However, relying on the Chen family's background in the pharmaceutical industry in Jiangbei.

Plus a cheap price.

The Chen family's market share is also gradually expanding.

As Lin Yuan said before.

This flu is not limited to Jiangbei City.

There are also the following cities, counties, villages and towns.

All will be affected.

It’s okay not to have competition.

The Lin Group can capture all markets step by step.

But the Chen family intervened at this time.

Indeed, many markets have been robbed. quickly.

The Lin family's side.

It was also received that the Chen family also developed a special medicine.

And there is news that it has begun to seize the market with Lin Group.

"This Chen Meng actually wants to start a price war in this area and seize the market!"

Lin Jianjun said in the Lin Group conference room

"Yes, the Chen family has been in this industry for a long time. Therefore, our influence on the following cities and counties is indeed greater than that of our Lin Group. In terms of sinking into the market, we really don’t have much advantage!"

Meng Yuelan also nodded and said

"Xiaoyuan, the Chen family has jumped out and obviously wants to compete with us head-on. What do you think we should do next?"

After Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan said a few words, they turned to ask Lin Yuan.

The other decision-makers in the conference room all turned to look at Lin Yuan.

Apparently they were all seeking Lin Yuan's opinion.

It was obvious that the Chen family suddenly intervened..

The people on the Lin Group's side were still a little anxious.

Lin Yuan immediately said:"I have to think about it. If you have any ideas, you can tell me first."

He could see that Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan had something to say.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Meng Yuelan immediately said:"If this situation continues to develop, the Chen family may pass the price and background, and then in the special effects The pharmaceutical market is overtaking in this aspect. So I think we should find ways to attack from other aspects"

"For example, finance, manufacturing, etc. Our Lin Group is about to start a war with them anyway, so why not start earlier!"

"right! I support Director Meng's decision, and I also think we can pursue Chen Sheng. After all, we still have an advantage now."

As Meng Yuelan finished speaking, many people at the decision-making level expressed support.

Lin Jianjun also nodded.

He obviously thought so too.

He planned to carry out a deadly attack on Chen Aji while he was sick.

With Lin Yuan's advance deployment.

Now regarding the influenza drug market, the Lin Group still has the advantage.

That's why Lin Jianjun and Meng Yuelan think so.

But regarding Meng Yuelan's proposal,

Lin Yuan shook his head and said:"Don't worry, the advantage is Definitely have to take advantage of it. But we don’t need to attack from other industries"

"The Chen family must be severely damaged through medicine, which is the Chen family's pillar industry. If we use more force now, it will actually give them a break. Because of the impact of other industries, the impact on the Chen family is not that big."

"There is also the current situation of the spread of influenza, which makes it difficult for other industries to take action."

Lin Yuan rejected Meng Yuelan's proposal.

But after hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Meng Yuelan and others thought for a while and said,"Should we continue to study medicine? Then should we release all the medicines in the medicine warehouse and speed up production?

Lin Yuan said:"Releasing it now can indeed further occupy the market and expand its advantages." However, if we ramp up production even more, it will be impossible to fully supply the entire Jiangbei area."

"This flu will affect the cities and counties below Jiangbei. It is already a protracted war."

"There is no need to rush into this protracted battle, and there is no need to be demanding to speed up the process, because the group is already doing a good job and the production speed is very fast."

"As long as we continue to maintain it, it is enough. We just need to wait and wait for the other party to make mistakes. Just take one step at a time and continue to watch slowly." Different from everyone who felt the threat of the Chen family and was a little anxious.

Lin Yuan was playing with his mobile phone while talking casually. He was quite calm.

Looking at Lin Yuan's appearance , everyone was also quite calm after hearing Lin Yuan's words.


I didn’t understand what Lin Yuan was thinking.

Lin Yuan suddenly asked Qi Yuanwei, the person in charge of pharmaceuticals this time:"By the way, how did you collect the folded grass that I asked you to collect before?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Qi Yuanwei quickly replied:"According to what you said, I have collected most of the folded grasses on the market in Jiangbei. The few remaining retail investors are also in the process of purchasing and collecting. Lin

Yuan nodded and said:"Well, if we speed up the collection of folded grass, we won't hesitate to increase the price.""

Hearing Lin Yuan's sudden conversation with Qi Yuanwei, everyone became even more confused.

They didn't understand what Lin Yuan and Qi Yuanwei were talking about.

But no one asked more questions.

Although the Chen family was coming menacingly,

Lin Yuan seemed to know what he was talking about. Look.

They all believed in Lin Yuan.

So they continued to go back to deal with their work.

Then they continued to wait as Lin Yuan said.

Only Lin Jianjun, Meng Yuelan and a few others were waiting.

In the conference room with Lin Yuan Waiting for the situation inside.

There is a huge electronic screen at the front of the conference room.

It shows the current specific situation.

For example, there is a curve that can reflect the proportion of specific influenza drugs in real time.

There is one yellow and one yellow on it. There are two green curves, the yellow one is the Lin Group, and the green one is the Chen family.

At this time, the green curve is gradually catching up with the yellow one.

Everyone in the Lin Group on the side is getting more and more anxious.

At this moment.

Lin Yuan There was a slight vibration on the phone.

Apparently someone called or sent a message.


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