions of YDA people.

When they are grateful for the burning, killing and looting of their ancestors and dominating the world, I wonder if they have ever thought about where the souls of tens of millions of YDA people will rest


Comparing the harmonious coexistence between the EU member states and the bloody annexation of the North American continent, I hope that the states and counties of the Han dynasty will give up the evil idea of conquest and annexation of each other, and under the unified governance and coordination of the Han Dynasty, they will lay down the butcher's knife, live in harmony, vigorously develop the regional economy, improve people's livelihood, and jointly promote the prosperity and prosperity of all ethnic groups. "


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the

Han Dynasty experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Disaster of the Ten Standing Servants and the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, superimposed floods and droughts, and the vitality was greatly damaged.

Whether it is Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Cui Jun, Shi Tao, Meng Jian and other Jingxiang celebrities, or Guo Jia, Xun You, Cheng Yu, Xianbei, Zhou Yu, Lu Su and other geniuses in the world, all with the goal of "assisting Mingjun and chasing the world", Lu Fengxian's proposition of "living in harmony, developing separately, and common prosperity" is simple, but refreshing.

"There is no need to

annex other people's land, population, and wealth, and there is no need to conquer and annex to expand the territory, but also to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, let people with lofty ideals make a difference, and make the states and counties prosperous and rich, great!"

Shi Tao bowed and said: "What the disciple has learned in the past is like the view at the bottom of the well, and what the Immortal Venerable said, which made the disciple suddenly open, and the disciple is willing to follow the Immortal Venerable and devote himself to studying the way of harmonious development." "


Feng poured tea for Shi Tao first, and said: "In these days in Chang'an City, Ben Hou has also been confused, trying to seek Yizhou, and taking the Lu family into battle and his family, in a corner of peace;

He also planned how to conquer Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and other heroes in the world, and achieved the hegemony of swallowing mountains and rivers.

Compared with passive evasion and conquest of the world, Ben Hou believes that the road of peaceful development is the best choice for human society. "

Shi Tao was convinced of Lu Fengxian's proposition, and said: "Immortal Venerable is from the immortal realm after 1800, so he must have read the historical books of this dynasty?"

Lu Fengxian smiled and said, "Yes." "

Shi Tao was pleasantly surprised, and said, "Can Immortal Venerable reveal a thing or two, can this dynasty survive the crisis of state and county division and jade burning?"

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said: "As Mr. Kong Ming Longzhong said, Cao Cao defeated the strong with the weak, defeated Yuan Shao, destroyed Han Sui and Ma Teng, had millions of people, and coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes.

Sun Quan has Jiangdong, has been three generations, the country is dangerous and the people are attached, and the meritocracy is used for it, and he will win a place in the future hegemony.

Although Liu Bei was born poor, he had amazing resilience, relying on Zhuge Kongming, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao and others to assist him in the dragon and phoenix, borrowing Jingzhou and occupying Yizhou, and finally became a corner of the hegemony.

Looking back on the history of dynastic change in the land of China, it must be divided for a long time, and it must be divided for a long time. In the end, the three-legged momentum cannot get rid of the fate of the world becoming one.

As a result of the unification of the world, the Han family will be replaced by Cao Wei.

The purpose of Benhou's return to Chang'an was to change history and correct the historical memories that brought profound disasters to the people of Limin. "

"Immortal Venerable wants to change history? Since Immortal Venerable knows the hole card of the change of dynasties, and does the opposite, he will definitely be able to achieve his wish. "

Lu Feng took a sip of tea and said: "The wheel of history is rolling forward, and it is almost impossible to change the final outcome of a dynasty because it involves too many aspects.

Ben Hou was powerless to change the outcome of the Han dynasty being replaced by Cao Wei, but he could change its course and change the major events that brought great disasters to the people of Li. "

"Major events often determine the final outcome, since Immortal Venerable can change major events, why can't he change the ending?

The disciple is stupid, please make it clear to the Immortal Venerable!".

