Just entered the copy.

The deathly gray cold air surged in all directions.

A layer of frost instantly formed on the surface of the clothes

"Ding! You are invaded by the Yin Qi of the [Imperial City Ruins] copy and receive negative buffs: movement speed -50%, attack speed -50, attack -20%, defense -20%!"

"Ding! This negative buff is immune to the god-level [Dragon Emperor Bloodline]!"

The copy of the Imperial City Ruins has a powerful negative status effect.

If an ordinary player enters here, his combat power will be greatly reduced immediately.

Unless he takes a light potion or a fire potion, facing the powerful ghost soldiers, the team will be wiped out.

Su Chen has the blood of the Dragon King and is not affected at all.

Duobao Talin drank several bottles of potion one after another and was still shaking from the cold.

"Little, little, careful! There are ghost soldiers! So many ghost soldiers!"

Duobao Pagoda Lin reminded with a shiver.

In front of him, countless ghost soldiers surrounded by cold and yin energy gathered together. They were dense and boundless.

From fifty meters away from Su Chen and the two of them, they spread for dozens of people. Kilometers away at the foot of the Imperial City.

There are probably over a million of them!

【Imperial City Ghost Soldier]

Level: Level 30

HP: 15.000

Attack: 1000

Defense: 300

Skill: [Yin Qi】、【[Soul Possession]

Description: A terrifying unit transformed from huge Yin Qi. If the Yin Qi does not dissipate, the ghost soldiers in the imperial city will never die.

These ghost soldiers are apparently elite monsters.

But its attributes are comparable to those of a mini-Boss.

The key is also to have two skills: [Yin Qi] and [Soul Possession]

【Yin Qi] skill is the same as the dungeon buff. Units attacked by ghost soldiers or attacking ghost soldiers will immediately be negatively affected by a 30% reduction in attack speed and movement speed.

【Soul Possession] is even more terrifying.

It directly occupies the body of an ordinary unit and controls him to attack.

Similar to Banshee's [Occupy] skill.

You know, if the player does not have special blood or buffs, there is a certain probability that these ghost soldiers will take over the body.

This is too scary.

Once occupied, it is basically declared out.

Su Chen has the Dragon King bloodline, which is the most supreme bloodline in the world. He is able to fight against gods and ghosts, but he is not afraid of the skills of ghost soldiers.

But that's not the case with Duobao Pagoda Forest.

He belongs to a category of targets whose souls may be possessed by ghost soldiers.

Fortunately, he had a lot of treasures, so Ding Ling Dang took out a lot of gadgets and slapped them on him.

The whole body was immediately shrouded in a layer of yellow light, which seemed to be able to isolate the influence of the ghost soldiers' skills.

Wow, wow... the movements of Su Chen and the two caught the attention of the ghost soldiers.

Thousands of ghost soldiers roared silently and charged towards them with rusty swords.

Duobao Talin screamed and hid behind Su Chen.

The latter was happy and unafraid, but was full of fighting spirit.

He had the dragon cavalry legion, and Long Ji Mengli's [Fire Meteor from Heaven] forbidden spell.

Such a large number of ghost soldiers in the imperial city are a huge amount of experience and equipment for him!

It’s an excellent place for leveling up!

Buzz, buzz...

Su Chen immediately created his clone Ji Mengli.

Thousands of dragon knights were summoned from the dragon general's space.

The thick aura immediately pushed back all the Yin Qi within a kilometer of the surrounding area.

"Dragon Cavalry obeys the order! charge!"

Su Chen jumped up and climbed onto the six-meter-tall Thunder Dragon King.

He raised his sword [Zhutian Emperor] and pointed it diagonally forward.

Suddenly, a thousand dragonriders, led by Su Chen, formed a sagittal shape and headed toward millions of people. The ghost soldiers rushed over.

Ji Mengli transformed into a black dragon, flew high in the sky, and began to condense the terrifying fire elements.

Boom! As soon as Su Chen's dragon cavalry came into contact with the imperial city's ghost soldiers, it was like overwhelming them, destroying the densely packed ghosts. The soldiers were torn to pieces, smashed apart, and crushed into dust!

