Suddenly, I saw Jiang Yuan, standing not far away, facing him from the side.

Almost at the moment of seeing him.

Lan Liangliang's mouth suddenly opened wide, and a pair of eyes almost rushed out of their sockets.

A creepy feeling swept through the whole body in an instant.

It's even more terrifying than watching the devil in a horror movie suddenly appear in front of you.

And he thinks more.

They are a star boat from the Qianyuan Great Domain, and they are going to the Qiankun Great Domain.

The previous video was shot from the Qianyuan domain, and it was passed over little by little, and if it was accurately calculated, the time was not much different.

What's more coincidental is that this starship is the starboat that went to the Qiankun Great Domain.

Especially, the people in the video, although they only see the side.

But they can be 99.9 percent sure that it is definitely Jiang Yuan.

Now, Jiang Yuan is actually standing there.

Is all this a coincidence?

Even Lan Liangliang couldn't convince himself.

The only problem is.

If Jiang Yuan is really the person in the video, a terrifying myth, and a martial arts god, then how can such an existence take a star boat, I am afraid that one leap can reach the Qiankun Great Domain.

"Long time no see. "

At this time, Jiang Yuan slowly walked towards the two of them, with a smile on his face.

But this faint smile made the two people feel creepy, and a chill invaded their hearts.

It's so similar.

It's too much like the person in the video, it's exactly the same.

"Jiang ...... Jiang Yuan Brothers......"

Lan Liangliang looked at Jiang Yuan stupidly, his brain was short-circuited for a while, and the previous title came as soon as he opened his mouth, and only reacted in the next second, and hurriedly said: "No, no, no...... Jiangyuan ......"

But as soon as he changed his words, he didn't know what to call Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan smiled faintly and said, "Don't be so restrained, I didn't expect such a coincidence, I can see you here." "

Lan Liangliang nodded wildly, not knowing how to answer.

Lan Yue'er beside her looked at Jiang Yuan stupidly, and it took a long time to react, and she said in shock: "You, you, you...... Are you coming from the Qianyuan Great Domain and returning to the Qiankun Great Domain?"

Jiang Yuan bowed slightly.

Lan Liangliang's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes were even more terrifying.

At this moment, a crisp female voice sounded in my ears.

"You're their friend? The woman looked Jiang Yuan up and down a few times, and her voice was very indifferent.

Many people around looked at it.

Some people couldn't help but continue to open the wrist bracelet, watch a video, and glance at Jiang Yuan again.

Many people couldn't help but show surprise.

The two are too similar, and the whole side face is exactly the same.

"What is your opinion?" Jiang Yuan turned over, his face became indifferent and indifferent in an instant, and his face was expressionless.

This moment.

As soon as the woman's heart jumped, she felt a sudden pressure coming, and she couldn't help but take a step back.

Looking at Jiang Yuan, he didn't dare to say anything for a while.


At this moment, a roar suddenly rang out, extremely dull, and came from far away.

The voice was mighty and powerful, attracting everyone's attention at once.

Jiang Yuan also looked over.

I saw the chaotic sea of waves surging far away, and on the horizon, a brilliant golden light, like a big sun, continued to rise, extremely dazzling and brilliant.

At first, only a ray of light rose.

But between breaths, on the horizon, a mass of the sun followed, rising rapidly, in considerable numbers, densely, and terrifyingly.

The roaring sound is even louder.

"What's that?"

"It's like the sun, it's a big sun, but isn't it three thousand great domains here? how can there be so many more big days rising from the sea level?"

"The Great Day of the Sea Rising...... How does it feel ......"

There was a lot of talk about it, and for a while they didn't know what was going on, after all, they were far away.

But at this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded from the direction of the stern, with endless horror and shock.

"That's not the big day...... That's Jiuyang...... It is the existence of the Jiuyang Great Realm, crossing the Chaos Sea. "

The voice was extremely shocking, and the voice said hurriedly: "I was fortunate enough to see it once in the Chaos Sea, and I will never forget it, so many existences of the Nine Yang Great Realm appeared at once, this is ......"

"What an earth-shattering change this is!"

As his voice fell, countless people suddenly woke up.

A pair of eyes stared at the sea level in the distance.

You can see the big suns, as if out of the vast chaotic sea, one by one, the speed is incomparably fast.

Just look at the head of the head, the next moment, it has been completely lifted into the air.

Sweeping it at a glance, there are hundreds of them, densely packed, making people's scalp numb.

Lined up in a row, neatly arranged, like the Great Sun God Army, majestic and terrifying to the extreme.

At the moment when the great sun rose into the sky, the temperature of the entire Chaos Sea suddenly increased, and the Chaos Sea seemed to be boiling, and the waves were sweeping one after another.

Roaring and lapping the giant starship.

The entire starship shook constantly, and everyone was driven to shake constantly.

But at this time, no one was paying attention to the situation around them, and they looked into the distance in horror.

A low exclamation, rising and falling on each other.

Everyone was almost stunned.

Even the two Lan Liangliang beside him stood there dumbfounded, with their mouths open, like fools.

Lan Yue'er was even more dumbfounded and counted the numbers.

"One ...... Great day, two great days, three great days...... Ten Great Sun ...... Thirty great days. "

Her voice is not loud, but on the star boat at this moment, it is extremely loud, constantly transmitting her voice.

"Ninety...... Ninety-nine ......"

When it came to the end, her voice was almost hoarse, full of endless fear: "One...... 100 ......"

The moment the voice fell, a low gasping sound of cold air resounded in an instant.

There are a hundred great suns, each of which is like a sun, incomparably huge, constantly rising into the sky, mighty, and the heaven and earth under the light are shining with golden light.

The entire starship was completely shrouded in golden light, as if it was made of gold, and the golden light was shining.

In the inner lounge of the Star Boat, countless people also walked out one after another.

But the moment they came to the deck, it was as if they had been spelled, their mouths open, their eyes wide open, and they were completely stunned.

Really dumbfounded.

Boom Boom Boom ......

At this moment, a terrifying voice suddenly rang out. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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