This news about Chen Group’s special medicine.

Meng Yuelan read it out with a somewhat surprised tone.

Everyone present also felt quite incredible.

Because they all know it.

Chen’s biopharmaceutical factory and other facilities.

Definitely much more than the Lin family who have just entered the pharmaceutical industry.

After all, the Chen family has been in this business for decades.

So when so many factories are operating at the same time.

How could there not be enough production, causing the special medicine to be out of stock?

It’s simply a fantasy.

But the fact is so

"What is going on with the Chen family?"

Everyone was confused.

But Lin Yuan smiled.

Lin Jianjun on the side was thinking.

His mind has always been quite bright. At this time, seeing Lin Yuan's smile,

Lin Jianjun suddenly asked:"Xiao Yuan, what did you just say? You said there was no rush, there would be a turnaround soon. Did you know that this would happen?"


Lin Yuan smiled and nodded.

After hearing Lin Jianjun's question and seeing Lin Yuan's nod, everyone also looked over.

They all remembered it.

It seems that Lin Yuan had said it several times before. Time.

Don't worry.

There will be a turnaround and so on.

So Lin Yuan had known it for a long time?

But how did Lin Yuan know.

Will there be a problem with the Chen family?

Lin Jianjun asked Lin Yuan again:"Xiao Yuan , the Chen family's special medicine is out of stock, is it related to the herbal medicine you asked Qi Yuanwei and the others to purchase before?"

Lin Jianjun's mind is still very flexible.

He suddenly remembered some unusual things in the past and connected them slightly.

Lin Yuan did not deny it. He nodded with a smile and said:"Yes, the Chen family's affairs are the same as mine. It has something to do with letting people collect foldgrass."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Lin Jianjun didn't say anything.

But Qi Yuanwei on the side was confused first.

He couldn't help but ask:"Young Master Lin, the medicine Zhejiang Herba seems to be similar to their medicine and ours. Doesn't it matter if the medicine is taken? It seems like the two special medicines don’t need this herbal medicine?"

Qi Yuanwei is in charge of the special medicine project, and the Chen family's previous special medicines were on the market. The Lin family must have immediately obtained a few copies for study.

So Qi Yuanwei knew clearly that none of them needed this herbal medicine.

So. Qi Yuanwei still didn't understand what Lin Yuan said.

Everyone was also quite puzzled.

But after hearing Qi Yuanwei's words,

Lin Yuan smiled and said,"It is true that among the special medicines of the Chen family, there is indeed no such thing as folded grass." Ingredients. But it doesn’t mean it’s not needed"

"The special medicines from the Chen family have serious side effects and sequelae. There are several herbs in them that can cure diseases, but they are also extremely toxic. They must be neutralized by the addition of Zhelicia."

"Otherwise, people will die if they eat it, or in other words, someone has already died."

"Therefore, in order to avoid bigger things happening and to avoid exposure, the Chen family was forced to stop selling medicine and treating people. However, paper cannot contain fire, and the truth cannot be hidden."

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, everyone's eyes widened.

Then they continued.

Sure enough, someone came over and reported the news soon.

It turned out that the reason why the Chen family stopped selling the medicine was really because of their special medicine. Someone is dead!

After hearing the news reported by the visitor, everyone looked at Lin Yuan in surprise.

Then they also wanted to understand Lin Yuan's strange behavior before.


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