Defending more than a thousand dragonriders, these seemingly terrifying ghost soldiers of the imperial city could not break their defense at all.

On the contrary, it was the dragonriders themselves that had the unique property of exorcising evil and suppressing evil. , exerting its own attack to the extreme, reaching 200% lethality.

Coupled with the attack and defense buffs of Su Chen's [Dragon General Halo].

One blow from the Dragon Rider is enough to kill an Imperial City ghost soldier instantly.

As for the Imperial City The ghost soldiers' [Yin Qi] and [Soul Occupation] skills have no effect on these dragon knights.

Even the Thunder Dragon, because of its dragon bloodline, is not afraid of the ghost soldiers' soul possession.

The Thunder Dragon's [Thunder Strike] , is also a powerful skill for dealing with Yin Qi and ghosts.

The fronts of thousands of dragon knights are like red-hot swords, piercing into the ice and snow.

There are thousands of thunder and lightning falling around.

Almost every minute In one second, countless ghost soldiers were killed

"Ding! You killed [Imperial City Ghost Soldier]*1 and gained experience value*1000 (leap-level experience bonus)! Get contribution value*1!"

"Ding! Congratulations on getting your contribution points and successfully opening the [Imperial City Ruins] dungeon area contribution value ranking list! For list details, please check in the taskbar!"

"Ding! You killed [Imperial City Ghost Soldier]*1 and gained experience value*1000 (leap-level experience bonus)! Get contribution value*1!"

"Ding! You get the level 30 bronze equipment [Ghost Soldier Boots]*1! Get 5 silver coins!"

"Ding! you killed……"

There is a continuous sound of kill notifications in my mind.

Su Chen noticed the opening of the contribution ranking list.

At that moment, he led the dragon cavalry and charged towards the place with the largest number of ghost soldiers in the imperial city.

While checking this list

【Ranking of Contribution Value of Imperial City Ruins]

No. 1, [Don’t Lose the Emperor] Guild, contribution value: 6.8 million, current area: Outer City of Imperial City Ruins.

No. 2, [Beast Blood Boiling] Guild, contribution value: 4.5 million, current area: outer city of the Imperial City Ruins.

No. 3, [Frenzy Four] Guild, contribution value: 3 million, current location: outer city of the Imperial City Ruins.

No. 4, [Sakura Ren] Guild, contribution value: 2.9 million, current area: outer city of the Imperial City Ruins.

No. 5, [Famous Family] Guild, contribution value: 54, current location: suburbs of the Imperial City ruins

No. 55, [God of War] Guild, TributeValue: 1680, current area: suburbs of the Imperial City ruins

See this list.

Su Chen frowned slightly.

Starting from the 5th place, all guilds are still fighting with the ghost soldiers of the imperial city on the outskirts of the imperial city ruins.

It is impossible for ordinary players to fight millions of ghost soldiers.

It must have reached cooperation with the main city forces of the Commercial Principality. With the help of NPC, it was possible to earn tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of contribution points.

But the contribution values ​​and regions of No. 1 to No. 4 on the list are a bit strange.

The contribution value of these four guilds not only far exceeds that of all other guilds.

Moreover, they had already penetrated the wave of ghost soldiers on the outskirts of the imperial city and entered the outer city area.

Reminiscent of Duobao Pagoda Lin's reminder, the agent forces of the four realms of gods, ghosts, demons and demons have entered the ruins of the imperial city.

It seems that these four guilds must have united with these agency forces!

At the same time,"Sakura Purgatory", an R guild from the evil camp, actually appeared on the list again.

You must know that they were defeated on the battlefield of the Battle of Dragon City

"It seems that they have been involved in the mission [Imperial City Ruins] for a long time, but they don’t know how far it has progressed now.……"

There may be a [Heart of Divine Power] in the ruins of the Imperial City, and Su Chen believes that these four major agent forces are also here for this thing.

We must speed up!

【[Heart of Divine Power] must belong to him, Su Chen! Belongs to Dragon City!


Ps: 1st update. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! (

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