Lin Yuan naturally knew what Ning Shu wanted him to call him.

Lin Yuan immediately smiled and said:"Okay, then I will continue to call you Shu'er. But I still have to thank Shu'er properly, and thank Director Ning for your"

"I may not have exercised enough before, but I just bought a whole box of props, which are all quite fun."

"It will arrive in a few days. Then I will bring them to the door to thank Director Ning and Shu'er. Lin

Yuan smiled and said with a strange tone.


Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

The other end is sitting in the office.

Ning Shu originally had a cold face and a pretty face with authority.

His face instantly turned red.

And he just muttered for a long time. stammered.

Neither could type or speak.

It was obvious that Director Ning, who was usually unparalleled in front of his subordinates, was extremely shy at this time.

But Ning Shu was actually very excited.

So not only did he not feel angry at Lin Yuan's words.

Instead, anticipation and excitement arose.

Listening to Ning Shu's moaning voice.

Lin Yuan smiled.

He knew what Ning Shu was thinking at this time.

Because for Ning Shu, who is shaking An's mother.

What Lin Yuan said was not a joke. is the real reward.

Ning Shu would like it very much.

But there's no rush in this matter.

Let’s talk about it later.

Now it’s about the Lin family’s pharmaceutical industry.

He still has things to do.

Although the Chen family has been ruined.

The market share and reputation of Lin's Biopharmaceuticals have also increased significantly.

But this was not enough for Lin Yuan.

Because although now we are taking advantage of the trend of specific influenza drugs.

The Lin Group's reputation in the pharmaceutical industry has been completely established.

But for the promotion of self-interest.

In fact, there are not enough.

In other words, be more utilitarian and realistic.

That means the ability to make and attract money is insufficient.

The pharmaceutical industry is very profitable.

Otherwise, the Chen family would not regard it as its basic industry.

But this time, this is a special flu medicine.

After all, it is about an emergency situation and a major event concerning the entire Jiangbei.

So it’s not good to set the price too high.

Except for the thoughts of Lin Yuan and the Lin Group themselves.

There will definitely be some control from above.

So Lin Yuan decided on a more reasonable one from the beginning.

But the profit margin is average at the price.

But that's why.

The reputation of Lin's Biopharmaceutical Group has also been established.

Therefore, Lin Yuan plans to launch other pharmaceutical products.

As for what it is.

Lin Yuan had already thought about it.

Don't hesitate.

Lin Yuan immediately met Lin's father and mother Lin, who were still very happy about the Chen family's encounter. was raised directly at this time.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words.

Father Lin and Mother Lin also nodded one after another.

They all agreed very much

"Indeed, it is very important for us to attack the Chen family this time, but there is indeed a lot of room for improvement in the profit margins of the development of the pharmaceutical industry."Meng Yuelan said

"Um. So Xiaoyuan, you said you would use this time to launch other pharmaceutical products. What specific pharmaceutical products are they?"Lin Jianjun asked Lin Yuan curiously after agreeing.

Meng Yuelan and other core decision-makers also heard their conversation.

They all completely agreed with Lin Yuan's words.

Then they all looked at Lin Yuan curiously. Yuan.

Waiting for Lin Yuan to tell the group's next specific development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Lin Yuan smiled and said:"What kind of pharmaceutical products? When it comes to profit margins, of course it is……"


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