Lu Fengxian pondered for a moment and said: "The war between the state and county Haoqiang and the three heroes for hegemony lasted for nearly a hundred years, causing thousands of Li people to be destroyed and displaced, and the casualties caused by the life-and-death duel between the powerful and powerful were even more shocking, such as the battle of Guandu where Cao Cao conquered Yuan Shao, the battle of Chibi in which the Sun-Liu coalition army resisted Cao, the battle of Hanzhong in which Liu Bei defeated Cao Cao, the battle of Yiling in which the Eastern Wu burned the Shu army, and so on.

Although Ben Hou can change the course and outcome of

these battles, he can't change the balance of power and the outcome of the battle between the powerful and powerful. "

Shi Tao said: "After Immortal Venerable came to Chang'an, what major events have changed?"


Feng first picked up the list of rewards for the Battle of Lintong, handed it to Shi Tao, and said: "Lu Bu and Wang Yun joined forces to kill Dong Zhuo, Lord Situ insisted on dismissing the Liangzhou soldiers, which led to the mutiny of the elite in Liangzhou, Lu Bu's soldiers were defeated and fled, Lord Situ was killed, Li Dao and Guo Yan set fire to Chang'an City, and held the emperor hostage and exiled for four years.

In the battle of Lintong to suppress the rebellion, the Northern Army of the Han Dynasty and the Lu Family Army completely annihilated the main force of the rebels, relieved the crisis of Chang'an, and changed the tragedy of Chang'an City being set on fire by Li Dao and Guo Yan's rebels. "

Li Dao and Guo Yan are like snakes and scorpions, and they actually did such a thing that lost their conscience, and they should be destroyed. Xianzun led the king's teacher, waved the artifact, exterminated Li Dao and Guo Yan, and saved the people from fire and water, which is the supreme merit and the blessing of the Han family, and the people of the Han family will definitely remember and give back the grace of Xianzun. "

Lu Fengxian was calm and calm, and

the general trend and evolution pattern of the world described were clear, and Shi Tao was fascinated and amazed when he listened to it.


"Xianzun has invincible magic skills and an invincible trap army, and has the superpower to change history, why not make bigger plans, such as designing to capture Cao Mengde, Sun Zhongmou, and Liu Xuande, cut off the three strong enemies, and try to dominate the industry?".

Lu Fengxian said: "Cao Mengde, Sun Zhongmou, and Liu Xuande can achieve hegemony in three ways, one is that they can recruit and fight well; second, they have gathered a group of talented and resourceful strategists; and third, they are good at buying people's hearts.

Cao Cao's camp, Wen has Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Xu

You, Liu Ye, Dong Zhao, Wu has Xiahou Xuan, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Lu Qian, Li Dian, Le Jin, Yu Ban, Xu Chu, Dian Wei;

Sun Quan's camp, Wen has Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Zhang Zhao, Wu has Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Ding Feng, Zhou Tai, Ling Tong, Tai Shici, Cheng Pu, Pan Zhang;

Liu Bei's camp, including Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Fa Zheng, Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, Wu Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun;

Compared with Cao Mengde, Sun Zhongmou, and Liu Xuande's civil and military generals and the skills of employing people, Benhou is ashamed.

Weighing the pros and cons, the deity believes that with only the existing soldiers and horses, it is difficult to defeat Cao Mengde, Sun Zhongmou, and Liu Xuande. And with the help of the power of the general and invincible firearms, it seems feasible to protect the imperial court and Chang'an City for decades. "

Shi Tao said: "Immortal Venerable doesn't have to be humble, it is up to people to make things happen, and it is up to heaven to make things happen." Immortal Venerable travels through time and space, knows the hole cards, grasps the opportunity, and is better than any talented genius strategist who knows things like a god.

The general is invincible in the world, the immortal god protects the body, and there are indestructible firearms to help, if you have the heart to plan the world, great things will be done. The disciple implored Xianzun to go one step further and achieve the great cause of dominating the world.

The disciple is willing to smear his liver and brain, and make every effort to assist the immortal to compete in the world and make contributions. "


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