Once the combat power exceeds 10 million, it will be a huge span, and all the numerical abilities of the body will be improved in all directions without dead ends, which is simply reborn.

Although he is now coagulated immortal cells, he is not a Quartet General in essence, and only enjoys some special abilities of the Quartet General.

Such abilities, such as inward vision, deafness and vision, farther vision, and sharper vision, include probing the qi and blood power of some low-level martial artists.

Before, he had used one of the abilities of the immortal cell, and he could see through the blood on Jiang Hao's body at a glance.

"Only by becoming a Quartet town general can you enter the hall and enter the real world of martial artists. "

Such a thought flashed in his heart, and Jiang Yuan continued to temper the dissolved qi and blood.

Every time the meridians circulate, you can clearly feel the growth of qi and blood.

With the circulation again and again, Jiang Yuan found a peculiar place, the flow of qi and blood is mainly arterial, and the veins remain relatively still.

This also means that the qi and blood in the veins are not greatly enhanced by the circulation of the arteries.

"If you can drive the qi and blood in the veins, and carry out a complete circulation of all blood vessels in the body, what will be the rate of increase of qi and blood?"

Jiang Yuan had a whim, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his brain was also running rapidly.

It has originated from the formula as the base draft, and it has been a thousand times the talent as a thrust, and the speed of a large number of moments is even beyond the running speed of ordinary computers.

He hurriedly took paper and pen from the drawer and scribbled on the paper.

If it was said that when he was a hundred times more talented in the past, what he wrote, ordinary people could barely understand it, and knew that it was words.

But when he created the origin formula, everything he wrote was like a ghost drawing, and it was all a ring of formula steps.

And now, a hundredfold talent has advanced a thousandfold, and all the words are like a lock, and when they are combined, they can't be read at all, let alone understood.

Relying on the existing mother tongue, adding his own understanding and transformation, a kind of writing that only he can understand gradually appears.

Under his calculations, dense, increasingly complex formulas were solved, and they were calculated.

In the end, each word has lost its meaning, and is just a symbol in a small formula.

Countless symbols are combined into a complete formula.

Countless complete formulas, combined into a difficult language.

The whole formula contains countless variables and contains countless details, from the calculation formula of cells to the cell population, down to the smallest details.

When the sky was slightly bright, Jiang Yuan let out a sigh of relief, picked up the manuscript and shook it, with satisfaction in his eyes.

Everything is ready, now it's time for the experiment.

Then he closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and the qi and blood in his whole body were like a long dragon, and he woke up in an instant.

According to his calculations.

Arterial qi and blood must boil, boiling in the body for a long time, reaching a critical point, instantly impacting the dividing line between the artery and the meridians, and blowing up.

You can't stop ......

Don't stop ......

Boom ......

Jiang Yuan's eyes opened suddenly, and he was instantly congested, and the blood turned into a sharp sword, and he came between the two realms, leading to the long river of veins.

"Broken ......


The meridians on Jiang Yuan's face were bulging, and the qi and blood in his body, like a hundred-meter giant, towered into the clouds, suddenly accelerated, crossed the ocean, and instantly hit the coastline.

Buzz ......

In an instant, a concussive sensation spread throughout the body, the eardrum disappeared, and consciousness diffused.

The blood of the arteries flowed backwards into the veins, and at the moment of connection, the terrifying momentum boiled on Jiang Yuan's body, and the grocery waste paper on the entire attic was constantly agitated by a strong air current.

The basic combat power is like a flood, soaring all the way.

200,000 ......

Two hundred and twenty thousand ......

Two hundred and fifty thousand ......

300,000 ......

500,000 ......

The basic combat power was finally fixed at an unbelievable height of 600,000.

At the center of the brain's eyebrows, the immortal cells were trembling wildly, shaking the surrounding space, shattering the countless surrounding cells, turning them into rolling nutrients, which were pulled and absorbed.

The position of Jiang Yuan's eyebrows is rapidly concave at a speed that is already visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the immortal cells vibrated even more violently, and they actually split into two with a sound from the central wave.

It's like two quanta, entangled with each other, and the number of turbulences suddenly decreases, one vibrates at the same time, and the other vibrates at the same time no matter how far away it is.

They are like two tiny hearts, beating with the powerful beating of the heart.

Every time it beats, it transmits an invisible ripple that sweeps through the whole body in an instant.

All the pores on his body were closing, and the tiny cold hairs were falling off one by one, and even the skin on his face became firm and smooth.

This is the immortal glazed golden body of the Quartet town general.

His golden light and shadow before was not a complete immortal glazed golden body, at most it could only be regarded as a semi-finished body, and all kinds of abilities were naturally castrated versions.

Now by mistake, he has created a complete immortal glazed golden body for him.

The defense power has increased suddenly, and he doesn't know how much it has increased, which requires special equipment to detect.

At this time, the sound of going upstairs rang out.

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