Chapter 653: Industrial Overlord Starting from Hydraulic Machines!

What's more, my memory suddenly became as effective as a computer hard drive. I can come up with whatever I want. God has given me such magical powers. If I don't do something in my career, I will be struck by lightning!

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly had clear thoughts and his consciousness was extremely clear!

Compared with what we have to do in the future, being plotted against by that brat Wu Lin is nothing at all!

When my brother establishes the industrial civilization of the 17th century, squeezing him to death is no different from squeezing an ant to death!

"Wa hahaha!"

Su Chen's arrogant laughter suddenly sounded in Sujiazhai.


If you want to establish an industrial civilization, you must first solve the problem of production capacity.

The harbinger of British industrial civilization all started with improving productivity. Steam engines have never been done before, and it is not easy to aim too high. Hydraulic machines and wind turbines can still be designed.

After all, I have a bachelor’s degree in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation!

Even if you didn’t learn well back then, you can still review it now with the help of your extremely powerful memory! good!

Just start with the hydraulic machine!

Don’t Tie Bo and the others think that their manpower is limited?

I'll give them a hydraulic forging machine!

Uh... I'm hungry again.

Su Chen touched his growling stomach and wondered why he felt hungry so quickly. He felt hungry less than two hours after finishing lunch.

I had no choice but to run back and ask Aunt Liu in the kitchen for food.

After filling his stomach, Su Chen came to the stream closest to the village.

This stream gathers spring water from several surrounding mountains. The water flow is very large, and the surrounding terrain is not so steep. With a little effort, a large piece of flat land can still be created.

Now it is unrealistic to persuade everyone to come here to prepare the land. After all, I am still young at 15 years old, and I have never established a convincing tall image since I was a child.

I have no choice but to fool a few friends and do it together.

Su Chen carefully walked a long way along the stream.

Finally, I chose a relatively optimal location based on the terrain and the flow of water. I used my pocket knife to carve a few circles on the tree as marks, and piled a few piles of rocks on the ground as marks.

I roughly measured the width of the stream. It was about ten meters wide. It was almost as wide as a small river. Considering the height of the terrain, the water flow was relatively fast.

Su Chen walked up the stream and found the source of the mountain spring along several main tributaries.

Most of them are springs gushing out from gaps in rocks or holes. The water flow should be relatively stable, and there will be no flash floods or dry seasons due to seasonal changes.

After all, Su Chen's body at this time had lived here for fifteen years and had never seen this stream dry. There had been flash floods once or twice, and they only happened when the weather was bad.

Then when selecting the location of the hydraulic machine room, you must also consider the occurrence of flash floods.

Su Chen thought for a moment and moved the marked address upwards. This way, even if a flash flood broke out, the upstream traffic would be limited and not as scary as the downstream.

After doing this, Su Chen went to fool his friends.

"Erdan! Dog! Come here and go do something big with me!"

Su Chen had enough momentum, and the two guys were indeed fooled.

They were both fourteen or fifteen years old, and they were at the age when they were eager to be recognized by adults. After hearing the young master's words, he immediately dropped the slingshot and followed him..

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