At this time, Philip Francis, who is 1.95 meters tall, was walking towards a police car with the thin Huang Xin in his arms.

"I'm here, Sister Yiyi!".

Huang Xin saw Qin Yiyan coming over and shouted loudly, hoping to divert Philip Francis's attention to Qin Yilan.


Qin Yiyan wore an emerald resort-style silk slingneck pleated dress, like a hibiscus blooming in the wind, with the warm summer breeze and the fragrance of lotus leaves.

Under the breeze, Qin Yi's proud scenery can be seen at a glance.

Philip Francis stopped, subconsciously let go of Huang Xin, his eyes lit up, and landed between the sparse silk cloth on Qin Yiyan's body.


Huang Xin stepped forward quickly, took Qin Yiyan's arm, and turned to face Philip Francis.

This is Sheriff Philip, and he is in charge of Mr. Huang's case. "

Philip Francis retracted the obscene look in his eyes, pretended to make a gesture, squeezed out a smile, and waited for Qin Yiyan to ask.

Qin Yiyan helped Lu Fengxian and said, "Mr. Sheriff, Huang Jun and Mr. Lu are fellow countrymen. Yesterday's incident may have been a misunderstanding, but I am good friends with Mr. Lu and Huang Jun, and Mr. Lu is willing to give up his right to sue Huang Jun. "

Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "Yes, Huang Jun's actions did not cause me any harm, and I agree to his request for reconciliation." "


Philip Francis's eyes rolled, and he was quickly thinking about the words and strategies to deal with Qin Yiyan and Lu Fengxian.

"This woman is so beautiful, if you can get her hands on her, even if you go to prison for a year or two, it will be worth it. "

"Extend the detention time of Huang Jun and force the fairy to submit, or do you want to be a favor and find another chance to take her down?"

"You can't mess around with the best beauties. Give her a favor first, win the favor of the beauty, let her relax her vigilance, and then find an opportunity to ask her to the police station or hotel for an interview, hehe, there is a play, just do it. "

Philip Francis made up his mind, raised his eyebrows and smiled, looked at Qin Yiyan, and said, "A famous person once said that beautiful women have a kind heart. Since Mr. Lu is willing to reconcile with the suspect, I am also willing to give the beauty a face. "

He tilted his head, made a look, and motioned for Qin Yiyan and Lu Qin to follow him to go through the relevant formalities first.


Philip Francis took Qin Yiyan and Lu Fengxian back to the office of the Serious Crime Team, walked into Owen Sklew's office, supported Wang Jianguo, closed the door, and discussed with Owen Sklell how to deal with Huang Jun.

Philip Francis turned on his phone, pulled up a cool photo of an oriental beauty, and handed it to Owen.

"Owen, if there's a woman, you want to take her at a glance. What price are you willing to pay to get her, such as losing your job and spending half a year in prison?".

Owen Sklell's eyes widened, looking obscenely at the woman on the phone, his throat squirming, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Do you mean this woman?".

"No, it's many times more beautiful than this woman. If it weren't for the police station, I wasn't sure I would have been able to control my crotch. "

"Oh, it's that pretty?".

"Of course, are you interested?"

"I'm interested! I believe in your vision. "

"Okay! Our brothers share blessings and hardships. I thought about it, and I did it according to the routine of capturing Jenny Jackson. "

"Jenny Jackson?".

"Yes, let's do it again and let the Yellow Army go first. Two days later, Huang Jun was arrested again and the beauty was notified to go to Jenny Jackson's hotel privately. "

Philip Francis licked his lips with a green light in his eyes, and the angry figure of Jenny Jackson, the proprietress of the Tenoy Hotel, came to mind.


One day two months ago, Jenny Jackson's husband, Denton Alfried, got into an argument with a country E traveler and broke off the other's head.

Philip Francis and Owen Scklyll were alerted to the arrest of Denton Alfried.

Jenny Jackson was anxious to save her husband and pleaded bitterly at the police station.

Looking at the charming and touching Jenny Jackson, Philip Francis conspired with Owen on a whim to take advantage of Jenny Jackson.


Philip Francis verbally agreed to be lenient with Denton Alfred and asked Jenny Jackson to take him to the Tennoy Hotel to re-examine the scene.

Jenny Jackson didn't know what to do, and followed Philip Francis and Owen Sklej into the police car.


In the police car, Owen Sklell and Jenny Jackson sat in the back seat, and he hinted to Jenny Jackson, saying, "Don't worry, there are many ways to save your husband." For example, if you find an eyewitness to prove that it was the whistleblower who did it first, and Denton Alfred is passively fighting back and is willing to pay for the medical expenses, we can issue your husband's release certificate today. "

"Eyewitnesses, do you mean perjury?".

Owen Scklee took Jenny Jackson in his arms, put his hands up and down, and said, "Actually, there is an easier way than to find witnesses. As long as you agree to be friends with us, we will release Mr. Denton as soon as we return to the police station. "

As he spoke, Philip Francis, who was sitting in the cab, put down the sunshade to block the view of the passing cars outside, and Owen Sklell suddenly made a force, sealed Jenny Jackson's mouth, and forcibly untied her clothes ......

Half an hour later, Philip Francis drove the police car to an abandoned factory to replace the ...... Owen Sklew


Jenny Jackson was already frightened, and she was more worried that the two tall, powerful and ruthless police officers would take her life than she had lost her virginity.

In country A, white-skinned police officers brutally enforce the law, bend the law for bribes, and disregard for human life, and in the end, there are countless cases that cannot be resolved, and Jenny Jackson does not dare to report Philip Francis and Owen Slylla at all.

Once Philip Francis and Irving

Slyrea were sued, Jenny Jackson's own reputation was tarnished, she was treated coldly by relatives, friends, and employees, and she had no way to testify against Philip Francis and Irving Schlyzer in court.

According to the laws of countries A, E and CA, if a police officer has a relationship with a criminal suspect or the family of a criminal suspect, as long as both parties are willing, it falls within the scope of leniency or exemption from punishment.

Many of the

victims suffer from the absence of eyewitnesses, and are often easily exonerated by the police officers who assault them on the grounds that they had a "consensual relationship".


Philip Francis and Owen Sklew, who are well versed in the laws of Country A, know the hearts and minds of their victims.

Philip Francis tested and convinced that Jenny Jackson would not make a public announcement, and took Jenny Jackson to the Tenoy Hotel.

At the Tenoi Hotel, the two bullied Jenny Jackson for more than an hour.


Back at the Red Maple Lake Community Police Station, Philip Francis and Owen Slyhlair "made good on their promises" and soon released Denton Alfred.

After that, Philip Francis and Owen Scklya threatened each other with a "special relationship between the three", and developed Jenny Jackson into an "on-call" lover.


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