Jiang Yuan swallowed the power of a law, his face did not change color, and the origin formula in his body quickly took effect, and he immediately decomposed it and turned it into his own thing.

Just breathing, the power of this law directly cut off the connection with the wind war.

This means that it has been swallowed by the river source.

"You, you...... You actually ......" Feng Zhan's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Yuan like a ghost, his hair stood on end, and his real scalp was numb, which was terrifying.

"You actually fused me and me in such a short period of time, you, you, you...... What the hell are you a monster?"

Weathered and desperate looked at Jiang Yuan, his heart was full of gloom.

"Actually, you have been beating my mind all along, trying to steal the creation from me and divide the power of my laws. "

Jiang Yuan was indifferent, and his voice couldn't hear the slightest fluctuation: "It's a pity that all your plans are in my calculations, kill you now, and I will go down to accompany you when I meet Kuching, you won't be lonely." "

"No, no, no......"

Weathered horror yelling.

But in an instant, the force of the terrifying pull suddenly multiplied.

Because Jiang Yuan's strength has increased innumerably, it is even stronger than before.

In an instant, all the power of the remaining twelve laws was pulled out, and all of them flew into Jiang Yuan's mouth, as if swallowing, and he took a big bite and ate them all.

In the blink of an eye, all the laws were refined.


In an instant, Jiang Yuan's aura suddenly erupted and became even more powerful, incomparably majestic.

The power of the thirteen laws is fully increased, and the previous ten are added to reach the power of the twenty-three laws.

Under the explosion of thirty times the gain, it is a full gain of the power of six hundred and nine laws.

"Jiangyuan ......"

The weathered aura instantly became sluggish, but with a smell of a broken cauldron on his face, he looked at Jiang Yuan with vicious eyes, and roared hysterically: "Jiang Yuan, I have already felt it." "

"You didn't reach the level of a Holy Dao Heavenly God, but you just used some kind of secret method to make yourself so large that I immediately lost my sense of proportion. "

He recovered from the initial shock, and now knew that he was going to die, and immediately felt the breath of Jiang Yuan.

"Jiang Yuan, don't be complacent. He looked at Jiang Yuan with hatred in his eyes and said, "The strength of the Celestial God is so strong that you can't imagine it, he will soon know that you killed me, and he will definitely avenge me when the time comes." "

In the end, the voice was almost roaring, with unwillingness.

"That's a lot of nonsense. "

Jiang Yuan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, his palm was forceful, and with a click, the berries exploded, and the last breath of life was directly shattered, completely blurred.

But this was not enough, Jiang Yuan's big hand swiped lightly, and the palm of his hand collapsed all of a sudden, becoming a black hole heaven and earth, erupting into a strong devouring force.

Countless materials in the surrounding space are twisted and swirled and pulled in.

At this moment, the weathering really disappeared, and it can be said that the body was wiped out, and all traces of existence were erased, not even the breath of existence.

Immediately after, a brilliant golden light erupted in Jiang Yuan's eyes, piercing out, directly enveloping the request below.

swept over countless living beings, and even the most primitive cell structure was not spared.

Because he knew that the death of a Heavenly God was such a sensation for the Three Thousand Great Domains, the academy would inevitably send people back to investigate.

Memories can be extracted from all matter, and cells are one of the easiest means of exploration.

But now the entire planet, all living beings, and even the memories contained in the cells have been erased by Jiang Yuan, and if you explore here, all clues will be cut off.

In the next second, his gaze slowly turned in another direction.

There, Kuching is still attacking planets with impunity.

Countless living beings were pulled by him into the microcosm of his body.

Jiang Yuan stepped out in one step, and it was an infinite distance in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared not far from the other party.

At this time, Kuching directly shattered a huge planet, and all the creatures inside were like ants, and their bodies flew up uncontrollably, constantly burrowing into his heart.

But in the next second, he sensed something, and his eyes suddenly looked behind him.

I saw an incomparably majestic body, so towering that he had to look up.

"You ......" In an instant, Kuching was almost suffocated, his brain was starved of oxygen, he couldn't think, and he was stupid.

The body of a ten-billion-meter-level god is terrifying.

He was also like a weather, he entered the misunderstanding of thinking, and immediately regarded the huge heavenly god in front of him as a holy path heavenly god.

Frightened breathing is difficult, mouth open, can barely think.

There was also a panic in his heart, and he almost didn't want to say: "Sage...... Yes Yes Yes Yes ...... It was the God of the Sky Moon who made me do this, and he was building celestial warships. "

"I didn't agree, but he threatened me......"

Kuching lowered his head and lied directly, thinking that it was the god of the academy who arrived here and wanted to arrest him, and he was trembling with fright.

However, Jiang Yuan's voice resounded faintly, "Look up and see who I am?"

Kuching was slightly stunned, and found that this voice was very familiar, and it was almost exactly the same as Jiang Yuan.

However, as soon as such a thought rose in his mind, he immediately denied it.

Just kidding, this supreme being in front of him is the fourth stage of the Heavenly God, how can it be the same as Jiang Yuan's voice, could it be that Jiang Yuan or the Holy Dao Heavenly God can't be?

Almost at such a thought just fell.

As if he had suddenly woken up, he hurriedly raised his head and saw Jiang Yuan's expressionless face at a glance.

"You, you, you......"

Kuching lost his sense of proportion in shock, and his direct tense was not calm, he pointed at Jiang Yuan in horror, and said in a trembling voice: "You, you, you...... You are Jiang Yuan, this ...... How is this possible......"

His heart was beating faster, extremely terrifying, looking at Jiang Yuan carefully, his brain was thinking quickly, and he immediately found a lot of clues.

Although Jiang Yuan was huge, he did not have the terrifying aura of the Holy Dao Heavenly God on his body.

"No, you're not a holy god, you're ...... Could it be some secret method!" Kuching was shocked and looked at Jiang Yuan in shock.

The beating of his heart gradually recovered, and he said with a far-fetched smile on his face: "Brother Jiang Yuan, it really scares me! Don't scare my brother like this next time, if you do it again, I'm afraid I will be scared to death by you." "

"Not anymore. Jiang Yuan's voice said lightly: "Because there will be no next time." "

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