It does not cost money to support a person, especially in this era when material resources are not yet affluent. Many children are born to stutter, and many girls get married just to have an extra house.

One hundred and eighty yuan a month can enable a family of three to live well.

But Lao Wang spent a lot of money to support Chen Shuting.

When Lao Wang came out in the past, he didn't know that there was a lipstick called Dior, and he couldn't understand that such a gadget cost more than 100 so quickly. He also never knew that there was a cosmetic called SK Fairy Water, and the price was ten or twenty times that of lipstick.

Not only that, the high-end clothes that Chen Shuting liked made Lao Wang even more speechless. But he has never lacked Ating's living expenses, because in Lao Wang's simple mind, a man should stand up for his wife.

You must know that Lao Wang’s food stalls are not profitable.

It has been four or five years since he was released from prison, but the prices of his night market food stalls have never increased. It looks like there is a huge crowd on the display, but in fact, if someone is willing to settle the accounts for him, he will not make any money at all.

Even though he opens at six o'clock in the evening, more than a dozen long tables are always full. But relying on turnover is simply not enough to maintain the life Chen Shuting wants. For this reason, he can only kill people.

This day was like any other day. 140 Lao Wang was still sweating profusely while cooking on the stove. His two thick arms were glistening with sweat and were flying up and down. With his movements, the tendons on this strong man's arms were undulating. Looks full of strength

"Boss Wang, if you are so busy, get yourself a good cigarette to smoke. Don't spend all your money on your mother-in-law. Some familiar drinkers looked at the low-quality cigarettes dangling from Lao Wang's mouth and laughed and joked,"The more beautiful the daughter-in-law is, the less likely she is to treat her too well, otherwise she won't be able to control her." Lao Wang just laughed and said in a vague voice:"No, my aunt is very good.""

Lao Wang, whose tone was vague but firm in his attitude, made several regular customers no longer dare to joke. They just sat down and started to enjoy the evening meal.

They didn't dare to bully Lao Wang for his honesty.

Who doesn't know Lao Wang in this area? His strength is astonishing. Many people have seen Lao Wang carrying nearly three hundred kilograms of pork with one hand and walking quickly. Even the big stone pier used to occupy the night market, Lao Wang can pick it up and move it casually. His majestic state was like Lu Zhishen uprooting a weeping willow.

After finishing cooking, Lao Wang looked at Chen Shuting, who was looking at the fireworks in the world with lazy eyes, with admiration in his eyes.

This woman spends money like water, but this woman But she never lied to him. From the very beginning, the woman made it clear to him that if you were imprisoned for three years because of me, then I would spend the most precious years with you for three years. In these three years, whether it is eating chaff or not, I will never leave him, no matter whether he is a foodie or an all-powerful one. Lao Wang has no other advantages except for his brute strength and ruthless character. His vision is destined to prevent him from being a dominion in the business world. Although women will not cause his incompetence, Lao Wang does. He also knows that women do what they say, so he decided to use his fierceness to let Chen Shuting live the life she wants most in these three years.

Lao Wang has a hope, maybe the woman will give up because of his kindness to her. What about leaving yourself?

In this love, the big-bodied Lao Wang is obviously the weak and humble party.

In three days, it is Chen Shuting's birthday. Lao Wang knows that although the woman has not spoken to him about any request, but He has decided to give the other party a set of luxury goods worth 30,000 yuan from the Apennine Peninsula.

Thinking of the woman's smile when she received the gift, Lao Wang couldn't help but show a happy smile.

The mobile phone was placed on the glove box behind his back. The sound rang, causing Lao Wang's smile to freeze on his face. He didn't have many friends, and there were even fewer people who knew his number. There was usually only one thing calling him.

Someone needed him to kill someone.

"Maybe I can buy some more gifts for Ating?"

With this idea in mind, (bdbb) Lao Wang answered the phone

"The last job was ten times more expensive than before. After finishing, you must leave Tiannan."

After describing the address of the attack as usual, the other party rarely asked Lao Wang to make some digressions,"With this money, you can go to the entire Xia Kingdom."


Lao Wang hung up the phone calmly, and even his other hand did not tremble at all.

Honesty does not mean stupidity.

In prison, he and Lao Mo had a very close relationship, and the other party taught him everything about killing. The knowledge you should have. Killing is really not difficult at all. If you really have the intention to kill someone, it can be described as simple. The fragile temples, the neck arteries exposed to the air, as long as you have the strength , the hand is steady and accurate, a person is not as difficult to kill as a pig.

What is difficult?

What is difficult is how to escape without leaving traces

"Ating, do you want to go to Jinghai to celebrate your birthday? I have a good friend there, and I haven’t joined him for a long time. I want to take you to meet him, just in case he thinks I'm bragging."

He has been doing this for so long, Lao Wang knows that the person he wants to kill must have a good background. Otherwise, the big shot who can usually help him deal with the sequelae will not say this. Anyway, he usually complains about not making money. , I told many people that I didn’t want to continue doing it. In addition, I didn’t have much savings due to Chen Shuting’s lavish spending. It can be said that it is normal to leave Tiannan.


Chen Shuting looked at Lao Wang with a serious expression and nodded,"There is still one month before the time we agreed on. I will accompany you wherever you go."

Looking at the grinning man in an apron, the woman's eyes softened,"You have spent a lot of money on me in the past few years. After I leave, you can honestly save some money and live a good life on your own. If you have any difficulties in the future, come to me."

Chen Shuting never thought that she would be forgotten by everyone in the future. This woman has unimaginable confidence in herself.


Old Wang's expression did not change at all. He had always thought that he was lucky enough to have Chen Shuting for such a long time. At this time, he did not know that the person he wanted to kill was called Liang Tiancheng.

Liang Tiancheng, from Tiannan Communications Chairman. He is also the only suspect who is still at large in the case of Boss Yan’s arrest so far.

Of course, the honest Lao Wang does not know that his actions this time will offend the layout and interests of another behemoth hidden in the dark.

Jinxiu Group.

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